Confederate Railroaded.

10 07 2019

Guest post by Puggg

The news broke yesterday, and today, we found out why.  It’s because Illinois Gov. J.B. PRICK-er personally intervened.

The first article says that Shenandoah will still play the Fair.  Here is one of their famous songs.  All I can say is hide it from the Governor.



3 responses

11 07 2019

And that part of Illinois was generally pro-South during the WBTS.

It’s so obvious what’s going on here, Pritzker is showing off the blacks and libs in Chicago by shitting on far downstate.

21 07 2019

I think the plan may also be to sabotage attendance of the DQ State Fair (the only state fair I have ever attended BTW).
If the attendance drops and or fair loses more money than usual Jabba the Prick will use that to push to cancel it. It annoys him to have to spend money as far south as Springfield on a fair. It must enrage him to spend any money south of I-64.

I am shocked they have not moved the fair to Navy Pier or someplace like that. They would get rid of the livestock shows and butter cows and replace them with drag queen pageants and “courageous conversations” about white privilege. Sadly that might make money in Chiraq.

22 07 2019

The politics of the state fair were hot even back in 2009 when I lived close to Carbondale for that year.

I know that of the last five Governors, none have lived south of Kankakee.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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