Dateline NBC On Chicago Crime

15 08 2010

Just finished watching Dateline NBC’s special on the recent waves of youth violence in the black parts of Chicago, where Barack Obama once organized communities.

While I have many criticisms of this special, these three stand out most in my mind:

*  Gun grabbers have been trying to ride Blair Holt’s dead body to a massive wave of new state and Federal gun legislation ever since it got cold.  I remember reading somewhere that Holt’s assailant violated at least nine city, state and Federal gun laws in the process of him shooting Holt.  Nine laws didn’t stop him, so ten wouldn’t have, and ninety wouldn’t have.

*  CPS’s Booberman is getting the blame for the murder of Derion Albert (the murder weapon being railroad trestles, comma, gun grabbers), because the school closing and boundary adjustment plan forced members of rival gangs into Fenger High School.  WTF?  Is the middle-aged school superintendent supposed to be blamed because 13-20 year old teenage boys and young adult men despise each other for their varying streets of residence?  Is the school district supposed to pre-clear school boundaries with gang bangers, being mindful of the fact that gang boundaries change often?  In other words, the gangs say jump, and the school administrators are supposed to ask “how high?”  When I went to high school, not all of my fellow students were from my street.  In fact, some were from quite a few miles away.  A goodly percentage were black, and there were a few Asians.  And most, regardless of race, didn’t much like me.  (The more things change…) <sarcasm>That obviously means I had the right to go whack someone to death with a railroad tie.</sarcasm>

I feel really weird having this opinion, because it’s contradictory to my opinion about the Cabrini Greens.

* The latter segments featured an ex-Vice Lord nicknamed “Shotgun” and his efforts to make gang bangers chill out.  He apparently has the ability to get ‘bangers legit jobs if they hand over their guns, and they showed one working on a construction site as proof.

Question:  Who made him a personnel manager?  Where is he getting all these jobs to hand out, when white people who have played by the rules their whole lives can’t get jobs?  And where there is construction in the City of Chicago, there is the mob.  Is “Shotgun” somehow doing some sort of bidding for the mob?  Either that, or he’s acting as the middleman for some government-run or -mandated affirmative action program relating to minority contractors or workforce quotas on construction sites.

