“But Hazelton, Penn. Doesn’t Have A Big Influx Of Hispanic Immigrants”

25 03 2007

That’s the canard we heard from the open borders lobby in the aftermath of the city government of Hazelton, Penn. passing their anti-immigration ordinances.

Behold, from the Hazelton Standard-Speaker:

A Hazleton man was assaulted by several teens apparently on their way home from school Thursday, city police said.

Police are investigating an assault involving weapons — witnesses called it a stabbing — in the area of Fourth and Lincoln streets Thursday.

According to Hazleton police, 23-year-old Craig Mason of Hazleton was assaulted by several Hispanic males.

Mason was treated at Hazleton General Hospital for his injuries, police said.

A witness at the scene said 17 or 18 Hispanic teens believed to be on their way home from school were involved in the assault on Mason, who was driving south on Lincoln Street at the time.

According to another person who witnessed the confrontation, Mason tried to drive down Lincoln Street but was blocked as the large group of teens refused to move off the street to allow the car to go by.

Discount Lead Poisoning

25 03 2007

It’s the fashionable PC excuse to explain away racial differences in intelligence and IQ.

They’ve Been No Help

25 03 2007

AFP Headline:

Auto union chief sees middle-class dream slipping away

The rest of the article is about United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger, and his lamenting the loss of the American working middle class.

The trouble is, most modern day labor unions are helping to engineer the loss of the American working middle class, with their support for amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders, and their tepid at best opposition to free trade, i.e. they’ll make noise about NAFTA and “Fast Track” trade treaties, but say nothing about GATT, WTO and North American Union.

Hog Wrangler

25 03 2007


HAMPTON FALLS, N.H. – Former White House Chief of Staff John H. Sununu has a new title — hog wrangler.

Sununu and his wife, Nancy, recently were named to the honorary post of Hampton Falls’ hog reeve, complete with a swearing-in ceremony and a badge. The post, which dates back to the 1700s, means the couple are responsible for rounding up any loose pigs in town.

The title is usually given to an unsuspecting newcomer each year. The Sununus recently moved from Salem to Hampton Falls to be closer to relatives.

Perhaps he knows now how a “Lizard Wrangler” feels:

African Arrivals Bring Polygamy to New York City

25 03 2007

A commenter to AR said that the MSM will make a big issue out of Mitt Romney’s great-great-great-grandfather’s polygamy, and say nothing about Barack Obama’s father’s polygamy.

New York Times:

Polygamy in America, outlawed in every state but rarely prosecuted, has long been associated with Mormon splinter groups out West, not immigrants in New York. But a fatal fire in a row house in the Bronx on March 7 revealed its presence here, in a world very different from the suburban Utah setting of “Big Love,” the HBO series about polygamists next door.

The city’s mourning for the dead — a woman and nine children in two families from Mali — has been followed by a hushed double take at the domestic arrangements described by relatives: Moussa Magassa, the Mali-born American citizen who owned the house and was the father of five children who perished, had two wives in the home, on different floors. Both survived.

No one knows how prevalent polygamy is in New York. Those who practice it have cause to keep it secret: under immigration law, polygamy is grounds for exclusion from the United States.

Under state law, bigamy can be punished by up to four years in prison.

The trouble is, Federal immigration authorities and New York law enforcement and prosecution authorities will be loath to enforce anti-polygamy laws against non-whites. Don’t want to be racist, ya know.

But the Magassas clearly are not an isolated case. Immigration to New York and other American cities has soared from places where polygamy is lawful and widespread, especially from West African countries like Mali, where demographic surveys show that 43 percent of women are in polygamous marriages.

And the picture that emerges from dozens of interviews with African immigrants, officials and scholars of polygamy is of a clandestine practice that probably involves thousands of New Yorkers.

“It’s difficult, but one accepts it because it’s our religion,” said Doussou Traoré, 52, president of an association of Malian women in New York, who married an older man with two other wives who remain in Mali. “Our mothers accepted it. Our grandmothers accepted it. Why not us?”

This is just rich. The ultra-xenophilic New York Times is now complaining when recent arrivals from a polygamous culture bring polygamy to New York, and don’t exactly assimilate as planned.

Looking at the World Through Kook-Colored Glasses

25 03 2007

CNS News:

Claiming that civil rights have been eroded over the last few years, the Center for American Progress and the Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights Wednesday accused the Bush administration of a deliberate campaign to do so.

Any group that would complain about President Bush and his record on equality isn’t a “Civil Rights group,” but a neo-communist cabal.  That’s like saying that Martin Luther King’s record on civil rights and equality is poor.

Fire Up The Grill

25 03 2007

Matching a story from Brazil covered in this space yesterday, but this one happening a little closer to home, from the AP:

A 19-year-old Texas A&M University student was killed by her ex-boyfriend, who then dismembered and burned her body on a patio grill, authorities said Saturday.

Investigators say Timothy Wayne Shepherd, 27, confessed Wednesday to strangling Tynesha Stewart because he was angry she had begun a new relationship. Shepherd, who is charged with murder, is being held on $250,000 bond.

“We have determined through this investigation that the defendant dismembered Tynesha Stewart and . . . he burned the body parts,” Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said. “There are no remaining body parts.”

Those Naggling Pizza Nabobs

25 03 2007


CINCINNATI – Customers at some suburban pizza parlors are getting something extra with their pepperoni and mushrooms — wanted posters for parents accused of failing to pay child support.

The idea came to Cynthia Brown, executive director of the Butler County Child Enforcement Agency, while she was ordering pizza.

“It suddenly dawned on me that most people running from the law don’t eat out, they order pizza,” said Brown, whose county is north of Cincinnati.

How about wanted posters of those who assault pizza delivery drivers? I think in Cincinnati and most big American cities, that is the more acute threat.

Butterflypool Lane

25 03 2007

Soon to get carpool lane privileges


Taiwanese authorities are to temporarily shut one lane of a busy road to protect millions of butterflies on their seasonal migration, officials said Saturday.

Under the measure, one lane of the freeway near Linei township in central Taiwan will be closed on the mornings of April 3-5 during the “peak hours” of the yearly migration by purple-spotted butterflies.

The measure may lead to traffic jams but it is worth doing, said Lee Thay-ming, head of the National Freeway Bureau.

Now that’s what I call “High Occupancy Lane.”