Thought for the Weekend

21 01 2022

Your Blogmeister’s German Desk

I once dreamt of living in paradise.

At one point yesterday, both Frick and Frack jettisoned their empty sippy cups onto the floor.

I got my wish.

Open thread.



315 responses

21 01 2022

Just to clarify, they’re 13 months old tomorrow. So what they did was kinda halfway between an accidental jettison and a deliberate throw. And while they were doing it, they were verbalizing sounds that sounded halfway in between laughing and grunting.

For the record, they have both started speaking proper words. Like I wrote here just after Christmas, the younger one said “Opa” (“grandpa”) on Christmas Day, (which obviated that bet between the better half and myself). It was about two weeks before either one of them said anything else, and once that happened, it was the younger one again and “Opa” again, two days later the older one said a word for the first time, and, predictably, it was “Opa.”

Like I wrote earlier, Paul, you dirty rat.

21 01 2022
Alright Dan

Hey I wrote a few comments here maybe in like the last year or so about this foreign language learning program called Babel, and that I heard one of their radio ads saying that you should learn this foreign language or that foreign language for whatever reason, and it said that you could learn German to land a new job. I was able to catch that ad and record it in full audio just hours ago. My technical know how about these things isn’t that good, but I know the sound file is MP3. I can e-mail it to you if you want, but your contact me page doesn’t have a way to add attachments.

21 01 2022
Alex the Goon

You could post the mp3 at a free file-sharing site, and give him the link.

21 01 2022
Alright Dan

Good idea. Should have thought of that first.

22 01 2022

Now that I’ve heard it, my interpretation hasn’t changed:

“If you wanna go south of the border to troll for dick, you can learn Spanish. If you want to blow through your daddy’s money constantly schlepping between Paris, Geneva and The Riviera, you’ll learn French. But if you actually want to be productive and life and accomplish something, you’ll learn German.”

Though once again, the real reason to learn German is so that God can understand you.

22 01 2022

Go ahead and use the contact box to e-mail me your good e-mail address. I see below you uploaded it, so now I’ve heard the actual ad.

24 01 2022

Alex, I saw over in the other thread you brought up one of the two big political stories from here over the weekend.

Germany officially has a really schizophrenic attitude toward Russia and Putin. I can figure out a lot of things that most people can’t. But for the life of me, I can’t figure a method to this particular madness.

The other big political weekend story here is that Wirecard Olaf has given Brandon the cold shoulder, and won’t meet with him. This is in spite of the fact that they’re pretty close to carbon copies in every which way you can think.

25 01 2022

Doesn’t Germany get most of its oil from Russia? It seems to me that if Tapioca Joe manages to start a war over there, Germany’s going to have problems.

(By the way, if Biden does manage to start something stupid, a fast, total and complete humiliation of NATO/the ‘kwa would be my choice.)

25 01 2022

Brainfart, I said oil . . . I was thinking natural gas

26 01 2022

Natural gas, heavily. Oil, partially.

24 01 2022

I’ll have more about this at the end of the month when I come through with another RHOC entry. But, this month is turning out to be the 13th month of 2021. One is a continuation of something you know, and another is for something new that popped off on NYD.

26 01 2022

Cliff’s Notes, please: What the hell is going on with Gab and Nick Fuentes?

26 01 2022
Alex the Goon

What I don’t understand, is why would Gab support AmericaF**** with CASH? If you want to give them $20k, then give $20k worth of free ads or streaming or some kind of services. If you’re partnering with useless phony grifters, the goal should be to receive part of the grift, not be the dumbass who writes the check.

26 01 2022
Alex the Goon

My limited observations:
Many moon ago, Fuentez and Friends got booted from twatter. Then sought refuge at gab. Then as soon as twatter let them back, they left gab in the rearview.
Booted from twatter again. Came back to gab. LARPed as Caesar crossing the Rubicon, claimed they now pwned gab, talked a bunch of childish shittalk to the veterans, and were shockingly not warmly received.
Then they jumped to the greener pastures at Grindttr. Got banned. And now they’re back at gab because Torba has a Savior Complex and thinks he’s going to pave the road to Heaven with the strong backs of faggots and incels.
Or something.
Torba himself noted that they were getting spammed with tons and tons of porn around the same time Feuentez came back stirring shit in general – so bad that they suspended new accounts to hand-verify and weed out bots. Either he’s forgotten already, or he’s playing 0.33D chess

26 01 2022

So it’s just a bunch of irrelevant ineffectual drama in which nobody is on the side of the angels. Wouldn’t be the sector without it. The saddest part of this particular flare up is that I always thought that Nick and his people were above and beyond that kind of thing.

In related news, I see that “Truth” will have censorship algorithms and policies worse than Twitter. Which begs the question: Would Trump’s own Truth account get deleted if Truth wasn’t his own platform? I predict that it will actually happen on an accident.

26 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Without those policies, Trump would get ratio’d all day every day.

26 01 2022
Hard Right

Alex did a good job describing it. Torba’s excuse has been that sponsoring Fuentes is “good advertising”.

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to our shitposting or you’d know how useless the Groypers are. They routinely got people kicked off Twatter for disagreeing with them. They just got somebody kicked off DLive. They mass report people just like leftoids do. And that’s not counting the incel stupidity and their going out of their way to piss off people who mostly agree with them.

I don’t know who Trump thinks is going to use Truth. Wignats will stay on Gab, even though Torba’s a moron. QAnon won’t go on Truth. They’re pissed about Trump shilling the vaxx.

26 01 2022
Hard Right

Forgot to mention that Torba now has a show on Don’t know why Fuentes changed his tune. They were gonna “take over” Gab and run all the Boomers off. The Boomers ran them off. They couldn’t mass report people like they did on Twatter. Nobody would put up with their shit, but now they’re buddies with Torba?

26 01 2022
Hard Right

Nick Fuentes – Addressing The Gay & Cat-boy Date Allegations From “The Nick Fuentes Iceberg”

26 01 2022
Hard Right

Looks like the Theroux documentary will be released about the same time as AFPAC III

26 01 2022
Hard Right

White nationalist Nick Fuentes: Even my own mother is ‘sort of afraid’ of me

During a recent livestream, white nationalist activist Nick Fuentes revealed that his own mother is afraid of him.

26 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Maybe one of his minions accidentally cc:d Mamacita on the All White Women Must Be Raped “joke”. Common mistake.

26 01 2022
Alex the Goon
In today’s edition of “Being Fat Doesn’t Make You Strong”: Ethan Ralph of the ‘Killstream’ gets beaten up by 4 Portuguese teenagers.

Before embarking on his trip, he excitedly discussed the 15 year old age of consent & legal prostitution with Dick Masterson on his show. Seems there were a few 15 year olds that just wouldn’t consent.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

I’m sure he’ll be at AFPAC along with Baked and Beardson.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

27 01 2022

(1) I only superficially pay attention to the shitposting. So I knew that Nick and the Groypers were losing it, but I didn’t know it was this bad, until a few days ago.

(2) I post to social media, I make almost the same posts to Gab, Minds and Twitter, a few I have to leave off Twitter for obvious reasons. But I rarely look at my own subscriber timeline. But one day a few days ago, I did a light once over of some of the most recent Gab posts of those I sub to, and it was then I realized that, all of a sudden, Gab has turned into Antietam.

(3) CCP had an article yesterday about the matter, which pretty much matches what both of you are saying is happening.

(4) And what is happening is that Nick and the Groypers have become extremely militant cult like optics cucks.

(5) Some people spend way too much time on social media.

(6) I don’t think JT is going to invite Nick to speak at AR ever again.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

That incel shit is just as bad as the Neo-Nazi Clown Brigade. There’s nothing “optical” about it.

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Optics: A Love Story
[video src="" /]

28 01 2022

Yeah, the irony. Optics militancy in the worst optical way possible.

27 01 2022

Here’s the sad irony:

As more and more people are getting receptive to our sector’s message, (thank you Brandon), more and more of our own sector’s high profile personalities are getting less and less able to convert that interest into actual results because they’re acting more and more dipshitty.

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Can’t wait to see Blumpf47 brag about this

27 01 2022
Hard Right

They love me. I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?

27 01 2022
Hard Right

The rumors are swirling….

27 01 2022
Hard Right

27 01 2022
Hard Right

27 01 2022
Hard Right

27 01 2022
27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Even the rich & famous get cuckolded. Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau raised Ted Cruz’s half-brother.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

“I’m A Proud Incel”: Right-Wing Extremist Chooses Hate-Mongering Over Sex

27 01 2022
Hard Right

Speculation is that Torba wants to move up to Boomercon grifting. He wants Gab to be a Stupid Party website. To do that he would have to get rid of all the Junatics. They’re also worried that the 1/6 Committee might subpoena his records because of his association with Fuentes.

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

He supposedly already shadowbans the nayzees. Add a “Pluck Out Mine Eyes So They Cannot Offendeth Me” filter, and he’s certified Boomersafe(tm).

27 01 2022
Hard Right

Forgot about the shadowbanning. It’ll probably backfire on him. He’ll fuck up the Boomercon arrangement and there won’t be anybody paying for Gab Premium.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

27 01 2022
Hard Right

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon
27 01 2022
Hard Right

Looks like a real Chad. LMAO.

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Biden nominates Wise Laqueefa to join forces with Wise Latrina on US Supreme Court.

When activated, their powers will make them udderly unstoppabowl.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

Didn’t recognize him at first. Most negresses look like men. The comments over there are hilarious. “He identifies as living”

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Lia Thomas’ UPenn teammate says trans swimmer doesn’t always cover up genitals in locker room
“It’s definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women”
lol, he should strut through the showers with his gold medals hanging from his boner.
‘The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.’
Yes. Because every one of you 35 would force blacks into our White schools, offices, and neighborhoods, with no account for how uncomfortable it made us.

Thomas, 22, plans to break her longtime silence and exclusively share her story with Sports Illustrated
Oh boy. Another stunning brave Overton-shattering swimsuit model.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

They look like the UN. The troon is one of the few White ones.

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Welfare scammers scamming extra covid jabs for extra gibs.
“Well, maybe just go and not say that you’ve been there before. Just give them a different name. Say you have no ID,” says a registered nurse on a recording. A separate RN named Tina says, “Go somewhere where it’s, like, extremely busy.” … “There’s parents that don’t have an income that are using their kids to get that hundred-dollar incentive.”
1972: Feeding lead paint to your kids for financial gain.
2022: Jabbing jabs into your kids for financial gain.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

Clot shots seem to be especially deadly for niggers, so we should probably encourage it.

27 01 2022
Hard Right

Just like leftoids

27 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Torba should add a Sex field to user data, so Graypers can auto-block all those icky F’s.
See, there’s another thing he could’ve “charged” 20k for.

28 01 2022
Hard Right

Torba should put you in charge of things over there. They might actually make a profit.

28 01 2022

All this is why April in Paris is so important. Whether or not we can truly trust Eric Zemmour is still an open question in my mind. But I think it’s the wrong question. It’s that his either winning or doing better than MLP has means the sector is going to do what it badly needs to do, which is, get back on message and cut it out with all this drama.

28 01 2022
Hard Right

Won’t matter unless he’s going to end all Corona-Chan mandates and re-open France. If not, they might as well vote for Oedipus.

28 01 2022
Hard Right

28 01 2022
Hard Right

Why was Nick Fuentes Subpoenaed by Grimy Liz at the Same Time as Rat Casey?

As you’re probably aware, Nick Fuentes, host of America First and future dictator of America, was subpoenaed by “Grimy” Liz Cheney to testify before her Sanhedrin headed by the terrorist Russian Jew Adam Schiff.

Just so you’ll know…Fuentes gets most of his talking points from Anglin. That includes targeting incels.

28 01 2022
Hard Right

Sen. Ron Johnson Is Betting On Conspiracy Theories For Reelection

Congress is out of session, but Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) nevertheless started his week in Washington, hosting a who’s who of coronavirus treatment truthers and vaccine skeptics for a panel his office called “COVID-19: A Second Opinion.”

Here’s the link:

It’s worth watching.

29 01 2022
Hard Right

29 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Some interesting claims about falsified traffic numbers.
Removed all Mastodon features that relate to transparency for outsiders regarding active monthly user figures. API functions from Mastodon for this were removed from Gab. They removed the ‘all-posts’ firehose feed which could be used to roughly get a feel for real-world site activity. This was after having it up for a while which led to rampany suspicion that Gab’s boasted user count is massively exaggerated, and may in fact be mostly bots and fake accounts.
$7500 per day could buy a lot of twinkies.
Mastodon was/is the same open source software that BlumpfTruth planned to use in violation of their license agreement (basic OSS deal – you can use it, you can modify it, but if you modify, you must fully publish your source). When the devs found out, they lawyer-bombed him, and delayed his rollout several months. That’s my disinterested recollection of it anyway.

29 01 2022
Hard Right

People on Gab are ordering Dissident Soaps to spite Fuentes.

29 01 2022
Hard Right

The girl who hit on Fuentes is supposedly going to AFPAC. Hope somebody livestreams it.

29 01 2022
Hard Right

PPP and Warski on Fuentes and Beardson

Sponsored by KiwiFarms. LMAO.

29 01 2022
Hard Right

Includes about two hours of Beardson’s meltdown the night his wife left him.

29 01 2022
Alex the Goon

“What really hurt the most, after the infidelity, taking the condo, half of my bank account, telling me our daughter wasn’t really mine, that I’d been raising another man’s child for two whole years, was that she took my French Maid’s uniform. Low blow, babe, low blow.”

30 01 2022
Alex the Goon

[video src="" /]
Was this part of the meltdown, or was it just a random day?
[video src="" /]
Here, he says it’s not the man’s job to put women in their place. Maybe. But when you wear a french maid costume and mop the floor with a swiffer stick up your pooper, your woman knows her place is Anywhere Else.
I don’t know who watches hours of streams to collect these clips. I can barely make it 2 minutes.

30 01 2022
Hard Right

I don’t think it was part of the meltdown. He was really incoherent that night.

PPP says he has years worth of Beardson streams he’s been saving up. I don’t know anybody else who can stand more than a couple of minutes.

30 01 2022
Hard Right

Girl who hit on Fuentes appeared on Kino Casino. Starts around 1:43:00.

He might’ve accidentally made the correct decision.

30 01 2022

Heads up: RHOC coming tomorrow, most likely. You’re gonna love the punchline, and it’ll be something, like everything in my RHOC series, that actually happened.

31 01 2022
Hard Right

Since We’re Taking Shots….*

Never mind that there’s evidence these jabs may be back-boosting other common coronaviruses. That was known to be a risk in May of 2021. We see that in the data too; people showing up in the ER and Urgent Care with “covid-like illness” but they don’t have Covid, and a huge percentage of them are vaccinated. Are these jabs turning the common OC43 and HKU1 coronaviruses, that usually produce mild colds, into severe disease events? Maybe — and we knew they might in May of last year but didn’t bother to follow up on that either. Since OC43 is believed to have been the cause of a Covid-like pandemic in the 1890s if this proves up we will have screwed millions of Americans — or even perhaps tens of millions — instead of helping them.

31 01 2022
Hard Right

‘Coward-19?’ Trudeau Tests Positive For COVID While Hiding Out From Canadian Truckers

Making matters worse for the PM, Canadian media reported Monday morning that Trudeau had been diagnosed with COVID, despite receiving a booster dose early this month on Jan. 4.

31 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Truly a coward. A hero would’ve walked amongst the unvaxxxed crowd to infect them.

31 01 2022
Hard Right

31 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Funny that they’re stacked by height, with tallest in front. How are the shorties supposed to see what’s going on?

31 01 2022
Alex the Goon

Someone’s been snorting anise.
Penzey’s Spices CEO Bill Penzey, who routinely uses his company’s email list to send anti-Republican screeds, sent a newsletter earlier this month in which he accused GOP voters of fantasizing about killing African Americans.
“Remember how Republicans, going against a mountain of evidence to the contrary, once again lied and said BLM [Black Lives Matter] wasn’t a peaceful movement but instead terrorists inciting violence throughout the country and then raced out to buy a crapload of guns because maybe they were finally going to get their chance to shoot a Black person?” he wrote. “What a bunch of racists.”

Never get high on your own supply.

31 01 2022
Hard Right

The phys never lies

31 01 2022
Alex the Goon

It seems that you’ve been living two lives. One life, you’re William A. Penzey, executive officer for a respectable spice company. You have a social security number, pay your taxes, and you… help your landlady carry out her garbage. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias “Kansas Zoomer” and are guilty of virtually every sex crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.

31 01 2022
Hard Right

1 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Trump faces MAGA revolt over endorsement
Trump endorsed Morgan Ortagus, who served as a State Department spokesperson during his administration and is pondering a run for a Middle Tennessee-based congressional district. The announcement has caused a firestorm, with far-right, high-profile backers voicing their support for Robby Starbuck, a rival candidate who’s been a mainstay of the pro-Trump movement.
“This in a lot of ways is a watershed moment for, I’ll say, the entire Trump team… And it should be, to be honest, because it is being perceived as a back-stab to his own base”

There’s a first time for everything.

1 02 2022
Hard Right

WRPT: Massive Brawl Breaks Out In Bensalem Golden Corral Over Alleged Steak Shortage

BENSALEM, Pa. (CBS) — A Friday night out turned into a melee in Bensalem at a Golden Corral restaurant. Now police are trying to figure out how it started.

A former employee of the restaurant says he was told the fight may have happened after a customer became enraged when the buffet ran out of steak.

1 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Now police are trying to figure out how it started.
How it started
How it’s going
It’s like Jim Crow knew what he was doing, or something.

1 02 2022
Hard Right

Lockdowns had little or no impact on COVID-19 deaths, new study shows

Lockdowns in the U.S. and Europe had little or no impact in reducing deaths from COVID-19, according to a new analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

The lockdowns during the early phase of the pandemic in 2020 reduced COVID-19 mortality by about 0.2%, said the broad review of multiple scientific studies.

“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers wrote.

But the research paper said lockdowns did have “devastating effects” on the economy and contributed to numerous social ills.

1 02 2022
Hard Right

Police: Caller claiming to be part of a Neo-Nazi organization detailed Bethune-Cookman threats to dispatch–bethune-cookman-university-on-lockdown

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Bethune-Cookman University is one of six historically Black colleges to have received a bomb threat Monday.

At a news conference on Monday afternoon, Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young said a man, claiming to be part of the “Neo-Nazi organization Atomwaffen,” called into emergency dispatch around 4:30 a.m., detailing his threats to the dispatcher for about 20 minutes.

1 02 2022
Alex the Goon

What a pro. It takes 21 minutes to pinpoint the phone trace, and he knew exactly when to hang up.
Called 430am to say 7 booms were hidden in duffel bags and backpacks. The perfect hiding place on a historically black campus. Those unattended bags would remain hidden in plain sight all day, because the last thing a person of historical blackness would do, is pick up a bag that didn’t belong to them.

3 02 2022
Hard Right

Bomb threats at Black colleges linked to neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, police say

Over a dozen historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) reported bomb threats on Tuesday, marking the third wave of such threats in recent weeks. Earlier last month, at least eight HBCUs were targeted, then followed by another wave of threats on Monday. On Wednesday, police told reporters that the threats appear to be linked to someone claiming affiliation with the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division.

2 02 2022

The irony of that football team’s new nickname as Commanders is that a few years ago, a certain tribunal in that city struck down the Federal restrictions on sports betting as unconstitutional commandeering.

3 02 2022
3 02 2022
Hard Right

Considering how much they stink, it’s probably a good idea to wear masks around niggers.

3 02 2022
Hard Right

Mother says she was virtually groped by three male characters within seconds of entering Facebook’s online world Metaverse

Nina Jane Patel watched and listened in horror through a virtual-reality headset as her avatar – a moving, talking, computer-generated version of herself – was groped aggressively in a sustained attack by three realistic male characters.

A senior lawyer said the attack was not an offence, but suggested Ministers may have to consider how to protect those entering the metaverse. Nick Brett, of London law firm Brett Wilson, said: ‘Where a woman has been sexually assaulted virtually, that itself possibly ought to be illegal but isn’t at present.’

Should be used to it after marrying a streetshitter.

3 02 2022
Alex the Goon

“I was walking down Metaverse Avenue, and three guys driving Maseratis crashed into fire hydrants because they were staring at my titz.”

Yeah, the Tokyo subway and train to Punjab are gonna be real popular.

3 02 2022
Hard Right

Weev fucked up Anglin’s website again. They’re back on *.name

3 02 2022
Hard Right

Stop Using Windows

To quote from the immortal words of Terry A. Davis, “The computers went wrong when you made them for niggers, that’s when it went wrong. […] The white people are like ‘it’s a command line what’s your point?’ The niggers are like, ‘no we don’t like a command line’. Here’s the difference between a white man and a nigger, ‘Do you like a command line?’ Ok, fuck you. Get out.”. And that’s why Steve “Definitely doesn’t have AIDS” Jobs invented the GUI. Or at least that’s what apple fanboys will tell you.

This is the Trannywaffen website. I went over there to see what they were saying about the bomb threats. You’d think they’d be denying it was them.

3 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Blacks can’t keep their vocabulary consistent more than a few months, or even spell their own names consistently. They’d need an AI commandline interpreter to figger out the simplest task they tryna do, and it would eat up a hundred Amazon Clouds’ worth of cpu power.

This reminds me of that Star Trek: Spock Saves Shamu movie. Scotty borrows a 1980s Mackintosh, and starts talking into the mouse, trying to load MS Paint so he can draw the molecular structure of Transparent Aluminum, so the 1980s fabricator can build him an aquarium. Scotty and everyone in his generation can’t do anything for themselves because they’re always asking Computer to transport them upstairs, make their sandwich, mix their vodka tonics, fab engine parts, everything. But we’re supposed to believe this mf remembers chemical formulas and processes from high school?
I call bullshit.

3 02 2022
Hard Right

3 02 2022
Hard Right

Theroux Doc Being Released on the 13th

Louis Theroux meets the young and highly inflammatory figures of the latest incarnation of the American far right: a political movement born out of the Internet but making its presence felt in the real world, including some of those who came to the broader public’s attention through the notorious Capitol Hill riots.

Louis immerses himself in a growing online community that has navigated the threats of de-platforming to gather a vast audience on phones and laptops around the world, promoting an ideology that is racist, misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic, often packaging the most extreme views as ‘irony’.

3 02 2022
Alex the Goon

racist, misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic
tbh, when they call each other gayniggerfaggot, it’s a term of endearment. You wouldn’t accuse a nigger of incest because his siblings call him mufukka.

4 02 2022
Alex the Goon
We never got serious about stopping Chinese espionage. Now they’re outright stealing our best gooks.

4 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Oh damn, it gets worse. They’re stealing our crackers too.
Would you be willing to represent a Communist regime that operates labor and concentration camps if it meant getting a chance to play in the Olympics as a hockey player? Seven Americans, many with zero Chinese ancestry or connection to the nation decided it was worth it and they will suit up for the Communists when China faces the United States in the Beijing Olympics hockey opener on February 10.
We must stop these slave-taking raids upon our soil, before they steal our national treasure — Basketball Americans.

5 02 2022
Hard Right

Surely they don’t want to win badly enough to import niggers.

6 02 2022
Alex the Goon

China having buyer’s remorse over stolen American athretes.
I don’t know if any publication touched on this before, but any time an athlete “defects” to another country’s Olympic/WorldCup team, it’s because they couldn’t make the cut in their original country. Tldr: They suck.×612&w=0&h=hInTUzfdDU5TPbXZymey8rPG4YrMtZNj6obOdYbniNM=

4 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Optics episode of Schoolhouse Rock unearthed from the salt mine.

5 02 2022
Hard Right

Rogan in trouble for saying “nigger”

Joe Rogan has responded to a resurfaced clip of him using the N-word almost two dozen times while hosting his wildly popular podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

“Instead of saying ‘the N-word,’ I would just say the word. I thought as long as it was in context, people would understand what I was doing.”

“I was trying to make the story entertaining,” Rogan claimed. “I did not, nor did I ever say that black people are apes, but it sure f–king sounded like that.”

Never apologize, make excuses, or try to explain yourself.

5 02 2022
Alex the Goon

He married a niggerfucker with a halfnigger kid. If that isn’t a license to say nigger, i dont know what is.

7 02 2022
Hard Right

Why would anybody do that? Wouldn’t he think about niggers every time he looked at her. That sprog probably stinks up the whole house. Whatta cuck.

5 02 2022
Hard Right

3 arrested after passerby attacked by neo-Nazis in Florida

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Three people have been arrested days after a Jewish passerby was attacked by a group of self-proclaimed neo-Nazis who yelled antisemitic slogans outside a central Florida shopping plaza over the weekend, authorities said Friday.

University of Central Florida student David Newstat, who is Jewish, told WOFL-TV that he had driven by the group and denounced their hatred, prompting one of the neo-Nazis to spit on him as others surrounded his car.

Maybe you should’ve kept on driving.

5 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Maybe you shouldn’t have rolled down your window to “debate” them. You probably also shouldn’t have opened your door, stepped out, walked around your car to the sidewalk, and assaulted them, you filthy lying kike.
[video src="" /]
“All the members of my family were survivors of the holocaust.”

6 02 2022
Hard Right

That’d be like me going to a BLM protest. “You niggers know I’m in the Klan?”

6 02 2022
6 02 2022
Hard Right

Might be for the best. The Duke of Cambridge doesn’t seem to be as much of a jackass as the rest of them.

7 02 2022
Hard Right

Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’

The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance “racial equity.”

The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts.

Applicants for the grants are prioritized if they treat a majority of “underserved communities,” including African Americans and “LGBTQ+ persons,” as established under President Joe Biden’s executive order on “advancing racial equity.”

8 02 2022

Insert Hunter Biden joke here.

8 02 2022

Remember my post a few months ago about Pete Buttigieg’s racist roads? I wrote back then that, back from 1945-60-ish, if you wanted something done politically, you couched it in terms of national defense. Likewise, in the current year, if you want something done politically, you couch it in terms of black.

The real purpose of this crack pipe et al thing is for one thing the article states, which is, LGBTQ-BLT-BBQ-LOL. Especially gay men and trannies, two demos known for drug abuse.

7 02 2022
Hard Right

7 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Thnkz 4 bobs, now plz showing vagene. Paypal ready.

7 02 2022
Alex the Goon
Starting to suspect this is a DeepState secret retaliation op for Wu Flu. She’s a ringer, recruited by Trumph202020 White Hats to fake-defect, then lose badly to bring shame upon Winnie the Pooh. Change my mind.

8 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Either that, or White girls have an unfair natural advantage with their hoohah’s running north-south, and the gooks’ east-west bits make them lose balance easily.

8 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Well this one landed on her feet, sideways bits notwithstanding.
Please come back and raise our SAT average.

9 02 2022
Hard Right

“National File is committed to ensuring your voice can and will be heard. To keep your speech free, we are switching our commenting platform to Insticator. Don’t worry! All you have to do is create a commenting account with Insticator. We will be transferring previous comments to our new site, and then you will be able to link your past comments to your new Insticator account.”

Don’t worry. All you have to do is sign up with a spyware company and you can comment all you want!

9 02 2022
Hard Right

Insticator doesn’t seem to work real well.

It continues to be clear that there are still some glitches to work out.

We know that trolls are dominating some threads. We know there are several other issues.

Update– Please stand by on the comments we are working on it.

9 02 2022
Hard Right

Don’t worry! We’ve saved all your account info and comments on previous articles. All you have to do is create a new account with Insticator and input your old Disqus email when it asks for it and you can keep sharing your thoughts with the community!

Don’t worry! Now you’ve got two spyware companies tracking you!

9 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Only seems to work with AgentProvocateur plugin and Chrome.

9 02 2022
Alex the Goon

If anyone achieves this level, their name should be legally changed to Nigger Rich. Mandatory.

9 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Black grandparents strongly considering seppuku after seeing those slanted eyes. “What else is running sideways?”, asked exasperated grandmother. “How could God do this to us?”

9 02 2022
Hard Right

Canada: Antifa Who Ran Car Into Protesters is Obese Vegan Antifa Mongrel

With the revelation of Zegarac’s name and his deep roots in Canada’s Antifa punk scene, Antifa supporters who know him are going into damage control. Winnipeg Punks, whose current avatar on Facebook is a crossed-out truck, released a statement distancing themselves from him.

“Dave is despised by every group or organization he’s ever claimed to represent. ARA [Anti-Racist Action], Antifa, Punk. He’s a poseur!” wrote the group in a statement. “He has a reputation of assault and violence. How many young (underage) women in the local music scene and other provinces have come forward with allegations of sexual assault against Dave over the years?”

9 02 2022
Hard Right

Louis Theroux calls out far-right YouTuber who labelled him ‘pretentious’ in BBC series

During filming for the new three-part BBC series, far-right commentator Nicholas J. Fuentes released a video in which he described Theroux as “pretentious” – among other things.

I’m not sure who’s gayer

9 02 2022
Hard Right

I figured out who’s gayest

9 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Gayer than these froot loops?
Genocide Barbie is a left-wing American who, although she still lives in the U.S., voluntarily turned herself over to China’s Nazis to become a public relations trophy.
Genocide Barbie, China’s Nazis. Godwin wept. How hysterical can you get, over games in fake snow that absolutely nobody gives a shit about?

10 02 2022
Hard Right

If they want to deport a traitor back to China, they should start with this one.

10 02 2022
10 02 2022
Hard Right

Not even Anglin would drool over that. Barf.

9 02 2022
Hard Right

Sunday at 2100 GMT, 1300 Pacific. Not sure how long it’ll last, but there’s supposed to be a video posted afterwards.

9 02 2022
Hard Right

Fuentes was supposed to testify before Congress today. Claims he didn’t turn anything over to them.

10 02 2022
Hard Right

Homeland Security warns Canada-style trucker convoys could disrupt Super Bowl

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement partners of planned protests by truckers against vaccine mandates that could disrupt the Super Bowl this weekend in Los Angeles, as well as President Biden’s first State of Union address.

About time. Normies need to be seriously inconvenienced.

10 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Not too many normies can afford 10grand a pop. (avg ticket)

10 02 2022
Alex the Goon

It’s probably a suicide mission. Stadium is in downtown coontown, so at least one driver would get the Reginald Denny treatment. Anyone repelling the monkey swarm with a pink derringer would get the McCluskey treatment, but without the pardon.
I like the State of the Union “threat”. So many “official” appearances of Pantshitter Of The United States have been on green screens in fake offices, beginning just before noon 1/20/21, why would this one have to be real? They could finally go back to the old, old way, where the resident mails his speech to congress, and one of them reads it.

11 02 2022
Alex the Goon

On the one hand, schoolyard bullying would have prevented this. On the other hand, this is funny as hell.

12 02 2022
Hard Right

Those guys have jobs, so they can afford to buy Platinum Plus blades to shave their moustaches and goatees.

12 02 2022
Hard Right

12 02 2022
Hard Right

‘Wannabe incel’: Nick Fuentes fans revolt over admission he’s voluntarily celibate

Nick Fuentes has never had a girlfriend. He says he did kiss a girl once. He doesn’t want to do it again, though.

The white nationalist recently revealed his long-ago dalliance into the realm of romance, but said he doesn’t have interest in it anymore. His fans mocked him, calling him voluntarily celibate and a fake incel. In his defense, Fuentes compared himself to Hitler and insisted that he isn’t voluntarily celibate—because he didn’t choose to be born.

12 02 2022
Hard Right

Kraut Chick Stabs Camel Jockey to Death

A TWISTED teen used a dating app to lure a man on a first date before plunging a knife in his neck within minutes.

She set up a fake dating profile using the name Domina Cherry and started talking to Zeyed E.

That same day, the 38-year-old victim picked Sarah M up from her apartment in Bavaria and as they drove along, she stabbed him in the neck.

12 02 2022
Hard Right

12 02 2022
Alex the Goon

The judges said Sarah M had shown “a complete lack of empathy” for her victim
Compared to those cunts with “Refugees Welcome” tattoos below their midriff, she’s a welcome breath of fresh air.
Serial killer… with only one kill. Do we really need to send in a tranny to show women how it’s done?

12 02 2022
Hard Right

12 02 2022
Alex the Goon

If the South, there were far too many retards to personally walk to school; so President Scheissenhower sent the National Guard to escort them.

12 02 2022
Alex the Goon

In the South

12 02 2022
Hard Right

DHS: Mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) being caused by “Domestic Terrorists”

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.

Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include:

The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:

For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.

12 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Wicked Misdismalinformation Prospecting Trick:

13 02 2022
Hard Right

Police drag and arrest naked woman during protest against vaccine and mask rules in New Zealand

Ugly scenes erupted in New Zealand’s capital on Thursday as hundreds of ‘freedom’ protesters clashed with authorities – with a naked woman being arrested after diving through a line of police officers.

The woman was dragged away by her hair before being detained as protests against Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s hard-line Covid policies turned ugly.

13 02 2022
Hard Right

13 02 2022
Hard Right

For those of you who don’t care about niggerball, I think I found a stream for the Theroux documentary that’s supposed to run this afternoon:

13 02 2022
Hard Right

Also supposedly being streamed by fat drunken pillhead Ethan Ralph:

Goddam Odysee sucks. RedPillGaming is also supposedly streaming it there.

13 02 2022
Hard Right

Well, that sucked. Kept cutting out every few seconds. I didn’t think he made Fuentes look all that bad. Could’ve been worse. Beardson always looks bad. Spent most of his time trying to make Baked look bad. Baked co-operated. Special guest appearance by Brittany Venti. What an airhead.

13 02 2022
Hard Right

Grab it before it’s DMCA’d.

Should be on Bitchute before too long.

13 02 2022
Alex the Goon

I guess this is a rape clip from that doc?
[video src="" /]

13 02 2022
Hard Right

13 02 2022
Hard Right

Yep, that’s from the doc. Just found the youtube which probably won’t be up long, but it’s in the second half.

13 02 2022
Hard Right

Original full-sized clip of Beardson threatening Venti:

They’re having a lot of fun with it over there. She’s about three inches taller than he is and might outweigh him.

13 02 2022
Hard Right
13 02 2022
Hard Right

Louis Theroux: Forbidden America review – A depressing, eye-opening vision of where things are headed

One of them, Beardson Beardly, turns up for the interview wearing a T-shirt with three pictures of Theroux on it. After Theroux shows him footage of him giving a Nazi salute, Beardly terminates the interview in a fury and goes straight down to his studio to broadcast against him. Later another streamer, Baked Alaska, broadcasts Theroux live. His followers make donations. Theroux, as he acknowledges, is part of the show, helping to make them money.

14 02 2022
Hard Right

Latest IP2 catfight. Goocheese claims Alice sucked Ralph’s dick.

Alice denies it. Ralph acts like it’s true.

14 02 2022
Hard Right

Anglin Celebrates “Elliot Rodger Day”

Saw some Groypers talking about Elliot Rodger Day. Guess it’s a thing with incels.

14 02 2022
Alex the Goon

“If I had a son, he’d look like that hapa.”

16 02 2022
Hard Right

He’d be about as short as that hapa anyway.

16 02 2022
Hard Right

It seems that FEMEN doesn’t like VD, either. We should hook them up with the Groypers.

Topless protesters stripped down and strutted their stuff on the streets of Madrid in a bid to put an end to Valentine’s Day by baring their chests.

Feminist organisation Femen rejected the annual holiday with a risqué demonstration in Spain’s capital, with slogans such as “love is not bought” painted across their breasts.

Jaw-dropping footage online shows the group of seven women pretending to be brides as they gatecrashed the romantic day by saying it “whitens abuse”. LMAO

A topless protester also demanded American diplomats not to leave Ukraine outside the US Embassy

14 02 2022
Hard Right

Alt-Right Podcaster Charged Over ‘Arsenal’ of Full-Auto Machine Guns

A Pennsylvania man who hosts an anti-government podcast called the “Alt-Right Armory,” on which he has encouraged listeners to target “not only police, but ‘legislators, lobbyists, and left-wing billionaires’ for assassination with explosives,” is accused of having “amassed an arsenal of fully automatic machine guns,” according to court filings.

Joseph Paul Berger, a 32-year-old Navy veteran who lives with his parents in Bethlehem Township, was arrested Feb. 7 by federal agents who say they found 13 unregistered machine guns and 12 illegal silencers in a locked room in the basement of the family’s home. The cache included, among other models, eight AK-style rifles, two C308 .308 Winchester caliber rifles, two MP5K submachine guns, and one RPK-style machine gun, according to a detention memo filed by prosecutors.

14 02 2022
Alex the Goon
15 02 2022
Hard Right

Unfortunately, it will probably work.

15 02 2022
Hard Right

German Covidian propagandist pushes for more vaccine enforcement of course collapses live on air.

[video src="" /]

15 02 2022
Hard Right

15 02 2022
Alex the Goon

* Viking gets killed during a rape and/or pillage.
* Fellow Vikings deem him week, unworthy of fiery burial at sea.
* Dump him in 6ft hole, clutching a box of Kotex.
* Archaeologist: ZOMG a transwoman warrior!!

15 02 2022
Alex the Goon

GOP Rallies Behind Donald Trump Against ‘Biggest Crime in U.S. History’
Republicans are expressing fury over allegations Hillary Clinton operatives paid a contractor to spy on former President Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign and into his presidency. They are calling it the “biggest crime in U.S. history” while demanding “a total clean out of the political class in Washington.”

Gee, maybe if you cucks had backed him on the Bigger-than-Biggest Crime in U.S. History — stealing the election — maybe your party would be in a position today to do something about it other than flaccidly bitch and moan.

Who am i kidding.

15 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Walmart Has Started Putting Steaks Inside “Locked Metal Cages” To Keep Shoplifters From Taking Them

Like they say, If you don’t put a big Wall on the border, you have to build hundreds of smaller walls around neighborhoods.
If you don’t put your niggers behind bars, you have to put your steaks behind bars. No ribeye ever drove a truck through a Christmas parade.

15 02 2022
Hard Right

US accuses financial website of spreading Russian propaganda

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies.

The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence.

They’ll be going after Denninger next

16 02 2022
Alex the Goon

There’s some uproar in San Fransicko, over a woman being charged in a felony case, after her DNA linked her to the crime. Her DNA was pulled from her own rape kit, from a few years ago.

Austria: Hodl mein bier, bitte.
A woman in Vienna was charged with inflicting bodily harm after stabbing a Syrian migrant, despite the fact that the migrant was trying to rape her.
Does Austria even have any corporals left?

17 02 2022
Hard Right

That first one’s probably a beaner.

It’s Austria. All the corporals are trannies.

17 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Paleonormative that i am, i didn’t even consider the SF “victim” could be a tranny. Dunno about the beaner. Everyone’s unisex panties are in a bunch over this dreaded breach of privacy, but it’s a property crime — in the Free Shoplifting Capital of the World — that was serious enough for SFPD to bring in CSI to collect DNA. Some big details about the case are obviously missing from the news reports.
Whoever it is, the shriekers should probably just shut up and pick another hole to die on.

16 02 2022
Hard Right

Anglin Praises Theroux Documentary

I would say that the film is at least as flattering to Nick and his movement as the iDubbbz Sam Hyde documentary was flattering to Sam Hyde.

When Nick said that he was allowing Theroux to attend AFPAC 2 and to do a bunch of other filming for a BBC hit piece, I was, like most other people, pretty skeptical. It did not seem like a good idea. Nick is now saying “see – you should have trusted the plan, this documentary is awesome.”

16 02 2022
16 02 2022
17 02 2022
Hard Right

“I’m going to be kicking out tenants and replacing them with Section Ape.”

17 02 2022
Alex the Goon
17 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Puerto Rican CRUSHES Guiness World Record for Most Chromosomes in Lingerie Model

I wonder if she had the roundeye surgery that’s so popular in the Orient. Probably got the fake jugs too.

Some photos look more downie than others.

Maybe next year their postergirl will be that 10yo catamite stripper. Can’t stop pushing the envelope.

18 02 2022
Hard Right

Some photos look more downie than others.

Reminds me of that one downie who was chasing after another downie and she friendzoned him.

Maybe next year their postergirl will be that 10yo catamite stripper.

He’s not very ladylike.

17 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Biden DOJ Sues Missouri For Trying To Invalidate Federal Gun Laws
“This act makes enforcement of federal firearms laws difficult and strains the important law enforcement partnerships that help keep violent criminals off the street.”
“Fedgov is dedicated to keeping violent niggers off the street” — pull the other one, it jingles.
The lawsuit seeks to prevent the Missouri law from being enforced and make clear that state and local officials can participate in federal task forces to enforce federal firearm laws, according to the DOJ.
Funny, when a state protects wetbacks from the feds, the feds aren’t so worried about dangerous criminals on the streets.
The lawsuit also says that dozens of state and local officers left their jobs due to the law.
Bullshit. Unless it stopped them from collecting or stealing grift.

18 02 2022
Hard Right

Keith Woods reviews Theroux doc

Nick came off looking extremely well. Theroux made a mistake in trying to portray him as a dangerous white nationalist instead of trying to frame him as a tragic/laughable figure.

18 02 2022
Hard Right

Updated guest list for AFPAC

Taylor and Brimelow partying with Baked and Beardson.

19 02 2022
19 02 2022
Alex the Goon

“What is your official title?”
“Manager of community development”
I doubt this guy is the Global Head of anything, except giving it to young foreigners. His title could mean “manager, with subordinate employees”, or more likely “manager of content” — meaning he censors what he doesn’t like.
Still deserves the roof. Give him a feather in each hand. If he flies, he’s a fairy. If he falls, he’s a faggot.
What’s the point of these vigilante pedo hunters, if all they do is yell at them on tciktock? He’ll just get fired from one commie shitco and get hired on at another.

19 02 2022
Hard Right

CRT is the least of our problems.

20 02 2022
Alex the Goon

One of the worst things about life on this plane, is you can only execute them once. Where is the justice?

20 02 2022
21 02 2022
Hard Right

That’s ugly even for a troon.

What’s the deal here? No humans involved?

22 02 2022
Alex the Goon

WRPT: Father tells his 4yo son to fire weapon at cops, in McDonalds drive-thru order gone wrong
America’s Dad

The real star of the story, to me, is Salt Lake Sheriff Rosie Rivera.
Of Salt Lake County’s 68% White population, they couldn’t find a competent sheriff more qualified than this moldy old chalupa.

22 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Kinda like 68% Mexican Los Angeles currently has a “frontrunner” mayoral candidate from its 10% Bantu population.

23 02 2022
Hard Right

That’s one ugly squaw.

“Every officer that’s here today just can’t believe it,” Rivera told the station. “We’re beyond belief.”

How long you been a cop, darlin?

23 02 2022
Hard Right

The America First Political Action Conference Is Courting Republicans Towards Extremism

White nationalist activists and their sympathizers in today’s far-right U.S. political scene are set to gather this week for a conference meant to showcase their movement’s numbers and its successes courting Republican Party influence in the post-Capitol riot landscape.

The America First Political Action Conference is headlined and organized by white nationalist activist Nicholas Fuentes and derives its name from a merger of Fuentes’ America First podcast and the event it is designed to siphon crowds from: the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

23 02 2022
Alex the Goon

I bet the Dailybitch regrets having to capitalize ‘White’ when it begins a sentence.

23 02 2022
Hard Right

White Supremacists Plotted Power Grid Attacks to Start a Race War, Feds Say

Three white supremacists have pleaded guilty to a plot to spark a national race war by attacking power grids throughout the United States, the feds announced Wednesday.

According to the Department of Justice, the three men—Christopher Brenner Cook, 20, of Columbus, Ohio; Jonathan Allen Frost, 24, of Katy, Texas; and Jackson Matthew Sawall, 22, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin— conspired to sow chaos by attacking regional electrical substations, expecting “the damage would lead to economic distress and civil unrest.”

24 02 2022
24 02 2022
Hard Right

Ukranians on the street don’t seem to be all freaked out like the Armenians during the Artsakh War.

24 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Someone’s great gab slipped off the “free 5 gabs for nonsubscribers” page. Something like:
“Anyone seen any sign of the Ukrainian Powergrrl squads armed with Ak47s lately?
Perhaps they’ve been captured.
Or maybe they’ve gone back into prostitution.”
There was that Kurdish e-celeb militia chick who eventually got captured, caged, and beheaded by ISIS. I don’t think Ivan will go that far to complete the punchline.

24 02 2022
Hard Right

Trump and Kristol both trying to make themselves relevant.

24 02 2022
Hard Right

‘Sleeping with the enemy’ Russian troops try to pick up Ukrainian women on Tinder

Russian soldiers poised to invade Ukraine have bombarded women on the other side of the border with Tinder messages Tuesday, according to the Sun

24 02 2022
Hard Right

Ukranians don’t seem to have much fight in them. Maybe that’s just Russian bot propaganda. Who knows?

Latest rumor is that Chechen Special Forces are “looking for” the Azov Battalion.

24 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Ukraine had a jew comedian installed in a presidential election that was rigged by the same deepstate cocksuckers that rigged ours.
“Fight and die for Seinfeld and change your nation’s flag to rainbow BLM” is kindof a hard ask.

25 02 2022
Alex the Goon

25 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Perhaps Mutti can be forgiven, as she has been preoccupied the last couple days.
On Thursday afternoon, according to police in a food market in Berlin-Charlottenburg, a 67-year-old was robbed. According to mirror information, the injured party is the former Chancellor Angela Merkel. The “picture” first reported on the incident.

At about 11.40, Merkel should have stopped for shopping in a delicatessen market in Morsestraße. A thief succeeded in providing her purse – even though she should have stood under personal protection at this time.

Angela Merkel did not carry the purse after mirror information on the body. Thus, with her wallet also the identity card, driver’s license and a cash card was stolen.

The police announced that the 67-year-old reported the theft personally in the department of section 53.

25 02 2022
Hard Right

You think he got her vaccine passport? LMAO

25 02 2022
Hard Right

Ukranians seem to be doing better today than yesterday. Some units are fighting.

Looks like they’re sending Marines after the Azov Battalion. If they’ve got any sense, they’re already in Romania.

25 02 2022
25 02 2022
Hard Right

Also seeing reports of hoodlums using their free rifles to rob people.

Who the hell knows with all the bullshit coming out of both sides?

25 02 2022
Alex the Goon

In 60 years jews will start suddenly remembering those museum NFTs used to be on gramma yentl’s oyPhone, until stolen by the ebil nazi gangs of KYIV.

25 02 2022
Hard Right

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board

While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights.

Bindle’s growing list of clients spans more than 30 states, from blue strongholds like California and New York to red leaners like Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Missouri and Georgia. At the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., for example, there’s a Bindle lane that offers fastpass-like efficiency in scanning QR codes from a number of vaccine verification platforms used around the world.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

— Rev 13:17

25 02 2022
Hard Right

PPP and Warski trying to snipe AFPAC tonight

Live now

25 02 2022
Hard Right

First surprise speaker MJT. Wonder how much he paid her?

25 02 2022
Hard Right

This sucks. Fat fag is playing Beardson over her speech. Guess I’ll have to find a feed from cozy.

25 02 2022
Hard Right

Brain fart. First speaker was MTG.

25 02 2022
25 02 2022
Hard Right

Far-Right Livestreamer Who Attended Capitol Insurrection Got Federal Pandemic Relief Funds

A U.S. Small Business Association-approved lender delivered $20,832 in funds on May 27, 2021, to Jaden McNeil, a racist livestreamer and close ally of white nationalist Nick Fuentes who stood alongside Fuentes as he appeared to encourage insurrectionists outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Hatewatch determined McNeil received these funds through its review of a public federal loan database from ProPublica. The government intended these loans, part of the Payment Protection Program (PPP), to be for small businesses and self-employed workers to support their employees or themselves through the COVID-19 pandemic.

25 02 2022
Hard Right

Groyper Generals at AFPAC

25 02 2022
Hard Right
25 02 2022
Hard Right

No E-girls, Never!

25 02 2022
25 02 2022
Hard Right

Feed back. Jesse Lee Peterson speaking.

25 02 2022
26 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Who has more black grandkids: Jesse Lee or Sheriff Joe?
[video src="" /]

26 02 2022
Alex the Goon

“I have a black grandkid, I have a mexican grandkid, I’ve been all over the world and get along with everybody, and I’m the racist. Let em call me what they want.”
Having grandkids doesn’t punch your Notracist card, Joe. A wise man once said, If you strike my lineage down, I shall become more powerfully racist than you can possibly imagine.

26 02 2022
Hard Right

Fuentes confirmed the bomb threat.

26 02 2022
Hard Right

Rumor has it that Malkin and her husband organized AFPAC and paid for the speakers. Not sure how much of that is true, but it might explain why it was such a clusterfuck.

26 02 2022
Alex the Goon

MTG, done dirt cheep.
[video src="" /]
Disavow! I DISAVOW!!!!!!

26 02 2022
Hard Right

That didn’t take long.

26 02 2022
Hard Right

26 02 2022
Hard Right

26 02 2022
Hard Right

MTG Claims She Doesn’t Know White Nationalist—Despite Picture of Them Together

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Saturday defended her appearance at a white nationalist rally a day earlier, CBS News reports.

Greene appeared as a surprise guest at Friday’s America First Political Action Conference at the Orlando World Center Marriott, the white nationalist rival to the Conservative Political Action Conference. She followed that up with her own panel at CPAC Saturday morning, “They Can’t Shut Us Up!”

26 02 2022
Hard Right

26 02 2022
Hard Right

26 02 2022
Hard Right


26 02 2022
Alex the Goon

“Where & when was this photo taken?”
Post-op, is my guess.

26 02 2022
Hard Right

You’d think a troon would recognize Chris Chan.

26 02 2022
Hard Right

Podium Dude Gets 75 Days

26 02 2022
Hard Right

Maybe Alice wasn’t so bad after all

26 02 2022
Hard Right

The Lollipop Guild Groyper Generals

26 02 2022
Hard Right

Saving the White Race

26 02 2022
Hard Right

Christ is King!

26 02 2022
Hard Right

You’ll probably be in different penitentiaries.

26 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Orange grifter gives shoutout at griftcon/C to titted grifter who disavowed spic grifter after appearing at griftcon/A; therefore orange grifter could might may perchance appear at spic grifter’s griftcon/A.
Solid vulcan logic, Mister Spick.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

The kid is obviously delusional.

FWIW, Milo is the one who convinced her to speak at AFPAC.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

Ukranians putting up a fight at Kharkov. Not surprising. Their best troops are stationed there. That’s where the tank factory is.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

This is probably bullshit. Azov Bn is from Mariupol in the South. Kharkov is in the North. Mariupol is now surrounded.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
Hard Right
27 02 2022
Hard Right

Yeah, the bullshit is much worse than the Artsakh War.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
Hard Right

UKRAINIAN troops have destroyed a convoy of Russian special forces made up of Chechen fighters.

A general leading the troops was killed in the battle, outside Kyiv, as the slow pace of the invasion has left Vladimir Putin furious.

How furious is he? Both sides are trying to limit collateral damage. It’s going to take time.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
Alex the Goon

The Spook of Kiev

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
27 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Gotta watch out for those sneaky fuckers. Keep a Dachshund nearby, or suffer an incapacitating left hook to the nads. Equally effective as when normal SOFs cut your throat from behind.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
Hard Right

You’re in trouble now, Putin!

27 02 2022
Hard Right

UK: Primary School Had Drag Queen Dance for 9-Year-Olds

On February 22, Hollymount Primary School in South London hosted drag queen Dolly Trolley as part of its diversity themed week-long events. According to a Hollymount newsletter, Tuesday was intended to be “This is Me” day, during which students were encouraged to wear creative clothes that “show[ed] who they are.”

There was no indication provided in the mailer that a drag queen would be coming to the school, and parents were apparently not advised. One mother told The Mail on Sunday that this was unusual as parents were normally provided advanced notice prior to a guest visiting the school.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

Bomb threats damage us, even when nothing explodes

Though prominent schools such as Howard University in D.C. began getting the calls in January — there have been at least three so far in 2022 — most of the calls flooded the schools at the start of Black History Month this February. These campuses were created as safe spaces for African American students to learn and achieve with freedom and without fear. No coincidence that the timing of the bomb threats come this month, as parts of White America resist learning the full story of Black America.

Future rocket surgeons

27 02 2022
Alex the Goon

I wonder if they use their “well spoken” negros for calling in the threats, or if just any random nog will do.

27 02 2022
Alex the Goon

Amazing how you can tell how ugly they are, even with 2/3 of their faces masked over.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

Commie Spic Striker’s Pals Criticize Trannywaffen for Supporting Azov Battalion

Starting with the recent hubbub in Ukraine, there’s been various opinions among online dissidents. For one sect of the online right, NATO and Azov have become their team of choice. American Futurist and James Mason have been towing the CIA / NATO line.

You would expect this from neocons, or Groypers, but this time it’s American Futurist, James Mason’s official outlet, leading the charge. With a propaganda campaign that’d put Goebbels to shame, Mason’s outlet was posting Ukrainian state propaganda as early as January. This lines up perfectly when the war effort began to really heat up just as the Beijing Olympics starting escalated the situation.

You’re all a bunch of knuckleheads

27 02 2022
Hard Right

IP2 Zoomer got kicked outta AFPAC for doing a Nazi salute.

Nick’s squaw claims she spent two grand on her trip to AFPAC and they wouldn’t even let her in.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

This is IP2 Zoomer. Looks like both of them got kicked out by interns. LOL.

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
Hard Right

27 02 2022
Hard Right

28 02 2022
28 02 2022
Hard Right

The Suicide of a January 6 Defendant: ‘They Broke Him’

The Suicide of a January 6 Defendant: ‘They Broke Him’

Matthew Perna did nothing wrong on January 6, 2021.

The Pennsylvania man walked through an open door on the Senate side of the building shortly before 3 p.m. that afternoon. Capitol police, shown in surveillance video, stood by as hundreds of Americans entered the Capitol. Wearing a “Make America Great Again” sweatshirt, Perna, 37, left after about 20 minutes.

1 03 2022
Hard Right

AFPAC3 Fallout

1 03 2022
Hard Right

Nothing gay about this.

1 03 2022
Alex the Goon

Dont’ do it Beardsly!!! They can never come bacak!!!! Nooooooooooooo

1 03 2022
Hard Right

1 03 2022
Hard Right

No more catboi orgies at Airbnb

1 03 2022
Hard Right

IP2 Zoomer still whining

1 03 2022
Hard Right

Fuckin’ mouse

1 03 2022
Hard Right

This guy’s a real winner. The “sweetest person” he met at AFPAC was Ethan Ralph. He bought four tickets to his bowling alley wedding.

1 03 2022
Hard Right

He caught Corona-Chan at AFPAC?

1 03 2022
Hard Right

Nick Fuentes and AFPAC Do Not Represent a Real Constituency

Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested she addressed the fringe conference to court an important part of the base. This is absurd.

Did Beardson ask her for feet pics?

1 03 2022
Hard Right

1 03 2022
Hard Right

Full article here, I guess. Can’t get their crappy website to work.

1 03 2022
Alex the Goon

Did she bend his fingers back on his left hand?

3 03 2022
Hard Right

Hope not. She’s got a lot more muscle than he does.

1 03 2022
Hard Right

You look more like hobbits to me.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

Russia to host ‘First International Antifascist Conference’ to fight Nazism

Russia on Tuesday announced plans to host what they are calling the First International Antifascist Congress in August. The intended goal is to “unite efforts of the international community in the fight against the ideology of Nazism, neo-Nazism in any form of its manifestation in the modern world.”

The announcement was made by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made similar statements on Tuesday at the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

You’re Antifa, now?

3 03 2022
Hard Right

This guy’s a literal sperg. He wants to sue people under the Americans with Disabilities Act for making fun of him.

That’ll help get your frens back.

This shit’s just unbelievable. A lot of the kids in the Fuentes cult have serious mental disorders.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

You just gave a Nazi salute. Cops won’t do shit. It’s ok to punch Nazis. Haven’t you been paying attention.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

This kid’s meltdown is worse than Ralph’s. He’s threatening to sue Baked and Woozuh for telephone harassment and he’s trying to get KiwiFarms to help him out. LMAO.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

The last thing you need right now is more enemies.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

3 03 2022
Hard Right

What the right gets wrong about Putin

A fracture on the international right may seem small fry given everything that is going on right now. But it is worth loitering over. Because in recent years an interesting divide has grown among conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic. On one side are the Cold War warriors and their successors who have continued to view Vladimir Putin’s Russia as a strategic threat. Meanwhile, a new generation has arrived at a different view.

At the furthest extreme is America’s tiny white nationalist fringe, such as those at the America First Political Action Conference at which Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at the end of last month. That conference was made up of wannabe fascists who follow an especially repugnant little anti-Semite called Nick Fuentes. The crowd actually chanted ‘Putin, Putin, Putin’ before the ignoramus congresswoman took to the stage. She pretends to have heard none of this.

3 03 2022
Alex the Goon

So the enemy of globohomo is n’t my friend?
white nationalist fringe, such as those at the AFPAC
Those black & mexican White Nationalists aren’t fooling anyone. Back to the drawing board.

3 03 2022
Hard Right


We go deep undercover at a racist conference to expose the hate that lies just beneath the surface and is about to destroy America and kill everyone.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

Actually kinda funny. Only 5.6 mins long. McInnes didn’t bring his dildo or kiss Milo.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

Now we know why he didn’t need Milo.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

3 03 2022
Alex the Goon

Cool lens flare.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

Supposedly, Lauren Ditzke got Stew Peters to speak at AFPAC.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

Fuentes, Malkin, and Communism Kills are getting into it with some guy running for Congress.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

White Nationalists With Lanyards: Orlando Showed The Ugly Future Of The Republican Party

And then there was another “mystery” guest who never actually took the stage. HuffPost has learned that Thomas Homan, the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement under former President Donald Trump, showed up to AFPAC. He claimed to HuffPost that the whole thing was just a mix-up, and that he left the hotel quickly, before the conference began.

Homan confirmed to HuffPost in a phone call this week that he had indeed arrived to speak at AFPAC. His assistant had arranged the appearance, he said, and Homan said they may have confused Fuentes’ group for another one. “So many names of conservative groups sound the same,” Homan said.

While sitting at a table waiting for the conference to start, Homan said he looked over the agenda for the evening and decided he’d better Google Fuentes’ name. He saw some stories labeling Fuentes a white nationalist, but he was doubtful of them — Homan said he himself has unfairly been called a bigot and a racist for “enforcing immigration laws.” But then he found a recent story that did disturb him, about Fuentes praising Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. This prompted Homan to leave the conference before it started. He says he never met Fuentes. “Shame on me for not doing my research,” Homan told HuffPost.

3 03 2022
Hard Right

3 03 2022
Hard Right

The lulz never end with this guy

3 03 2022
Hard Right

4 03 2022
Hard Right

Probably should’ve moved the shitposting last week. First open thread up from here is the one from Feb 6:


It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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