Between Bix Nood and Sheeeyt

3 02 2018

Fountain Park


Information fair brings together St. Louis police, residents

Sometimes, going into a police station can be intimidating.

IKR? Because it’s not just an ordinary building, it’s actually a portal to Hell full of the ghosts of eternally condemned souls.

So at the Information Fair held Saturday at the St. Louis headquarters of the NAACP…

Now we’re getting somewhere. I wonder if there’s a plausible through line between “NAACP” and “going to a police station can be intimidating.”

Citizen turnout for this first information fair was sparse at best…

Should’ve advertised free weave and Jordans. But then that would have put the undertow in the surrounding neighborhoods in conundrum, so much so that it could have solved that millennia-old irresistible force – immovable object paradox. With weave and Jordans being the former, the fear of being around cops (outstanding warrants) being the latter.  You know how that goes, stuck in the middle of the two equally strong gravity wells of bix nood and sheeeyt.



One response

4 02 2018

Bix Nood a mathafuggah!

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