Ferguson Man Acts Ferguson-y in Dellwood

16 02 2017



His name is Tre’von to boot.



3 responses

17 02 2017
Avenge Harambe

We seem to be seeing a rash of Trayvon-Trevon type names in the last five or so years. What is the root of this name? Obviously 25 years ago someone or something served as the inspiration for this.

19 02 2017

When busy my company hires temps from this outfit called “Express.” From what I’ve seen they ought to call it “Excons” as it sends unemployable black trash, I’ve noticed though that amongst the blacks there is a late tendency to see these “James Hardin” beards. I guess the black version of the “Metrosexual Lumberjack Beard” popping up on a lot of wimpy hipsters as of late. Express really is a despicable outfit though, they charge double what they pay their minimum wage employees and literally sent us: A paroled child molester, a paroled carjacker, a schizophrenic, a queer with aids, the list goes on and on.

19 02 2017

Temp agencies really are a hit and miss affair. Another bad one I’ve heard almost universally negative things about is Labor Ready. Likewise, it is better named Felon Ready.

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