While I Was Here/Away

22 07 2006

Or, more properly speaking, while this blogmeister was deprived of electricity, these news events struck a chord with me:

1. Rioting and looting in the blacked out areas of St. Louis was apparently at a minimum. However, when Governor Blunt declared a disaster area of the city and deployed the MO National Guard, most of those deployments were in north St. Louis City. And I know for certain that those Guardsmen on this “humanitarian” mission were trolling north city in full fatigue/camouflage uniforms and boots, and maybe hidden firearms. Perhaps that kept the Negroes in line.

2. The number of “Americans” “trapped” in Beirut, as reported by the MSM: 20,000. Isn’t that a lot of Americans to be in a foreign city?

The unraveling of this riddle came when I heard an MSM reporter on my battery-powered radio say that most of those “Americans” “trapped” in Beirut were from the Detroit area.


NOT “Americans” in the sense of John and Jane Doe from lilly white suburbs taking a vacation in the Holy Land (though St. Louis University President Fr. Lawrence Biondi was stuck there as he was giving the commencement address at another Jesuit institution in Beirut).

Most of them were Arab-Americans, probably playing around with Hezbollah, probably illegally, but who could prove it. And when you consider that the “Americans” were whining about how Yankee government wasn’t paying their freight back, and that Yankee Government capitulated and paid up, it upsets me to say the least.

3. Alan Keyes said that questions raised about the financial scandals around the Simcox affiliates of the Blob Formerly Known As The Minuteman Project are based on “racism” and “anti-Semitism.” So, NUMBERS themselves hate blacks and Jews. And to think, the Illinois GOP just had to truck this thing in from the People’s Republic of Maryland in order to have a Senate candidate two years back.

4. The Democrat Party is thinking about moving the Nevada and South Carolina primaries up around the time of Iowa and New Hampshire. Yep, race is the issue. The black and tan usual suspects are whining that “lilly white” early primaries and caucuses in IA and NH are unfairly weeding out black and Hispanic Presidential candidates.

The trouble with that line of thinking is that it assumes that early primaries are necessarily a “launch pad” or a “big mo’ builder” for later ones. Pat Buchanan found out the sad unreality of that fact in 1996.

Truthfully, if a “rogue” candidate in bad taste of the Party Bosses wins IA or NH or any early party primaries or caucuses, the Party Establishment will circle their wagons around their chosen standard bearer.

The reason why a black or Hispanic won’t win the Democrat nomination for President any time soon is that the Dem bosses know that a non-white face at the top (or even at the bottom) of the ticket will surely lose the electoral college — this is why they gravitate toward slick looking liberal white men and women, those whose liberalism keeps the principled progressives and non-white blocs in line, but also those whose images can be obfuscated and/or “made over” to fool the unwashed masses.

4. Ray McBerry — 11%. I said that a third would be a moral victory, but he only got a third of that. There’s always that ole drawing board.

5. What world am I living in? Someone named Wallace lost a statewide election in Alabama because his no-name opponent accuses him of being an “out of touch liberal.”

But this no-name opponent spent a ton of money on a Lieutenant Governor’s race, which seems odd. A lot of those pieces don’t fit together, but it seems to me that somebody wanted to stop Wallace by any means necessary. Thank goodness for George Jr. that this no-name candidate didn’t go as far as Arthur Bremer in deciding what means were necessary.

