Janet Writes Jay a Letter

1 05 2013

Jefferson City

Little Jaybird just got his hands caught in the CCW private information jar:


The latest hobby horse being trotted out now is that the Feds needed access to this information (namely, who in Missouri has CCW permits) in order to “weed out fraud.”  But I doubt hardly any if any Missourians who go through what it takes to get a carry permit, including visiting the County Sheriff’s office (or in case of St. Louis County, the HQ of that “Internationally Accredited” St. Louis County P.D.), are engaged in any kind of fraud.  I’d like to know what kind of “fraud” was supposed to be afoot.

The reason drivers licenses are germane here is that Missouri CCW licenses are merely a new endorsement on one’s own drivers license, not a separate card.

Nixon abuses power…it’s like it’s 1974 all over again.



12 responses

2 05 2013

Looks like “Big Sister” is watching. I would also like to know what “fraud” they are claiming to have occurred. I know that I had to go through a background check to get a CCW permit. First a class, then a trip to the Sheriff’s office where I was fingerprinted and had to take a paper – pencil test. There was then a 6 week waiting period for my fingerprints to clear before my permit was issued. Now I’m wondering if Michigan has received the same “friendly” letter from the Feds.

2 05 2013

Best I can tell, the “fraud” they’re claiming was the reason for Jay “Don’t Call Me Richard” Nixon giving the Feds this data is that the Feds wanted to find out if there were vets who were both on Social Security Disability and who had carry permits. What does one have to do with another?

2 05 2013

How can states issuing DLs to illegals ever be in compliance?

2 05 2013

Of course they won’t be in compliance, but that part of the law won’t be enforced. Because…el cheapo labor.

2 05 2013

Whats funny, is here in Illinois, under 21s get a sideways DL. The government is more concerned with a 20 year old buying a beer than a illegal family of six claiming tens of thousands of dollars worth of benefits, then driving down the road with a 0.30 BAC.

2 05 2013

MO puts your pic on the right side if you’re 21+, on the left side if you’re U21.

2 05 2013

MO puts your pic on the right side if you’re 21+, on the left side if you’re U21.

They just changed it:

Click to access newlicense.pdf

Over 21 gets a regular horizontal card with main pic on right, under 21 gets the vertical card. The new card has more clear and in red indication of CCW endorsement (if the person has one). This also shows the old style card being phased out for comparison purposes.

2 05 2013

That’s the “new” license? The current/old license looks newer than the new.

3 05 2013

I find it interesting that there is a driver’s license form with no picture. what is that about? I assume that forcing one to have a picture taken would interfere with some ones religion. How about – no pic, no license.

3 05 2013

Jill Parish,

There is no option for a photo-less drivers license in the current and about to be phased out appearance. Why there is one now, I don’t know. I can make a call or two and find out why.

3 05 2013

Thank you for your response. I hope you can find out why it now exists. I recall a big fuss in Florida some time back because a Muslim woman refused to display her face. Never heard what the outcome was but hope P C didn’t come into play

6 05 2013

Jill Parish,

I got the call back I wanted. Turns out it is mostly the religious angle, and the option of a photo-free MO license just went into effect last August.

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