Eric Greitens Enlists For World War T

20 04 2016

Jefferson City

He’s going to use his Navy SEAL skills to help World War T conquer the Show Me State’s restrooms and locker rooms.

If a Republican candidate for Governor wanted to break with his or her party’s orthodoxy to help his or her campaign, smart strategy would be to break on RTW.  Except, doing that would require creativity and offending a few donors.  Defecting over to the side of WWT doesn’t hurt your donations but makes the media happy.




5 responses

20 04 2016
20 04 2016
Hard Right

They didn’t like the meme he posted.

20 04 2016
Alex the Goon

Another Wise Latina.

21 04 2016
20 04 2016

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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