The Seventies, They Were, a Thing

16 10 2016

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

Sunday music break.

These two songs sound as alike as obviously different songs can sound.

Barry Manilow, “I Write the Songs,” 1975.

Ronnie Milsap, “Let’s Take the Long Way Around the World,” 1978.


For the first time in a long time, few days ago, mainly because no portable device on which my entire digital music collection is stored seems to have firmware developers that know how to write shuffle algorithms, I heard “Heat of the Moment” by Asia. With one of the better opening guitar riffs around.

But this time, for maybe the first time, I really paid attention to the lyrics. And something tells me that Asia and the writers loaded a double meaning into the lyrics: Making fun of disco. The song is a 1982 song, (and ’82 was a hell of a year for pop music), its own release year is self-referenced, and this was two years and change after disco collapsed and fell almost overnight.



One response

16 10 2016
Joshua Sinistar

The judas media has hit the iron Law of Economics hard this time. They won’t recover, cause Whites are no longer in “go along to get along” mode. Disco was hot and cool when ABBA did it, but when it went black it went broke. All the Rock Bands were too White for our blight, so the radio went all hippity hop. There goes Peter Rottentale, slowbrained as a slimy snail, hippity hop bankruptcy on the way. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Old Fart New Jerky Springsteen’s gut, and hip hop is just rap and no niggers want to pay.
I hate it, I don’t want it, turn off that MTV. Get your music yourself and don’t let Murray Rothstein black up your life, Mofos.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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