Frosted Leftist Flakes

19 10 2013

San Antonio


This has got to frost the left.

But not for the reason you would think.

It’s because probably around a thousand (mostly) white people were there armed to the teeth, with not a hint of violence or any real fear of violence.

Put N’Doorag and Shitavious in a room with any firearm, lock the door, and you won’t have to wait long until one of the two is dead.

I finally figured out this angle when the NRA held its convention before last here in St. Louis.  The local cabal of cracker jack box theology degree black reverends, the usual suspects, showed up to protest.  If you just think about the matter superficially, they have no reason to protest, because none of the firearms on display were actually for sale during the convention, so there was a 0% chance that any firearms shown there would wind up in the hands of St. Louis’s criminal ooks.  No, the real reason Da Revvunds were protesting was because the whole event was an embarrassment to Da Coomunitee, for very much the same reason I just said above.

I guess I’d have the same feeling if a rocket scientist came to my sardine box apartment, used only materiel he found inside it, and built an interplanetary manned spacecraft.  I’d be embarrassed that I wasn’t able to do it surrounded by the exact same stuff.




2 responses

20 10 2013

How did Charlie Wilson put it?

‘West Texans don’t ask much, don’t mess with their guns and don’t force government on their religion (religion on their government?) and you’re pretty much elected for life.’

I’d like to think there was also something about the health risks inherent to flooding the country with unwanted immigrants but apparently /that/ particular Alamo lesson has been lost on the living generation…

Sad fact is that we are not, by and large, any longer a warrior nation of hardened settlers and farmboys who have been shooting since we were ten. We are soft. And in softness, safety only comes with numbers.

Those who have forgotten this have also forgotten that the worst enemies whites have ever had have been those of our own who feel challenged and maybe even elevated only in snubbing the power and dignity as freedoms and beliefs of their kin.

Because the racism of white liberals lies in the timidity with which they refuse to apply their standards to Mestizos and Blacks who are 4X as likely to use a firearm in a crime as good ol’ boys.

Too bad they don’t realize that the sanity test of a government is the trust it puts in it’s people, not the other way around. Maybe it’s just convenient not to acknowledge that once you are the establishment the burden of proof of your benevolence is on you. And liberals, truth be told, hate giving anything once they’ve got it.

20 10 2013

Should come to my house and build a spacecraft. My pugs will be the first dogs on Mars.

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