Sunday Wrap-Up

26 06 2016


* I went to see a mahogany mob, and a water park broke out.

Normandy, being where Mike Brown officially lived at the end of his life.  And of course that stellar school district.

* Darth had a taste for fried chicken about a week ago, I see.

* Very good.  But…wait until this thing winds up arresting too many black pimps.  Then, MUH DISPUT IMPAK, and the same social justice talking heads who are praising the app today will demand that it be taken down.

* Well, he is an easy mark.

* “Da’Twon.”  But there’s a sad element to this story.

* That hair though.

* He says he wants these kinds of crimes to stop.  But then, overincarceration, school to prison pipeline, MUH DISPUT IMAPK, social justice, and black lives matter.

* Four Bellcurvey elements:  One, the MissingLink.  Two, the mahogany mob.  Three, the security guard’s broken radio.  Four, the victim isn’t cooperating.

And you wonder why Steve Stenger wants no part of any more MissingLink in St. Louis County.

* Alluding to the old joke:  What do you call the only black person at a Republican meeting, conservative organization or club meeting, or Tea Party rally?  Keynote speaker.

* Look at what the Jefferson Arms on Tucker might become.  Hint:  Hide this news from Tony Messenger.

* Shannon Watts’s back story partially involves my salt mines.


* He had to use his AK, and I had to say, it was a bad day.

None of you will get the allusion.  I’ll give you a hint:  Yes, it comes from a song.  You all know I know too many damned song references.

* Story goes nowhere because you can’t get past the first paragraph without being presented a contradiction. And by “contradiction,” I mean of the sort that not even your ever-lovin’ blogmeister is interested in, because there’s no way to square that circle.

* Conniving journalist plays “heads I win tails you lose” game with a local shooting range.


* Might as well, I don’t see the point anyway.  Allegiances and pledges, to what, pray tell?  “Pledge allegiance to the flag, whatever flag they offer…”


* Some Congressional Republicans are mysteriously dragging their feet on the Koskinen impeachmentNot so mysterious to me.

* WRPT.  Headline only, that’s all I needed.

* I wonder what the political hard-on that the Obama White House has for FedEx.  Something sounds so Gibson Guitarish about this whole story.

* Democrats’ diversion games to remove the ten ton wedge that Donald Trump is driving between LGBTQ donors and blue team war chests is causing some angst on the progressivetard stack.

* Of all the candidates, Republican and Democrat combined, who ran in the special election in 2013 to replace John Kerry in the Senate, Lynch was the one I hoped would ultimately win.  That election was not long after the Chechen Pressure Booker Brothers’ antics at the Boston Marathon, and Lynch pushed the immigration issue in his campaign.  It says here that he’s a HRC supporter, but don’t be surprised if he votes Trump behind the privacy of the voting booth curtain.

* Overexuberant bouncyball fans.

* Now we know how people are inexplicably winding up on these “watch lists.”  It’s all because air marshals have a quota, and will add anyone just to fulfill it.

* GJ returns no true bill in the McKinney, Texas pool party incident.  That incident has strong implications with AFFH, because the north Dallas suburbs were a pilot test market for AFFH, and you can obviously see some of the results.

* All true, that.  But who’s going to care?  It’s make work for important unions, and it’s free babysitting for Mama Dindus.

* WRPT, about the technician who did this.


* But it’s just a social construct, that whole “race” thing.

* The Most Dangerous Game.

* One of history’s ultimate coincidences, squaring its circle led to a shocking discovery.  Incidentally, this notes that I-131 causes thyroid cancer, which it does.  I also know that I-131 is used to treat hyperthyroidism by destroying thyroid cells.

* People are so worried about Baraq Obama continuing the pretense of his Presidency after it’s over on January 20.  Rush Limbaugh has suggested that he’s going to want to continue living in D.C. so that when his successor does something that he thinks is going to alter his “legacy,” he’ll call press conferences and bitch and moan and whine, and of course the Washington press corps will treat him like he’s still President.  That Obama is renting a D.C. house from former Clinton era Press Sexretary Joe Lockjaw would seem to point to that sort of thing.  Except for two things:  One, Obama has said it himself that the only reason he’s staying is so the younger daughter can finish high school at Sidwell Enemies, as he doesn’t want her to have to change schools.  Once she’s off to Harvard, then he’ll leave D.C.  Two, Obama is lazy, he’s the type that enjoys life more than working hard.  I don’t think he’s going to much care about his “legacy” after January 20, especially if doing so would cut into his golfing time.  My theory is that on December 31, 2017, at the end of his first calendar year out of office, the media will be aghast over how it was even physically possible for one man to play that much golf.

And now, this, that Obama wants to be a minority owner of the Chicago Bulls.  Does this sound like someone who wants to be a pseudo-President?

Seriously, I think Obama is anxiously counting down the remaining 207 days, even more anxiously than I am.

* Peter Thiel got more votes to be on the FB BOD than FB’s own founder did.

If only Pepe was a candidate.

* I wonder why.  People have this weird obsession about good parents passing on good genes to their progeny.  Nazi eugenics, or something like that.




74 responses

26 06 2016

Obvious Ice Cube reference…

26 06 2016

Beat “borrowed” from:

26 06 2016
Hard Right

Five people have been stabbed outside the California state Capitol building in Sacramento.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has described TWP as a group formed in 2015 as the political wing of the Traditionalist Youth Network, which aims to “indoctrinate high school and college students into white nationalism.”

26 06 2016
Hard Right

At least five people stabbed at neo-Nazi event outside Capitol in Sacramento

26 06 2016
Hard Right


26 06 2016
26 06 2016
Hard Right

Initial reports on Alt Right Twitter. Commies outnumbered Nationalists 6:1. Commies attacked with bricks and bats. Nationalists took their weapons away and used them against them.

26 06 2016
26 06 2016
Hard Right

Seens this antifa group was on the FBI’s domestic terrorist list

26 06 2016
26 06 2016
Hard Right

Antifa leader teaches at Martin Luther King Middle School

26 06 2016
Hard Right

DNS records for BAMN. @followbamn on twitter

26 06 2016
Hard Right

Profile on BAMN

Seeks to “reverse the continuing attack on affirmative action [and] integration” in California and elsewhere

Contends that American society is “distorted by … racism, sexism and anti-LGBT bigotry”

26 06 2016
Hard Right

Our Golden State Skinhead comrades went up against over ten-to-one odds and won! Regretfully, one of our men was injured and is currently in the hospital, though at least five of the antifa who instigated the violence with their cowardly tactics and improvised weaponry were sent to the hospital.

26 06 2016
26 06 2016
27 06 2016
Hard Right

27 06 2016
Hard Right

27 06 2016
26 06 2016
26 06 2016
27 06 2016
Hard Right

Paddy Tarleton – Battle Of Sacramento

26 06 2016
Hard Right

Danish youth party performs song calling Obama ‘talentless negro’ in front of US envoy

26 06 2016
Hard Right

Both supporters and opponents of Donald Trump are losing it on Twitter after female supporters of the presumptive GOP candidate began tweeting out their love for him with the hashtag #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet.

26 06 2016
26 06 2016
Hard Right

27 06 2016
Hard Right

I’m not sure why he posted this. It pretty much confirms everything the Manosphere says about women.

26 06 2016
26 06 2016

A bit of progress. At least this happened after and away from the rally. Usually these kinds of things happen at these rallies.

26 06 2016
Hard Right

Just wait until the funeral.

26 06 2016
Hard Right

26 06 2016
Hard Right

26 06 2016
Hard Right

No, JC Penney, Fat People Should Absolutely Hate Themselves

26 06 2016
26 06 2016
Hard Right

Colonel Klink Commisar Hank Paulson Cites Hillary’s Globalist Platform as Reason for Endorsement

26 06 2016
Area Man

The case against FedEx reminds me of when one of the Fed Gov acronyms tried to charge Union Pacific with drug smuggling. Mexicans would hide dope in hard to search compartments on auto racks then have their dealers in the US retrieve it.

27 06 2016
Hard Right

27 06 2016
Hard Right

27 06 2016
Hard Right

Brexit: David Cameron rules out second EU referendum despite popular petition

27 06 2016

“Donald Duck” was among the “signers” of that “popular petition.”

27 06 2016
27 06 2016
27 06 2016

OTOH, democracy got them into the EU to begin with.

27 06 2016
27 06 2016
Alex the Goon

LGBLTQIC. We’re running out of alphabet.

27 06 2016
Hard Right

Belgian nationalist punches leftist in Brussels (27/03/2016)

27 06 2016
Hard Right

Kooks are all over this one. They could be right this time. Too many unanswered questions surrounding the investigation.

27 06 2016
27 06 2016
27 06 2016
27 06 2016
28 06 2016
Hard Right

28 06 2016
Hard Right
28 06 2016
Hard Right

28 06 2016
Hard Right

28 06 2016
Hard Right

28 06 2016
Hard Right

Isn’t he on the “No Fly” list?

28 06 2016
28 06 2016
28 06 2016
28 06 2016
Hard Right

Gunman injures people at downtown Denver building before shooting self, source tells Denver7

28 06 2016
28 06 2016

Snarky lib responded to him, by claiming that an Asian mass shooter was white.

28 06 2016
29 06 2016
Hard Right

Failed mayoral candidate Deray Mckesson lands job with city schools

The Black Lives Matter activist and failed candidate for mayor of Baltimore will be earning $165,000 a year as one of the first cabinet picks of Sonja Santelises.

29 06 2016
29 06 2016
29 06 2016
Hard Right

29 06 2016
29 06 2016
29 06 2016

Snowflake, meet world. World, meet snowflake.

29 06 2016
29 06 2016
29 06 2016

But but but Trump isn’t spending $ in battleground states

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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