Ten Years On

3 02 2018


His nephew was just in the news a few days ago, and now, the ten year anniversary.

This tries to sell you on the notion that Kirkwood was somehow at fault, and the onus was on the city to make amends.  But when it happened, and for a blog that no longer exists, so the mega-post also no longer exists, I kept my ear to the ground, to figure out the real story.

To net it out, it went like this:

Kirkwood has always been pound-for-pound the snootiest place in St. Louis County.  What I mean by that is that you might expect Ladue or Warson Woods to be snooty, but Kirkwood’s relatively modest median white socioeconomic status level, not counting Meacham Park on one bookend or the relatively new big money mansions on the other end, one of which is Claire McCaskill’s official residence, belies its snooty attitude.  For example, Kirkwood was probably the first and most enthusiastic St. Louis County school district to embrace interdistrict busing and deseg.

With that having been said, Official Kirkwood did nothing but pander to, grovel to, and try to placate and please the perpetual malcontent Cookie Monster for years.  When his expectations of being pandered to met the breaking point of city officials finally being unable to acquiesce further, the paradox reconciled itself in the form of hot lead a decade ago.

And now, ten years on?  It’s good to see that Kirkwood forgot nothing, because it learned nothing.

Also remember that this was barely more than two and a half years after the William McEntee tragedy.



2 responses

3 02 2018
Nicholas Stix

Well, the media and cops have both covered it up. The media, by refusing to identify the mass murderer’s nephew by name. The cops, by refusing to arrest and charge an armed man who laid siege to over 40 people for four hours.

At least the media did ID the perp as the mass murderer’s nephew. Meanwhile, the P-D has virtually shut down commenting. I guess some readers mistakenly though they could do the job the P-D refused to do.

3 02 2018
Nicholas Stix

BTW, your biggest fan wrote on Charles Thornton’s mass murder at the time. I’m not sure we knew each other yet at the time.

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