What Does a 6-Year Old Boy Need With 72 Virgins?

23 06 2007

UK Guardian:

Children as young as six are being used by the Taliban in increasingly desperate suicide missions, coalition forces in Afghanistan claimed yesterday.

The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to which Britain contributes 5,000 troops in southern Afghanistan, revealed that soldiers defused an explosive vest which had been placed on a six-year-old who had been told to attack Afghan army forces in the east of the country.

The boy was spotted after appearing confused at a checkpoint. The vest was defused and no one was hurt.

The claim came only hours after the second report this week that civilians had been killed in Nato military operations.

That fanatical fringe wing of Islamic theology states that these suicide bombers get 72 virgins when they get to heaven after having pulled a suicide bombing. If that’s really the case, and if they believe that so, then why do these grown men send a 6-year old boy, who doesn’t know the first thing about human sexuality, to do these sorts of things, when they themselves could get the 72 virgins before a boy who isn’t even halfway to puberty?

UPDATE 6/25:  Juma Gul, a 6-year old Afghani boy, defected from the Taliban and informed American forces occupying Afghanistan about his ordeal.

Gary Sheffield Admits: Blacks Are Out of Control And Want It That Way

23 06 2007

GQ Magazine via Caste Football:

“I called it years ago. What I called is that you’re going to see more black faces, but there ain’t no English going to be coming out… [It’s about] being able to tell [Latin players] what to do —- being able to control them.

“Where I’m from, you can’t control us. You might get a guy to do it that way for a while because he wants to benefit, but in the end, he is going to go back to being who he is. And that’s a person that you’re going to talk to with respect, you’re going to talk to like a man.

“These are the things my race demands. So, if you’re equally good as this Latin player, guess who’s going to get sent home? I know a lot of players that are home now can outplay a lot of these guys.”

Give him brownie points for honesty, but take them back for being so parochial and narcissistic that he can’t even notice that Hispanics of the Carribean variety are often part black.

You’ll Have to Take My Cell Phone From My Cold, Dead, Sexless Hands

23 06 2007

So say a majority of British young adults between the ages of 16 and 24.

The World’s Oldest Profession is a Three-Way Street

23 06 2007


An Italian town’s mayor hopes to shame men into not using prostitutes by photographing cars that pick them up and publishing the details in local newspapers.

Cesare De Martin, mayor of the northern town of San Fior near Venice, said on Friday he planned to give local police digital cameras and instruct them to photograph any cars seen stopping to liaise with prostitutes on the side of the street.


Clients of prostitutes are not punished in many countries, including Italy. Italian law effectively turns a blind eye to prostitution, punishing only “exploiters of prostitution,” meaning pimps.

But without johns and whores, there can be no pimps.

Halfway Hilton

23 06 2007

Paris Hilton wants to start a halfway house for L.A.-area jail inmates after she herself gets out of the can, so she tells Ryan Seacrest. I’m sure for Ryan, Paris is easier to take than Simon Cowell. And a lot easier than Sanjaya Malakar. Or Brian Dunkleman.

As if we’re supposed to believe that she actually developed a rapport with a number of other inmates. If she actually did get close to the general population, the only rapport between they and her to develop would have been a makeshift knife in her neck.

Either she can build from scratch, or convince her parents to yield the second floor of the building above. Nevertheless, she has something to tell Meredith Vieira about next week, as if Mort Zuckerman feels like he didn’t waste that million.

XM and Sirius Are Now Moot

23 06 2007

Streaming IP radio via ubiquitous wireless broadband internet is the wave of the future, and a well-known electronics manufacturer is about to bring the future closer to the present in style. Political Cesspool listeners outside of Memphis, rejoice.

An Investment We Can All Live With

23 06 2007

If Dubai is interested in New York’s high fashion, then that’s fine by me. It’s only when they get interested in New York’s ports that some of us have a problem.

What’s the worst thing that could happen with this if the UAE and the USA become mortal enemies? A few New Yorkers will be running around naked? I mean, it wouldn’t be a pleasant sight, but certainly nothing compared to a dirty bomb.


23 06 2007

Now there’s talk that some of the cases he worked on since he joined the Durham County D.A.’s office in 1978 will be re-examined based on his perfidy in the Duke lacrosse scandal.

And maybe he went after something associated with Duke University because:

Nifong joined the county prosecutor’s office as a volunteer in 1978 after graduating from law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and worked his way up to be Hardin’s chief assistant.

So this Tar Heel probably wanted to stick it to the Blue Devils for school rivalry alone.

Whodathunkkit. AP Gives Talk Radio More Love than Trent Lott.

23 06 2007

At least when the AP discusses talk radio’s influence over the immigration bill, it doesn’t make like the mafia and Trent Lott, and imply that it’s some sort of problem that has to be fitted with concrete shoes.

It’s As If the Dog Wanted to Do This

23 06 2007


SAGLE, Idaho – Bad dog. Charlie the black lab drove his owner’s car into the Pend Oreille River. As Mark Ewing walked home Wednesday evening after returning from picking up a pizza, Charlie jumped into the car through an open window, and apparently knocked the vehicle into gear.

“He somehow got the car into neutral,” Ewing said. “My car just went boom, down an incline and into the drink.”

Ewing could only watch as his Chevy Impala sank into the river. No dummy, Charlie jumped out of the window as the car went downhill.

My best guess is that Charlie is a Ford fan.

But $25,000 a Month Isn’t Enough to Raise a Kid

23 06 2007

Yes, 50. She wants the shirt off your back.


CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. – The $25,000 a month in child support and household expenses that rapper 50 Cent pays to the mother of his 10-year-old son is not enough, says the boy’s mother, Shaniqua Tompkins.

The rapper is “worth tens and tens of millions of dollars,” said her attorney, Raoul Felder.

The parents of young Marquise Jackson are wrangling over the issue in family court in this Long Island community, where 50 Cent arrived Friday in an armored SUV equipped with a satellite dish.

50 Cent no longer needs to worry about the choice he famously expressed on a 2004 album — “Get Rich or Die Tryin’.”

With his G-Unit record label, clothing line, ring tones and other enterprises, 50 Cent — whose real name is Curtis Jackson — reeled in an estimated $33 million in the past year, according to Forbes. He has sold more than 11 million albums and has a new album, “Curtis,” due out in September.

His lawyer, Brett Kimmel, called Tompkins “insatiable.”

“Her demands keep escalating,” he told the Daily News.

He’s giving her $300,000 a year for the kid, and just for the kid and not for her, because they were never married, so he’s not on the hook for alimony. That $300G is more in a year than the economists tell us that it takes to raise a typical suburban child from birth to age 18. Provided Miss Tompkins is managing that money well, that kid isn’t hurting for anything, and needs nothing more. I think his laywer is right, she’s trying to bilk him out of more money.

Even though 50 made $33 million last year, the shelf life for rappers isn’t very long (have you heard of middle-aged rap stars?). Not only that, the rap genre is falling on hard times. So he won’t be making that kind of money every year for the rest of his life. Therefore, I would be leary to negotiate her any more money per year for the kid if I were him.

I can think of a solution. If she wants more money, then he can settle with her through their lawyers, and he could make a one-time cash out to her for, say, $10 million, and that would be the end of his legal financial responsibility to the kid. $10 million invested returning 3% a year, which can be done easily these days with intermediate time period CDs, can get her the same $300,000 a year she’s getting now, and if she dumps it into an annuity, she can get more than that every year, and it’ll be enough to get young Mr. Jackson through high school and college, and when he’s done with school, he can get the remaining principal, which might be in the several millions of dollars, as a nest egg, and start a nice life with it.

Quite honestly, though, I think Miss Tompkins is thinking of herself more than her son with these proceedings against Mr. Jackson the elder. Any extra money she gets would probably be blown frivolously.

And for his part, if he’s going to take the stage name that is indicative of some amount of money, he shouldn’t be surprised if someone thinks of him as a human ATM machine.

Atlanta Pols Nullify Constitution

23 06 2007

At St. Louis CofCC Blog.

Then again, Atlanta nullified the Constitution years ago, with the exception of the late Congressman Larry MacDonald.