Somebody Might Be Home.

10 11 2017

Guest post by Puggg

I think the first ten days here in the fourth month of our normal host’s recovery have been the best overall 10-day stretch he has had definitely since getting out of his second hospitalization stint in the middle of September, and in one regard, it may be his best stretch since getting out of the hospital for the first time back on July 31.

It’s hard for me to describe it, and some of the things I want to say, I want to hold back, but I can and will say this:

When I visited him this morning, plus the other time I’ve paid him a visit since the turn of the month, which was 8 days ago, as I look into his eyes, for the first time since the “accident”, I don’t get that “nobody’s home” look out of his eyes.  Instead, I get that kind of look that “somebody might be home”.  I don’t know if any of you understand what I’m trying to say, much less the good feeling I have.  When I ask the doctors about that, they caution me that I just might be imagining things, but if I’m not, that while it’s surely not bad news, that it also can’t necessarily be interpreted as good news.  I’ve told his uncle and the other people he’s staying with where we have him stashed away, but they don’t see what I see.  Then again I don’t even really know if I’m seeing what I’m seeing.  I’m no more a qualified professional in this matter than they are.

Other than that, the positive trend that started ten days before the change of the month has continued here ten days into the new month.  Even though he still can’t walk on two feet reliably for as long as it would ordinarily be expected for him to do, which means he still has to take breaks either in the wheelchair or in some other chair, I am told he’s improving as far as that goes.  That’s the only way that these first 10 days of November are not better, and are in fact, worse, than he was back in August, because at least back in August he was physically well off enough to do mild exercise, even if he had the “nobody’s home” look in his eyes.

I say that now, to be hopeful about the rest of the month, but then it could all turn around and go in the wrong direction in an instant.



10 responses

10 11 2017
Alright Dan

I read this this morning and I thought about all of this, how much worse it could have turned out

10 11 2017

Heard about that this morning. And I’ve had to deal with responding to a few of these kinds of fatal scenes. It’s all people being stupid, or being in too big of a damn hurry.

10 11 2017

Go with your gut. He remembers you, Right? It could be when he sees you, there is someone home per se. Will be praying more for him that good days are here to stay and that during bad times, he will know he has people helping him and praying for recovery.

11 11 2017

Back in my posts after July 19 about him being in the hospital and in the comments, I think I wrote that while it took him longer to remember me than it did to remember his uncle, he came around to remembering me in pretty quick order.

I think what I’m trying to say here is something the doctors said ever since the start of this whole thing, the words they use are creative churn. What might be happening is that he might be starting to get his creative churn back, but I have to keep saying that I’m not a doctor in this field, and his real doctors tell me that I just might be seeing things and being too hopeful.

11 11 2017

Hopefully, the gentleman can get a settlement with the offending party’s auto insurance company. This all sounds like an expensive proposition.

11 11 2017

About that, don’t worry, the lawyer is handling everything, masterfully, from what I can tell.

11 11 2017

Today is Veterans Day. The uncle called me just a short while ago, and said that he’s now seeing that indescribable good sort of thing that I’ve been seeing. Even though we’re both nowhere near qualified doctors, as you know, as LEO, I’ve had the opportunity to look at a lot of pairs of eyes in my life, and the uncle is the person in this world who is both coherent and capable and has known him for as long as he’s been alive, so I think we can’t discount the idea that we’re seeing something may be good about to happen even if neither one of us went to medical school.

11 11 2017

I should have said that today being Veterans Day is worth mentioning because the uncle is ‘Nam, and he took our normal host to VD functions today.

11 11 2017

Sounds like good news. I doubt this “improvement” is simply wishful thinking on your part. I don’t know you, of course, but based on what you’ve written so far, my perception is that you’re not someone who engages in denial of unpleasant facts.

11 11 2017

With my boring persona, I don’t either fear or cheer looking at or discussing unpleasant facts. Since unpleasant facts have come up, I just want to warn everyone that all these improvements we think we’re seeing even if they do mean something good could turn right around and go back down in the wrong direction in an instant, and we’ve all been through so many ups and downs in the coming up on last 4 months not to realize this.

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