Three Letters He Didn’t Need.

4 12 2017

Guest post by Puggg

Remember back on Saturday, Blogmeister said he was starting to feel blah?

I wrote a comment there that I was planning to stop by and see him that day, but a bunch of stuff came up at work, and that I’d try for the next day, which was yesterday, but knowing by then he wasn’t feel good, I’d call first.

I called yesterday, and he was feeling much worse yesterday than on Saturday, so I held back.

This morning, worse yet.  So, it was off to Acute Care with him.

It’s the flu.

This means I’m back off the bench for a week to two.  Of course with the flu you’ve got to watch it real close.  This could be an easy flu and be gone sooner than a week, or a bad one and last three weeks or more, and then there’s always the worst possibility when it comes to flu, even though docs tell uncle the blood work which proves flu also shows his immune system is healthy enough, so that the worst probably won’t happen.

Uncle told me that acute care docs talked with his rehab docs, and that for the most part, this flu and the lingering traumatic brain injury have nothing to do with each other.  Which means that one won’t make the other worse.  The only hangup is that, as we all know, the traumatic brain injury is continuing to cause him problems when it comes to standing upright for anything close to a long period of time, and we all know the flu makes you weak.  That means coming up now when he’s suffering the worst of the flu symptoms, the rare few moments when he’ll have the oomph to get out of bed and do the necessary things in the necessary room may be at the same time when his brain won’t be letting his legs cooperate, which means he’ll need help, which of course he has plenty of where he’s being hidden out.

But I know I can’t be part of that help, because I’ve never had the flu, so I can’t be around him until he’s getting better from it.



17 responses

4 12 2017
Three Letters He Didn’t Need. — Countenance Blog – Homosapien Online Marketing

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4 12 2017

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4 12 2017

The hospital is a good place to visit but you don’t want to stay there any longer than necessary. Hope he feels better soon :)

4 12 2017

He’s not hospitalized, he was just at acute care long enough to get confirmation that it’s the flu. For what I’m guessing, that’s where he caught it, from one of his many frequent rehab appointments, because hospitals, being full of sick people, are really good for spreading infections. One other place that’s really good for that are jails and prisons, and my department has already been briefed to get ready for a bad flu season among inmates.

He’ll only be hospitalized if the symptoms get really bad, but failing that, and we all hope it doesn’t come to that, he’ll be riding this storm out at the secret hideout.

5 12 2017

Oh, good. You’re right, hospitals are bad places to catch stuff, especially since in my experience with a relative they’re not particularly attentive when it comes to keeping the place clean. I wouldn’t know about jails but that certainly stands to reason. The less time you spend in any of those places the better and you don’t want to even touch door knobs if you can help it. I look at medical facilities these days like giant petri dishes you can walk through. Not to mention that in my experience hospitals these days don’t have any management, patients might as well be potted plants, and the halls are filled with zombies wearing nurse’s uniforms. Assuming he’s on the mend, he’ll be much better off at home recuperating. Here’s to a speedy recovery :)

4 12 2017
David In TN

I used to get the flu once a year. It knocks you down until it goes away.

4 12 2017

Hope the blogmeister recovers soon.

4 12 2017


Now I know why we got briefed to watch out for flu out breaks in the jail

I don’t know if he got a flu shot for the winter yet or not, but it don’t matter now

4 12 2017
John Vawter

Flu shots are notoriously ineffective. The only good thing about being wheelchair bound (I am too), is when you have balance/dizziness issues, it’s a shorter, less-damaging trip to the floor.

QD and I are the Bond villains of the alt-right.

5 12 2017

Just to make sure there’s no misunderstanding, he’s not all the time bound to the wheelchair, it’s just that he needs it around at all times because he can’t stand upright for more than an hour and usually less.

5 12 2017

OK people, here’s where we’re at today. Talked with the uncle awhile ago.

Just what you’d expect with the flu, which means he looks and feels like warmed over death, all the symptoms, the works.

Only good news is that on the few occasions when he can get out of bed and go to the necessary room, he’s able to, and doesn’t need help, even if he’s real weak in doing it.

5 12 2017

Thank you for the latest updates, Puggg. Was wondering what happened and feared it was a setback from the accident (he had been back to posting comments on Disqus and suddenly stopped). Relieved it’s “just” the flu and hope he’ll be feeling much better in no time.

5 12 2017
Nicholas Stix

I hope this new crisis passes quickly.

Thanks for the updates, Puggg, and fro all that you do.

5 12 2017
Nicholas Stix

fro = for

6 12 2017

Wednesday update

Of course as you could all guess, I’ve got my hands and feet full with work.

So I couldn’t call the uncle back until within the hour.

No real change, it’s still bad, still the works. Once again the only good news is that those necessary times haven’t happened during times when the brain injury makes his brain lose control of his legs.

It’s probably going to be this same thing for a few more days.

6 12 2017

A school district in Illinois in between the metro east and Springfield is going to be closed the rest of the week because so many of the staff and students have the flu, district name starts with L.

6 12 2017

Ugh…flu…feel better blogmeister! The weather where I live has been going back and forth and many friends I know are sick. Gotta love seasonal changes and germs!

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