Now That You’re Paying Attention

21 07 2014

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

The following is a short field guide to modern immigration politics for the newbie.

Congratulations, historic American nation.  You have finally discovered the immigration issue.

Now that the issue has your attention, and now that I have your attention, it’s time for Uncle Blogmeister to sit the historic American nation down on his lap and give it several wooden nickels’ worth of free advice.

1.  There is no more important issue in American politics today.  It’s a master switch which will affect all the other, less important ones.

2.  But don’t think the real reason to win this issue is for the sake of any abstract ideology or any political party.  It’s to preserve a particular people in a particular place.  Politics, systems, issues are temporary and fleeting, but people are forever.  Once you lose people, you’ve lost period.

3.  The very people who are going to try to talk you out of caring about immigration or at least trying to make you think it should not be important to you are people who themselves have immigration as their a-number-one concern in terms of open borders/no borders.

4.  Condition yourself to be immune to distractions, because now that you care, the open borders lobby is going to try to come at you with one “LOOK SQUIRREL~!1” after another after another.  The squirrels they want you to look at are nowhere near as dangerous as the mad hungry grizzly bear quickly approaching you.

5.  Don’t be taken in by cheap meaningless ineffectual political theatrics and stunts, e.g. Rickroller Perry.  They’re designed to get you to ignore their questionable if not completely horrible record on immigration.

6.  Talk is one thing, but people who talk talk talk a good game then take soccer balls and teddy bears to hoardes of diseased gang-banging adolescents have something wrong in the head, e.g. Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, Ted Cruz.

7.  Because immigration is the issue, and the most important issue, don’t support politicians who are horrible on immigration but “good” on everything else, e.g. Rand Paul.  Don’t reward treason.

8.  Resist the temptation to engage in red team blue team partisanship.  There’s plenty of credible legitimate blame to go around to both the red team and the blue team, and it has been going on long enough such that it’s just not Obama’s fault or Bush 43’s fault…this sore has been festering for a very long time.  However, note that our side’s true soldiers are two things:  Elected Republicans, but not allowed into Republican leadership or elite circles.

9.  Identify the true soldiers and reward them.  Here are a few to get you started:  Jeff Sessions, Steve King, Lou Barletta, Tom Tancredo, Joe Arpaio, Kris Kobach.

10.  Immigration is a racial issue, don’t fool yourself or anyone else into thinking it’s not.  Tolerate non-whites in our movement, but don’t pander to them, never feel that you need their permission to think what you think or do what you do, and never try to legitimize your cause based on the presence of these non-whites.

11.  The most common answers to the most common question you will have while making your way through immigration politics is this:  “It’s the donors,” “Cheap labor,” “Electing a new people.”

12.  Don’t believe anyone’s propaganda about “all these harsh deportations.”  Hardly anyone is actually physically deported, and it has been that way for a long time.

13.  I hate to break it to you, but illegal aliens currently in country are actually voting (anti-fraud mechanisms are deliberately crippled, prosecutions for voter fraud are very rare), collecting welfare (the wonderful Federal judiciary), working (E-Verify?  What E-Verify?  Politicians and activists of both parties are mightily resisting universal E-Verify).

14.  There were people and groups and media sources talking about immigration before talking about immigration was cool.  Find them and patronize them.  Examples:  American Renaissance, V-Dare, Laura Ingraham, but there are others.  Most of the others are Johnny Come Lately.  Better that Johnny came than not at all, but if Johnny would have been there from the beginning, we’d be much closer to having this issue favorably solved.

15.  Mass immigration by design helps make the ultra-rich even more rich.  Which is why almost every American billionaire wants amnesty and open borders, why they bribe politicians in order to get it.  The New York Times is fanatically for open borders these days because it’s partially owned by a Mexican megabillionaire named Carlos Slim who was given a state monopoly on Mexican telecommunications and who collects a check with every phone call between the USA and Mexico.  At the end of the day, though, a single multibillionaire only has one vote, and hitching the immigration issue to the populist versus elitist struggle is probably one of the very best ways to to turn out voters for our cause and against the traitors, see Dave Brat versus Eric Cantor.

16.  In spite of the mantra the other side spews, EVERY nation is a nation of immigrants.  The entire history of the world can be compressed into what happens when one group of people get up and go somewhere else.  However, it does not follow that all immigration is desirable.  Also learn the difference between colonization and immigration, and realize that one only truly has in this world what one is strong enough to attain and retain.

17.  It might be some time before our enemies try to ram some sort of legislation down our throats, but when they do, don’t be taken in by distractions and diversions there, either.  If the legislation grants some sort of legal status or “deportation” forbearance to illegals and it gives them a work permit, that’s amnesty, full stop.  It’s all the amnesty the illegals want, and it’s all the amnesty that billionaires and corporations want.

18.  Condition yourself out of ideological cults, and condition yourself into this one question:  Is it good for white people?

This list is subject to being amended numerous times.  If you are new to the immigration issue, in accordance with the sudden surge of interest which is a reaction to the border surge, and the protests and rallies of this past weekend, use the comment section to ask me.  I’ve been studying this issue for a long time.


Before you leave suggestions for new bullet points in the comment section, remember who I wrote this for:  The newbies.  Therefore, whatever you suggest I should add should be targeted at newbies, not experienced people.  Think of this field guide as boot camp for new recruits, not OCS.  Perhaps later, with help from certain people, we can write a similar quickie field guide that’s like OCS, teaching experienced activists how to be leaders and teachers and recruiters on their own.






2 responses

21 07 2014

Excellent post, sir!

22 07 2014

I would say we’ve been here before…2006-7, when we stopped the Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty. Unfortunately we promptly went back to sleep.

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