Some Time Tonight

12 01 2016


P-D feed.  When it happens, it’ll be the first to tell.

While the subcommittee of owners considering L.A. relocation and stadium proposals recommended Carson over Inglewood with a 5-1 vote earlier today, the first vote of all the owners had Inglewood with a 20-12 lead over Carson, which mean Kroenke only needs to find four more votes, which he probably will by tonight.

I anticipate that tonight, he’ll get his 24, and they’ll grease the skids with Spanos and the pro-Carson people to get enough to flip by promising to plow the $1.1 billion of relocation fees that the league will get from Kroenke and Spanos into the war chest to build Carson, which should help grease that proposal’s own political skids, as it’s going to rely on a fair amount of public money.  Which means the Rams in Inglewood and the Chargers in Carson, both with their new buildings.  In fact, both venues could be done at about the same time, which means that Spanos will never have to be a tenant of Kroenke’s, and the only thing they’ll have to share are the temporary accommodations at The Coliseum.



9 responses

12 01 2016
Alex the Goon

This is going to kill LA as a TV market, with automatic blackouts, and with mandatory airings of the local team’s games against Jacksonville or Tampon Bay. Only Vegas gets to see the best games every week, since they have no stupid “home team” to drag them down.

12 01 2016

More later, but I think two or even one team in L.A. is going to be something of a flop, mainly because of race demographics. Are we to think that Guatemala/Honduras/Chiapas cares about football?

Late gossip is that they’ll approve Inglewood and the Rams moving there but make Spanos stay in SD and make one more hail mary to the end zone for a new building in SD. I know Spanos does not like Kroenke personally.

12 01 2016
Alex the Goon

Aside from the Aztec problem, everyone else is a transplant from back East or somewhere else, and already have a favorite team. The old “City X travels well” meme will apply to lots of visiting teams — especially if the home team sucks. Lots of Aztecs like the Cowboys btw, for some ironic reason.

12 01 2016

That and even within the context of the state of California, southern California is old hat. The Bay Area and northern California now swing the big stick when it comes to state politics (Brown, Newsom, K. Harris, Feinstein, Boxer, the five most important people in CA politics, are all Bay Area-ites), and the tech industry now has the leg up over Hollywood/entertainment. This is why the league wants the Raiders to stay in Oakland, because I think they think they ultimately can get a new Oakland or East Bay stadium deal done. As it is, the Raiders have withdrawn their relocation application within the last half hour.

12 01 2016
David In TN

The idea of the Chargers sharing LA with the Rams is pure idiocy.

12 01 2016

Chargers have a year to swing a deal with Kroenke to be his tenant at Inglewood starting in 2019, when Inglewood will be done. If they don’t or cant, then the Raiders can negotiate to be Kroenke’s tenant. I think it’s a matter of what is Spanos’s priority: His dislike for Kroenke or his desire to be out of San Diego, which he has pretty much already kissed off. Media says that Spanos and Kroenke are already negotiating. It also means that Carson won’t happen.

If there is no Spanos-Kroenke deal, then I suspect that the league is going to use Kroenke’s other apartment in Inglewood as leverage to force San Diego and Oakland to get new buildings done.

Now, what’s going to become of the Edward Jones Dome? No NFL team, no real major sporting events. I would not be surprised if on the low, the NFL gives money to the CVC to do upkeep on the Dome, so that the NFL can have St. Louis as leverage to extort consideration out of other cities.

And also, a state Senate committee started markup today on a bill that would force the voters to approve state funding of a new stadium. That won’t be necessary now, fellas.

12 01 2016
Alex the Goon

Convert the dome into a Section 8000 housing complex.

12 01 2016

I’ll have more reactions, but I want to wait until after the “we did everything we could” local press conference, which will probably be some time tomorrow, and I want to digest some of the local and national reaction.

13 01 2016
David In TN

It would be better to be Number one in San Diego than Number two in Los Angeles.

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