The Dime Store Indian’s 11 Commandments For Kooktardism

18 07 2014


Fauxcahontas speaks:

1.  We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, so that’s why I’m going to have Goldman Sachs fund my Presidential campaign.

2.  We believe in science, which means we must believe that human evolution totally stopped in regards to brain development 200,000 years ago.

3.  We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, instead it should be rigged to benefit never-do-evil paragons of virtue like Google.

4.  We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means opening the borders.

5.  We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them right up to the point when their work is replaced by robots.

6.  We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt, and that’s why I’ll always be committed to the set of Democrat Party policies that allow colleges and universities to raise college costs year in and year out.

7.  We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means letting all the world’s grifters in to collect SSI.

8.  We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work, and it’s a good thing too, because we won that battle decades ago.

9.  We believe that equal means equal; everybody except for me will be equally impoverished and miserable, and as men and women of science, we have faith in equality.

10.  We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means letting the whole world flood in, because slave wages and tuberculosis and Ebola outbreaks and the demographics of an international airport and bowling alone…and all that jazz.

11.  And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies.  I will fight with every last drop of your blood to make Hobby Lobby pay for your abortifacient drugs!

And the main tenet of conservatives’ philosophy? “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”  Oops, my bad, that’s more like my philosophy, I got mine, the rest of you don’t have a way to pass yourselves off as part Indian.


A bonus 12th commandment:

“In my quest to end corporate welfare, I am proud to announce today that I support the Export-Import Bank.”



16 responses

18 07 2014

Masterful job at laying her hypocrisy bare.

18 07 2014
“Who the Hell is Jay Nixon?” | Countenance Blog

[…] on HRC challengers in 2016.  It’s mainly about the Dime Store Indian, but someone we all know and love gets a very brief […]

19 07 2014
r j p

Fauxcahontas needs to publish these beliefs on a Bazooka Bubble Gum wrapper …… or insert in a fortune cookie ….. and distribute them if / when she campaigns.

19 07 2014

I know over at Amren you said you don’t listen to her anymore (I only do because she’s on after Rush, who regardless of what one thinks of him, must be listened to to know whats up) but D. L. is sure that faux is running, just waiting for Hillary to break her hip…physically or otherwise.

19 07 2014

Ingraham, Rush, Savage, Levin are the only lamer con hosts I like more or less. Dana Loesch’s yuppie screaming gets on my nerves, and it would even if she was a Jared Taylor clone. I almost kinda have to listen to Jamie Allman because he likes to keep his finger on the pulse of the state political scene, and even though whatever he talks about to whatever Republicans from the General Assembly he talks to, I already know because I’m plugged into that gossip circuit, I want to hear how he reacts to this or that, because it’s a good first canary in the coal mine for me for PR purposes.

I have no doubt at all that the Dime Store Indian wants to run for President. And personally, I’d like to see it, just to watch the cat fight nature of her versus Hillary. That will be a hell of a lot more interesting than what is shaping up to be an uninspiring Republican field. I just don’t know if she’s actually going to, that whole bit about a rookie Senator running only works so often. Even if the Dime Store Indian doesn’t, I don’t think HRC will be the nominee. I’m watching out for Mark Warner. But his own Senate re-election in Virginia this year is all of a sudden not such a sure thing.

19 07 2014

By the by, did you hear rush talking about the invasion of middle class neighborhoods…almost like he had been reading Amren!

19 07 2014

Yes, and he’s basically reprising his own bouncing off of a Stanley Kurtz book about this matter in 2012 then a long form follow up to his book in NR last year. I talked about them both here in this space:

Obama Should Remember Patterson’s First Axiom

Where There Is Madness

I will add to that that Westchester County, New York is already a solidly blue county, so Obama’s DOJ isn’t in a mad rush to diversify it for partisan political reasons. Here’s the REAL reason: The white people already living in and gentrifying New York City want to be able to dump as many NAMs especially blacks as possible somewhere, and Westchester County is the politically least problematic option. It’s true that a lot of blacks have already left New York City, but there are still a lot that live there. And a lot of white people that already live in New York are big time donors to Democrat politicians.

19 07 2014

Last question (this is my first time commenting on your site) I never see you over at Takimag…is there a reason for that? Best of luck over there, I figure if you keep a eye west of the Miss. and I east, we’ve got the midwest covered. Your friend, Lewis33, aka Lewis Wade, aka Charlie Wade.

19 07 2014

I rarely comment at Taki, and mostly only on Steve Sailer’s columns and Jim Goad’s every once in a blue moon. The rest of the stable at Taki really doesn’t interest me.

Since you’re a rookie here:

Stick around. I have 14,068 previous posts for your reading pleasure, and posts newer than 90 days old, you can leave comments on.

19 07 2014

I came here yesterday for the first time in a week or so and as I read your 11 commandments on the home page and the first thing I thought was that this would be a good article for Taki.

19 07 2014

My biggest fan (Nicholas Stix) and some blog called Vox Day have both linked to it and drove a lot of traffic to it today. Really, this was so easy for me to do, it was nothing more than 11 slow meatballs over the heart of the plate. What else could you expect the snarkiest bastard on the internets do but to hit each of them 450 feet or more to straightaway center? This post just rolled off my fingers.

19 07 2014

Oh, I’ve been following you for awhile, I just don’t comment much when I don’t have Dis. Lash is a twit and I am no fan. Taki is sort of where the wise men of THMNBN gather and I sense you and S. Sailer poking in that direction more and more every day. Feel free to take this down if you don’t want that noticed…I threw you in the twitter feed tonight with Abdul and me (both of us in Indy for the fireworks!) and Paul K. They brought in Homeland Security, if that isn’t hilarious!

19 07 2014

You’re in Indianapolis, I forgot that Emmis has an FM news/talk in Indy to give DL a second station. Ironically, Laura Ingraham has no St. Louis affiliate so I have to listen to her online from a station in Indianapolis, her affiliate there, when I get a chance to listen.

19 07 2014

L. I. used to be on after Rush in Evansville, so it was syn. to some extent. She was much better than the giggler. (instead of the Riddler, d.l. is the giggler) along with indy’s own chicks on the right, horrible gigglers as well.

21 07 2014

Some blog called Vox Day? That is the first stop of the day and should be yours as well.

21 07 2014

Vox Day is 52 on that list yet V-Dare is 94. What’s up with that? Yeah I now like Vox Day now that I know what it is, and I’ll add it to my blogroll soon, but V-Dare should be way ahead of Vox Day. AR should be on this list, too.

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