The Color of Juvenile Crime in St. Louis City: Almost Monochrome

8 11 2009

Hank Thompson, St. Louis black talk radio’s avuncular voice of erudition, heard from a prominent St. Louis City circuit juvenile court judge that 99% of all juvenile offenders in his court are black.  Mr. Thompson doesn’t like this, and, drawing the only conclusion that a good racial egalitarian can, thinks that the white cops are ignoring white juvenile crime in the City.  The problem with that is that 98% of adult offenders in the City are black, so it’s not especially deviant, unless you find something suspicious with that, too.  And while white teenagers are more rambunctious than white adults, St. Louis City doesn’t have way too many white teenagers.  If there are any, they are the sons and daughters of white cops and firefighters who have to live in the City.  Most city whites are either upper middle aged or elderly, or young childless yuppies.  In 1990, St. Louis City’s whites had a median age of 55, while the City’s blacks had a median age of 21.  I’m sure the white median has dropped b/c of yuppie gentrification in the earlier parts of this decade.

According to Jared Taylor’s interpretation of statistics, black teenagers are eight times as likely to commit a violent crime as a white teenager.  While that disparity is the lowest among age groups, i.e. showing the highest likelihood of white criminality, the disparity is still very significant.  What this means is that in a jurisdiction with equal numbers of white and black teenagers, then the juvenile courts’ defendants will have 8 blacks for every 1 white, so it will be 88.9% black and 11.1% white.  The St. Louis City numbers are 99% black and 1% non-black (i.e. not necessarily white, could be Hispanics counted as white, or Vietnamese-American), that there are so few white juvenile criminal defendants in the city I think is merely a function of the paucity of white teenagers in the city.

Prediction:  The black civil rights power structure will start demanding “equality” in juvenile arrests in St. Louis City.  Therefore, the SPLD will be compelled either to:  (1)  Arrest black teenagers less often, especially for the less serious end of violent crimes, or (2)  Arrest white teenagers more, or (3) A little of both.  I think it’ll be a little of both, but moreso (2) than (1).  White teenagers will be arrested for increasingly tickey-tack offenses just to make a dent in the stats that Mr. Thompson whines about.  If you’re a white teenager in St. Louis City, you better start being purer than the wife of Caesar and the wind driven snow combined.

While we’re on the subject, the judge that fed that stat to Mr. Thompson is going to be the Headmaster of a new juvenile offender middle/high school in the City, based at the abandoned Blewett Middle School on Cass Avenue.  According to the P-D, (no link b/c it mentions the judge’s name), the yet to be named school will have:

…a police substation, a police athletic and boxing program, “gang resistant” training, a state Youth Services day treatment program, job placement services, a chess club, culinary training, Cameron Youth Orchestra music classes, and Harris Stowe State University tutoring, according to the St. Louis Public release.

Sounds like a pretty damned good high school.  If you’re a white teenager in St. Louis City, and your parents don’t have the money to send you to a Catholic H.S., and you don’t have the grades or luck to get into Metro or Gateway Tech, you ought to commit a crime so you can go to this school.  Except if you’re good in math, and do well in high school calculus, don’t expect Harris-Slow to have enough students sign up for second semester college Calculus, as I so rudely found out the summer between my junior and senior years in H.S.  BTW, I wish boxing would be offered in many more high schools, but if anyone dares say that a school like Parkway Central ought to have a boxing team, the libs will bitch a fit about violence.  Ironically, the violent teenagers will get boxing.

UPDATE 1/24/2012

I see that a forum of bodybuilders is sending this article a lot of traffic.  “Stoliolie17” doesn’t grok the point of the second paragraph, to which he refers.  It’s not that the juvenile crime rate in St. Louis is 88.9% black 11.1% white, it’s that it would be about that if the city had equal numbers of black and white juveniles of the exact same age distribution curve.  In reality, as this states, 99% of St. Louis’ juvenile crime is black.

