Back from the Conference

4 06 2007

I have returned. Cheering is permitted, but keep the jeers to yourself.

Stay tuned to the CofCC National Website and the Citizens Informer for more coverage of the 2007 National Conference in Greenville, South Carolina. I will post local and miscellaneous interest photos on the St. Louis CofCC Static Website later this week.

Two items from the Conference but not related to it:

1. The patient with the rare form of TB who came back into the USA and went on all those international flights was identified as 31-year old Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta personal injury lawyer whose work required international travel. The McPaper article revealing his identity went on to say that U.S. Sens. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Susan Collins (RINO-ME) are all fulminating over the ineptitude of the U.S. Border Patrol in that they let him back into the country. Keep in mind that both Schumer and Collins are for amnesty and open borders.

2. A nearby installation of the Air Force Reserve held a meeting in an adjoining conference room at the hotel on the same weekend. If you want to believe that the Pentagon is telling the truth when it claims that the Armed Forces doesn’t use affirmative action, consider this: I did an impromptu survey, and comparing people of similar ages in appearance, blacks had higher ranks than whites. One black woman in the group, who appeared to be in her mid-to-late 30s, had a rank that was only one notch of Sergeant below a black man in his 50s, who himself appeared to have the highest rank of anyone in the group. There did not appear to be any officer-grade men or women, just all E-level personnel.

