For Twelve

17 04 2015

Los Angeles

Modern Amurrika on parade.


Citing statistics that showed a whopping 46 more boys than girls passed the AP Computer Science Exam in 2011-12, the 640,000+ student Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) on Tuesday approved a waiver to enable the District to operate a single-gender, all-girls STEM School called the Girls Academic Leadership Academy (GALA).

If you go to the Slashdot article, you’ll find a link in this sentence to a photo of a spreadsheet and the math to show that “46 more boys than girls” in this case meant that 58 young men passed that test compared to 12 young women.  In a 640,000 student district, which happens to be in a place where the world’s epicenter of CSIT-STEM-WWW is not only in the same state, but just a few hours up the coast.  Barely more than one in ten thousand students in this district passed this crucial all important to our times test.  That’s the big scandal here, not the gender imbalance.  Of course, we all know the reason for that, but we’re not allowed to notice things.  Because nobody wants to be Watsoned or Richwined.

Students in GALA will follow a six year sequence of computer courses starting in middle school that will culminate in AP Computer Science Principles. “Fewer females take AP courses in math, science, or computer science, and they are not as successful as males in receiving passing scores of 3, 4 or 5,” argued the General Waiver Request (PDF, 700+ pages). “An all girls environment is reasonably necessary for the school to improve the self-confidence of girls in their academic abilities, especially in STEM areas where an achievement gap currently exists.

Segregation for thee, but not for me.

GALA’s admissions shall also comply with AB 1266 to ensure male students who identify as female are admitted to the school.

Of course!

Methinks that this kind of student will dominate this school and be the valedictorian year in and year out.  If you’re a young man somewhere between the seventh and eleventh grade and you’re interested in CSIT-STEM-WWW but you just can’t keep up with the elite guys at school, now would be a good time to start identifying yourself as a female.  And if you’re a young woman who wants to go to this school, my suggestion to you is to learn how not to drop the soap, because that girl next to you in the showers after gym or sports just might not actually be a girl.

The school’s CS-related Partners include the UCLA Exploring Computer Science Program, as well as Google-bankrolled Girls Who Code, Black Girls Code, and NCWIT.

Black girls code?  Yep, they both do.  NCWIT?  Sounds like nitwit.

One of the reasons the all-girls STEM school reportedly got the green light is that its backers satisfied federal regulations requiring a “substantially equal school” for excluded male students by submitting a plan for a companion all-boys school that would emphasize English Language Arts, where they often fall short of girls’ test scores, rather than GALA’s focus on STEM.

“All-boys,” in this case, will mean all-gay.



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