On a Dope Set on a Corner

26 09 2006

A St. Louis City Police Officer, who was working undercover, was shot overnight.  The officer was working undercover near the corner of College and Carter in north St. Louis City.  When the officer spied something amiss, namely a car with New Mexico license plates (like, hello, a car with license plates from a border state traveling in known dope dealing territory in a Midwestern inner city), the officer gave chase, but the occupants of the Enchanted car reciprocated by firing weapons at the officer.  The officer is expected to recover, but as of the time of this writing, the “New Mexico” suspects are still at large.

When I heard this incident took place at College and Carter, I knew that street junction sounded familiar.  Alas, quoting from this blog, February 3, 2005:

The winner of your North St. Louis CIRCVS MAXIMVS Predatory Thug Baby of the Week Award, for the week ending January 21, is one Orlando Fields. The 18-year old Mr. Fields was sentenced to 227 years as a guest of the state for his August 2003 crime spree, which included felony (second-degree, or whimsical) murder, multiple carjackings, multiple robberies and other goodies. St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce commented to the media that she had never heard of a prison sentence as long as this one in her recollection of the St. Louis City Circuit. The media also reported that Mr. Fields belonged to the “College and Carter” gang, presumably a black drug gang revolving around the junction of College Ave and Carter Ave in North St. Louis Circvs Maximvs Land. That begs this question: The Federal “Justice” Department would like to use RICO statutes to bust up pro-life groups, why aren’t they using RICO to bust up PTB street gangs?

On July 4, 2005, the USA will be celebrating its 229th birthday, at which point, Mr. Fields will only have 226 years to go. Perspective is helpful.

So this College at Carter junction seems to be a serious hotbed of every ill and vice that this city could offer.  “Like the same can’t be said about other street corners in St. Louis PTB Land” — Peanut Gallery



One response

6 10 2006
Yes, It Could Happen Here « St. Louis CofCC Blog

[…] This shooting from last calendar week in north St. Louis, demonstrating increasingly brash and brutal behavior on the part of black thugs against cops, is perhaps the progenitor to such a scenario. […]