The New Bernhard Goetz

9 09 2010


Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47

George Grier said he had to use his rifle on Sunday night to stop what he thought was going to be an invasion of his Uniondale home by a gang he thought might have been the vicious “MS-13.” He said the whole deal happened as he was about to drive his cousin home.

“I went around and went into the house, ran upstairs and told my wife to call the police. I get the gun and I go outside and I come into the doorway and now, by this time, they are in the driveway, back here near the house. I tell them, you know, ‘Can you please leave?’ Grier said.


“He starts threatening my family, my life. ‘Oh you’re dead. I’m gonna kill your family and your babies. You’re dead.’ So when he says that, 20 others guys come rushing around the corner. And so I fired four warning shots into the grass,” Grier said.

Grier was later arrested. John Lewis is Grier’s attorney.

“What he’s initially charged with – A D felony reckless endangerment — requires a depraved indifference to human life, creating a risk that someone’s going to die. Shooting into a lawn doesn’t create a risk of anybody dying,” Lewis said.

Grier said he knew Nassau County Police employ the hi-tech “ShotSpotter” technology in his area and that the shooting would bring police in minutes. Cops told Guzman he was very cooperative.

Grier also said he was afraid the gang outside his house was the dreaded MS-13. And Nassau County Police Lt. Andrew Mulraine, head of the gang unit, said MS-13 has 2,000 members in the county.

“They’re probably the most organized. They almost have a military hierarchy within the gang, so they are the most organized gang we encounter on a daily basis,” Mulraine said.


Police determined Grier had the gun legally. He has no criminal record. And so he was not charged for the weapon.

The UK Daily Mail also covers the story, with a much clearer picture of Mr. Grier.  But it’s not a very flattering picture, (hint:  mugshot), and it makes him look like a thug.  Though a lot of thugs look like this, he made it to the age of 30 with a wife, two kids by said wife, and no rap sheet.  So not a thug.  Also the Mail implies that Grier’s AK-47 can shoot 600 rounds a minute.  A fully automatic AK can do that, but not the civilian semi-auto version.  If he had the auto version, he would have been charged for the weapon.

As for his legal troubles, the reason why the D.A. might find it hard to get guilty verdict from 12 of 12 jurors is that he fired the rounds into the lawn, not at any of the gang-bangers.  While New York State law probably has a duty to retreat, he probably couldn’t have retreated any further than he did, because if 20 gang-bangers invade your house, further retreat is impossible. Where can you, your wife and your two kids truly hide in your own house when there are 20 gang thugs running around what looks to be a small house? They will find all four of you and murder you all. It’s like a slow grasshopper trying to fend off an invasion of millions of army ants.  And, from what I understand, NYS changed a lot of its self-defense/firearm laws after the Bernhard Goetz controversy.  It’s not as generous as most states, but it’s better than what they had pre-Goetz.

The bad news is that under Federal law, he can’t possess any firearm while he’s under indictment for a felony. Even a successful disposition of this case will take awhile; meanwhile, MS-13 is still hunting his head and his wife’s head and his kids’ heads tonight. Even if he survives MS-13 hunting him down, and sees himself cleared of this felony charge, he won’t ever see that AK-47 again — Cops love to drag their heels when it comes to returning seized guns, and no lawyer is going to take the necessary time and spend the money on the Writ of Replevin to make the cops give it back, especially on a relatively inexpensive item (“relatively,” in the greater scheme of things), like this rifle. It’ll be much cheaper for him to buy a new AK.

Uniondale, New York is about 55% black and 23% Hispanic and 18% native born white.  (Some of those demographics overlap, because many East Coast Hispanics are black/Afro-Caribbean/mulatto-Caribbean, while some of those listed as “black” are Caribbean immigrants, not African-Americans like Mr. Grier).  But MS-13 members are almost entirely Chicano/Mestizo Central Americans/Southern Mexicans.  What is happening on Long Island is that the rich plutocrat bastards who live in The Hamptons and other waterfront towns, (some are permanent residents, some are Gothamers that use their LI waterfront place as their weekend/vacation house), import all this cheap labor for construction and domestic help from Mexico and points southward.  Of course, they’d never allow their cheap labor nor their families the luxury of living anywhere close to where they live, so the Hispanics live in working class suburbs like Uniondale, (see Mr. Grier’s modest house above), where Hispanic gangs like MS-13 metastasize and terrorize native born Americans, mostly whites, but more and more blacks.



One response

6 03 2011
Sunday Wrap-Up « Countenance Blog

[…] My point here is that this bolster’s George Grier’s case that he was engaged in self-defense. […]