Starting Before It Can Even Start

16 02 2017


When I found out the SLPOA endorsed Lyda, when trying to pump one of their well-placed people that happens to be in my Dex to figure out WTF, I warned him that when she becomes Mayor, the first time there’s a questionable cop-ook conflagration, she’ll throw the cops under the bus.

She’s not Mayor yet, and this isn’t off an accost, but she’s already throwing the SLPOA under the bus:

Lyda Krewson calls on police union to fire representative

Mayoral candidate Lyda Krewson has called on the St. Louis Police Officers’ Association to fire Jeff Roorda, the police union’s business agent, citing “vile and disgusting” comments he has made toward city Treasurer and fellow mayoral hopeful, Tishaura Jones.

Earlier this week, Roorda blasted Jones on Facebook calling her lazy, a “cop-hater” and a “race-baiter.”

“Tishaura and I are both candidates for mayor and are competing hard against each other but I absolutely reject his despicable characterization of her,” Krewson said in a statement. “She is a respected government official and does not deserve this abuse.”

“When I am mayor, he will not be welcome in my office,” Krewson added.

But Black Lives Matter (“Pigs in a Blanket”) will, right?



2 responses

17 02 2017
Rev. Right

St. Louis is fucked, apparently.

18 02 2017
Joshua Sinistar

Hopefully the homies will thank her by going to her house and raping her to death. 911, please leave a message after the tone.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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