Answers, I Have Them

19 07 2013



It starts this way:

DeAndre Martin says he`s fed up. The 24-year-old showed up to work at Convergys in Arnold on July 11th and saw a racist drawing on his desk. Martin found a picture of a person hanging from a tree. Days later it got worse. On Monday night he clocked out went to his car and discovered a second racist message spray painted all over his car. He  says what makes it more shocking is that it happened in the company parking lot.

“You see the N-word and then a big picture of a noose that`s a big deal a big deal to me. The first time never should’ve happened and the second time was over the top. It`s always like a shock and awe but then suddenly anger sets in,” said Martin.

Martin also says management did not act on the issue and he wants them to change the culture of his workplace.

Passed over for a promotion were we, or got butthurt at work in some form or fashion were we, and all of a sudden we “found” drawings and graffiti did we?

If he found those things first and nobody else did or even saw them, it’s A-Number-1 characteristic of a hoax.  Methinks “changing the culture of his workplace” means little more than gibsme mo mo mo.



6 responses

19 07 2013


I get the feeling that DeAndre Martin and I will have business dealings in the not too distant future.

19 07 2013

Convergys (in this case) is a call center. Unless he is management, he would not have “his desk” to his own, desks in call centers are used by multiple people during the day. He’s just looking for a $25k payday, a go away check, and a career in black racism..

19 07 2013

Where can we see a copy of the racist drawing?
I could use a good laugh.

19 07 2013

I don’t want to be a complete bitch here but I cannot feel sorry. My well of empathy has run dry. Having worked in urban school situations as more posh white suburb school districts in the NE are clogged with union dinosaur workers so I had no chance in hell of landing a job, I was the butt of much racism. In both instances when I was pregnant I lost my job. Went and filed at the EEOC- no dice! My word to the bro here is suck it up! Everyone has to take their licks in Amurkistan my friend, time to take yours.

White Mom in VA

7 08 2013

Why are you assuming these alleged harassments actually happened.
Apparently your well hasn’t run dry.

Mine did quite some time ago.

I wonder how those poor whites railroaded by the New Black Panthers, Sharpton, Inc., etc., feel sitting in jail for Megan Williams’ lies? She is the developmentally disabled black woman who made up a hoax hate crime, rape and abduction accusation against her white boyfriend and his family. She recanted two years later but the cops did nothing, and I don’t think have ever admitted it was a hoax.

But because the true victims were poor whites no one cares, no pretty Duke mamma’s boys here to cry over.

Pro-white movement is mostly pro-rich, almost as full of shite as the anti-white movement, er, I mean the federal government.

23 07 2013

“You see the N-word and then a big picture of a noose that`s a big deal a big deal to me. The first time never should’ve happened and the second time was over the top. It`s always like a shock and awe but then suddenly anger sets in,” said Martin.

The spray painted n-word and a picture of a noose are big deals to him.

Meanwhile, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom are dead. Still dead.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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