Degrees of Separation From Sanity

16 01 2012

Did you know that Martin Luther King was for open source software?

And if you’ll buy that, I’ll throw the Edmund Pettis Bridge in for free.

Using this standard, I probably have a stronger connection to MLK than the OSS movement.

Brothers In Arms

16 01 2012

Sorry.  The KC Occutards didn’t “co-opt” MLK Day, because if MLK were still alive today, he would be the Occutard of Occutards.


Would MLK have endorsed a movement known for hookers?  Hmm.  That’s a tough one, unless it isn’t.

I have said it before, and I’ll use the opportunity of the day to say it again:  Neo-cons and lamestream conservatives are full of shit when they peddle the notion that Martin Luther King was one of them or would be one if he were still alive today.  Even as watered down as “conservatism” has become, MLK would still be on the hard to far left, and he would vote and endorse Democrats virtually 100% of the time.  The ONLY Republican to whom a hypothetical post-1968 MLK would have given the time of day was Jack Kemp.

Want proof?  See one of MLK’s proteges, Jesse Jackson.

UPDATE:  AR has put Sam Francis’s essay about MLK back up today.

He’ll Live. (Too Bad)

6 03 2011


Jesse White: Martin Luther King, Jr. statue vandalism ‘reprehensible’

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Vandals fired yellow paint-balls at a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. located near the Illinois statehouse, Secretary of State Jesse White’s office announced Friday.

The Illinois Secretary of State Police is investigating the vandalism, which was reported around 7 a.m.

According to a statement from White’s office, no other statue or structure in the capitol complex was damaged. The statue has been cleaned and no permanent damage was sustained.

“I find it reprehensible that anyone would seek to denigrate the legacy of Dr. King in any way,” White said in a statement. White was personally associated with King, when he attended Alabama State College, where King was his minister.

Yes, how dare you peons actually criticize him, his advocacy, the consequences of his actions or his personal life (he was a Christian minister after all), in any way, either by way of rational thought, or by way of yellow paintballs.  BTW, the paint used in paintballs is even lousier than the water-based junk they expect you to paint your interior rooms with these days, and have since 1978.  It didn’t take much to clean the statue, btw.  In fact, even without rain any time in the next week, it would have dissolved and evaporated.

Why does the Secretary of State’s Office have its own separate police department?  There’s the ISP, there’s the Springfield City P.D., and I’m sure the State Capitol has a P.D.  No wonder Illinois is in a budget mess.  Thankfully, they won’t be solving their budget mess on my back.

Hoods of White, Bags of Green

14 03 2010

Jackson Clarion-Ledger floats a theory that James Earl Ray murdered MLK to collect a hundred kilobuck bounty put out on his head by the K-people.

The assassination was in 1968.  This was smack dab in the middle of the time period (1965-70) when the U.S. Justice Department was using the newly passed Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 essentially to shut down the K-people.  As it was, they weren’t much in 1965, and nothing in 1970.  How could they come up with $100,000 during that time?  If those assets were visible, the DOJ would have seized them.  If not, then various K-people would have fought and shot each other over it as to salvage something from the sinking ship.

The JCL also rehashes a discredited theory that involves a venue (i.e. a former tavern) within a few miles of where I am sitting right now, that a St. Louis businessman ponied up fifty kilobucks for MLK’s head.  The Powers That Be actually pursued that theory, but dumped it after it involved two people actively cavorting with each other before the assassination that actually didn’t meet each other until seven years after the assassination.

Want MLK’s true assassin?  Look inside the Civil Rights Movement.  Their motive was clear:  MLK was about to be discredited big time, and this would have ruined the Civil Rights Movement’s future.  They had the means to put up a bounty, they had the means to fly James Earl Ray to London after he fired the gun in Memphis.  (Hint:  It was prohibitively expensive to fly from the U.S. to London on a major carrier without any advance reservations in 1968.)  A living MLK would have been a drag on the Civil Rights Movement, a dead one turned out to be a martyr, and obviously the torch was passed to MLK’s younger confidants.