Final Iowa Predictions

31 01 2016

Your Blogmeister’s Hotel Room

Trump will not only win, but I think his margin over Cruz will be somewhat shockingly high.  I think it’ll be in the double digits.  I’m betting on big Republican turnout in eastern Iowa.

HRC ekes it out over Bern, for the mash-up reason that it’s a caucus state and Bern is relying too heavily on under-30.  What will keep Bern close is that northeastern Iowa is basically an extension of Scandinavian-America Minnesota and Wisconsin, and Scandinavian style economic egalitarian social democracy is Bern’s wheelhouse, and that the sort of eastern Iowa voter that Chuck Laudner will get to go to Republican meetings and caucus for Trump won’t be available for HRC.



42 responses

31 01 2016
Marc Bahn

I suppose we can count on Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz moving to Israel.

31 01 2016

I’m hoping to see Bernola win this….I know the latest polls put him about three percent behind Hill. I just want to see her cry again. And if Bernie gets the nod (by some miracle), there are those who are predicting Trump wins all 50 states.

If that happened, the liberal cry-babies, vag voters and “f*ck cis” crowd might be prompted to start taking their own lives. And at that point, it’s this poll that will matter:

Jolly Time Blast O Butter Ultimate Theater Style
Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn
Act II Butter Lovers

31 01 2016

That’s where this #BernieBro hashtag row is coming from, HRC playing the “muh uterus” card.

The “Bernie Bros” Narrative: a Cheap Campaign Tactic Masquerading as Journalism and Social Activism

31 01 2016
Area Man

Remember the slogan Nixon’s the one?
The new version is Hillary’s the one with a vagina.

31 01 2016
Alex the Goon

Kettle Corn – almost as sweet as femcunt tears.

1 02 2016

Gah, they all sound like gay porn movie titles.

31 01 2016

Like I’ve been saying…Trump’s ground game runs under the radar. Ted Cruz’s ground game is voter shaming.

The Cruz operation also presumes that Trump caucus voters are allergic to snow.

31 01 2016
Alex the Goon
31 01 2016
Hard Right

Ok, I’m gonna pull some numbers outta thin air. Big Ricky does better than we expect. 28 Trump. 25 Cruz.

31 01 2016
Hard Right

Windoze – Brought to you by the makers of EDLIN….

I hate to sound like a Berniebro, but this doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

31 01 2016
Alex the Goon

Anyone care to revise their predictions, after Big Ricky’s The Power Of Christ Compels You pitch?

1 02 2016
Hard Right

Naw. The Pool Boy was praising Jesus throughout the last debate. It’s too much of a crapshoot to call.

1 02 2016
Hard Right

1 02 2016
The Gentle Grizzly

Trump said the magic word. Ethanol.

1 02 2016

Female Trump campaign worker grievances get public airing right on eve of caucus. Was she a plant all along, or did she get recruited after being let go? Hopefully this won’t distract any Iowans.

1 02 2016
1 02 2016

She looks like a real ball-buster….with the “sexy” pout of innumerable self-over-rating feminists. But her background seems legit. Could simply be a case of a very special princess running up against a real world scenario that failed to mirror her self-worth.

1 02 2016
Hard Right

Check out the thousand cock stare. It might be that Trump rejected her advances.

1 02 2016

” What will keep Bern close is that northeastern Iowa is basically an extension of Scandinavian-America Minnesota and Wisconsin, and Scandinavian style economic egalitarian social democracy is Bern’s wheelhouse,”


Over the years I have tried single-handedly (and sometimes double-fistedly) to convey to exactly that sort of person that not everybody is hardwired to function productively within Scandinavian-style democratic socialism.

It’s a hard sell till the point that they realize that DS emerged out of particular…historical…conditions. (That pomo thing of “contingency” that so many of them take as an article of faith.)

Once one can get them to see that, it opens all kinds of doors and windows on HBD.

1 02 2016
1 02 2016

I’m in a party watching the proceedings on C-SPAN. They’re showing the FSA swarming for Bern in Polk County (Des Moines). Looks like a whole lot of chaos.

1 02 2016
Hard Right

Yep. We’re all just waiting for the results.

1 02 2016
1 02 2016
Hard Right

Thanks. That’ll be a whole lot easier than trying to hack into C-SPAN’s webcast.

1 02 2016
1 02 2016

“Bill Clinton for First Gentleman” signs. Now there’s a laugh.

1 02 2016

“If anybody needs to use the bathroom, you must use it now.” I hope these bathrooms are trans-compliant. Otherwise, transphobia and cisprivilege.

1 02 2016
Hard Right

I’m confused. Are we supposed to leave the seat up or down?

1 02 2016
1 02 2016
1 02 2016
Hard Right

Well, this sucks. Looks like they’ve called it for Shrillary and Big Ricky Retardo.

I seem to have had my percentages backwards.

1 02 2016

I’m doubly disappointed in that Hilldog has apparently fended off the BernieBros. And of course…….Cruz. I guess we shouldn’t underestimate the power of last minute, sanctimonious prayer.

What I dread are the gloating articles dancing (prematurely I hope) on Trump’s grave; praising Rubio as if he’d won, and predicting a speedy “return to sanity”.


1 02 2016

It’s just Iowa. Remember, President Santorum, President Huckabee, Pat Robertson 2nd in ’88.

1 02 2016
Marc Bahn

Something stinks. Not so much from the Cruz win but from the media favorite’s out of nowhere “surge”.

1 02 2016
1 02 2016

When it comes to Iowa, the only thing I hear over and over is “evangelicals”. Obviously they are still calling the shots in Iowa on the Republican side. I’m surprised Uncle Ben didn’t do better. Cruz actually looks like a tv evangelist, and that must have lifted him. Rubio apparently prayed and praised too.

THE story for cucks will be girly-boot wearing Rubio’s “incredible showing”.

Maybe Trump’s showing shows *how well* he does in a semi-hostile environment like Iowa.

Polls predictive capability sucked once again.

Bring on the post-mortems, let’s see if we can learn anything.

1 02 2016
Hard Right

Liz Mair has explained her anti-Trump advertising strategy on Twitter. I don’t know how effective it was, but it illustrates where the cucks will be hitting him.

1 02 2016
Hard Right

1 02 2016
Hard Right

Cucks gloating

Conservative Twitter is ridiculously happy that Donald Trump lost in Iowa

1 02 2016
1 02 2016
Hard Right

1 02 2016
Hard Right

Wonder if there will be a recount on the Commiecrat side?

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