Illinois 2010: The Hunt for Red November

9 04 2010

Latest polls out.  For Senate, Mark Jerk has a 37-33 lead over Alexi What’s-His-Face, though an astounding 30% of respondents say they’re undecided.  And I don’t blame them.  I’m not so undecided:  I’ve decided not to vote for either one.

For Governor, Bill Brady has a 45-35 lead over incumbent Pat Quinn.  (BTW, Quinn picked one of Paul Simon’s daughters as the replacement running mate).  The whole rap on Brady was that he was from downstate and therefore not well enough known to win statewide, yet he’s almost at 50% in the polls, far closer to it than Mark Jerk, and has a far bigger lead over his Democrat opponent than does Jerk.  And only 20% of respondents for Governor are undecided; half as many more are undecided over in the Senate race.  However, I’m also not so undecided here — For the first time in a very long time, I’ll wholeheartedly be able to make an endorsement for Illinois voters (of which I’ll be one in November) without any reservations or regrets.  Brady/Plummer all the way.  The last time I was so cock-sure about something in Illinois was Glenn Poshard for Governor in 1998 — He lost, and the man he lost to, George Ryan, eventually proved my cock-suredness.

UPDATE 5 PM: I forgot to mention that Poshard was/is a Democrat, so Brady is the first Illinois Republican ever that I can wholeheartedly endorse.  And here’s this little cutie from the P-D to remind me why:  Former Governor Jim Edgar, Republican, endorses current Gov. Quinn’s income tax increase proposals, and pwns Brady in the process.  I guess I’m the only human being in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area who has any memory — In 1994, Edgar had already been Governor for one term, and was running for a second term.  His Democrat opponent that year was one Dawn Clark Netsch, who beat Roland Burris in the D-Gov Primary, incidentally.  Netsch openly proposed to raise the state income tax rate from 3% (where it still is) to 4.25%, and give lower income taxpayers a rebate when they file their tax returns, to nullify the extra withholding for them, such that the increased rate would have only applied to higher income earners.  Edgar ripped her a new one, and obviously won.  Later on in his second term, he proposed the exact same thing that he ripped mercilessly just a few years prior.  And now, he continues to endorse income tax hikes, and then whines about the Republican nominee for Governor who is campaigning in 2010 the same way he did in 1994.  Jim Edgar:  Two-faced hypocrite.

Brady Law

5 03 2010

Not the next Governor of Illinois

Bill Brady has been certified as the winner of the GOP Primary for Governor.  Since his margin of victory over Kirk Dullard was more than 100 votes, there will be no recount.

Now the race is between Bill Brady and Pat Quinn, or rather, Brady vs Quinn.  Not involved is Cleveland Browns starting QB Brady Quinn.

Going downballot for just a moment, a caller to Rush’s show posited an interesting theory yesterday, that the outward perception of a feud between President Obama and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is all a manufactured excuse to justify Rahm running for the U.S. Senate seat from IL this year.  In other words, Alexi Giannoulias is such damaged goods that the State Democraps would make him an “offer he can’t refuse,” then slide Rahm in his place to take on Mark Jerk.  It makes sense, because Rahm said that he put on hold his dream to be the first Jewish Speaker of the U.S. House when Obama asked him to be CoS.  However, since there’s a good chance that the Democrats won’t even hold onto the House after November, Rahm might think that that’s a lost cause, and settle for a Senate seat.  One problem with that theory is this:  Is Rahm really that much more electable on a statewide basis (even in Illinois) than AlexiG?  I don’t think so, and it would be even worse for Rahm’s case this year b/c of the wind to the Republicans’ back.

Okay, Andy Martin Is Getting Ridiculous

12 01 2010

My ears glossed over it at first, but Andy Martin has some new media buys on St. Louis radio.  I didn’t catch it at first, because the new ad sounds like his old ad, the one where he peddles the Kirk/gay gossip.  (That’s because Martin’s voice is monotonous, so everything he says sounds alike).  But I finally paid attention to his spoken words today.  At first, I thought he was nothing more than a harmless gnat, and I actually enjoyed him being in the race, b/c it pissed off the State Repugnican Party lamestram.  But this second ad of his is outright libelous.

In the new ad, he insinuates that Mark Kirk excuses pedophilia.  His reasoning is that Kirk dismissed the non-scandal relating to his then-House colleague, Mark Foley.  The ad doesn’t mince words — Martin accuses Foley of pedophilia, and drags Kirk into it by saying that he excuses Foley’s “pedophilia.”

IMHO, Mark Foley has grounds to sue.  And don’t put it past the IL Republican Party to fund a lawsuit on Foley’s behalf, in order to swap this gnat once and for all.

Foley never committed pedophilia.  He never even had sex with the 17-year old guy in question (and even if he did, that’s a legal relationship in many states, including MO and DC).  I read the IM transcripts, and all Foley did was to give the young man advice on how to jack off.  And this non-scandal took place  few years before the media/Democrats publicized it,  they were saving it for an October Surprise as run-up to the 2006 mid-terms which resulted in the Ds taking back the House and Senate.  They wanted to dislodge conservative/moralist voters away from the Republicans, to get them to stay home.  But if they would have used it too early, then the stink would have cleared well before election day.  The hypocrisy of it is that Mark Foley, someone who didn’t keep his orientation a secret AND an elected Republican (a very rare pairing), wasn’t allowed to advise a teenage boy (again, I might add, a legal sexual adult in some states) about masturbation.  But those very same Democrats want that and more to become a staple of kindergarten education.  If Foley did commit pedophilia, it would have come out far closer to the time of the actual act, rather than a timed election season weapon.  And the consequences for Foley would have been far more severe than resigning from Congress in advance from being voted out.

Another element of Democrat hypocrisy relating to the Foley row is that they’ve been telling us for years that we shouldn’t harbor any bigotry toward homosexuals (which we shouldn’t), nor are we allowed to imply that there is a strong correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia (which there is not).  But in the Foley issue in late 2006, the Democrats/MSM didn’t explicitly say that Foley committed pedophilia, but I’ll go to my grave believing that that was the subliminal message they were peddling, or at least, they were hoping enough people would suspect that Foley was a pedophile and that his being a Republican was a besmirch on the whole party.  In other words, they peddled homophobia and insinuated that there is a homo-pedo link.  Methinks that Andy Martin is one of those who did translate the subliminal message into a conscience one.  And the irony of all this is now, the MSM, and a lot of liberal Democrats, at least the ones familiar with Martin, will now accuse him of spreading homophobia and insinuating that there’s a strong homo-pedo correlation.

It’s just that the Democrats would say anything in order to win elections, no matter how two-faced they have to be in the process.  Evidently, Andy Martin will say anything, too.

On the Andy Martin Question

29 12 2009

The head of the Illinois Republican Party:  “Mr. Martin will no longer be recognized as a legitimate Republican candidate by the Illinois Republican Party.”

Well, too bad, motherfucker.  You can’t do that.  This isn’t England — Anyone can run for office on any party they like.  As long as they pay the registration fee, they’re on the primary ballot for any party they want.  And there’s nothing you or your paymasters in various DuPage County country club locker rooms can do about it.  Being disowned by the Illinois Stupid Party is a badge of honor, IMHO.  Two words:  Alan Keyes.  Seven Words:  Oh for two against corruptocrat Rod Blagojevich.  Four words:  Recycling too many Ryans.  Two words:  Abraham Lincoln.

I heard the ad in question on KMOX, and while the ad is underhanded and (no pun intended) below the belt, and while I wouldn’t circulate third-hand third-rate gossip about Mark Kirk being homosexual (heck, I just did :P), and while that doesn’t matter to me even if he was, there’s nothing Pat Brady Bunch can do about it.  Technically, I’m still an Illinois resident, and if I find a new job in the state, I won’t have to change my residency, and therefore, I’ll be able to vote in February.  Provided that, I won’t be voting for Mark Kirk, but his liberal record, not what hole he sticks his thing in, will be the reason why.  Of course, if I land a new job in MO, then I won’t be able to vote in IL, in which case I’ll focus on Chuck Ferguson over Roy Blunt.

The statements “are consistent with (Andy Martin’s) history of bizarre behavior and often times hate-filled speech which has no place in the Illinois Republican Party,” said Pat Brady, the Illinois Republican Party Chairman.

And that’s why the Illinois Republican Party is in the dumps that it’s in.  Perhaps you ought to consider a we little bit of hate, or rather, what most sane people would call passion.