Guilt Monument

31 08 2015


Black people used to live there, but not so many do anymore.  And because the surrounding areas are now new money suburbs, the increasing property taxes means that the few that are there won’t be there for much longer, even if they were not already up in age.  Therefore, when there are no longer any black people there, it should be made plainly obvious that black people used to live there, because black.

The places around here where white people used to live but are now black ghettos?  Never mind those, you evil noticer.

Klan Bake

30 08 2015


Missouri Democrats couldn’t stand the evil of calling their annual fundraiser supper after a slaveowner and someone who shoved Indians around, so they renamed it.

After someone who joined the Ku Klux Klan just long enough and superficially enough to win re-election to his judge’s seat.

Captain Al

28 08 2015

Long Island


I was wondering why Al Arbour (his passing) was a St. Louis trending topic on the Tweeter, because he is most famous for coaching the New York Islanders to four straight Stanley Cup wins from 1980 to 1983, and was in the 1984 Finals but lost to the up and coming Edmonton Oilers led by a young hotshot goal scoring machine named Wayne Gretzky.

He was the very first Blues captain, after the NHL’s massive 1967 franchise expansion brought the Blues and a bunch of other teams into the league.


Social Justice

27 08 2015

Fountain Park

This is from the SLPD’s official YT channel.

The description box for this video reads:

Help us identify the individuals in this video!

Relative to civil unrest occurring in the area of Walton and Page on 8/19, the front windows of Kings Beauty Supply, STL Custom Designs and Nail Spa, all located at 1330 Aubert, were shattered. Approximately 30-40 subjects then entered the businesses and took various cosmetic/hair products and items, jewelry and clothing.

This video depicts the suspects who entered Kings Beauty Supply.

Anyone with information on any of the individuals in the video is asked to call CrimeStoppers at 866-371-TIPS (8477).

A cop shot and killed a civilian, the circumstances are still up in the air. However, the precepts of social justice in bell curve city require those who are upset with it to loot weaves from the nearest beauty supply store, in this case, three blocks away. Remember, one of the very first stores looted on the Fergaza Strip on the night of August 10, 2014 was a hair hat emporium, a weave world.

As for IDing these people giving themselves a social justice 100% discount on weave, well, the TALA Doctrine probably makes that next to impossible.

Which End?

27 08 2015



Federal prosecutors on Thursday accused a St. Louis man of involvement in three drug-related deaths since 2013.

Anthony Jordan, 29, was indicted Wednesday on charges of conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute cocaine and possession and/or discharge of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime resulting in death, the U.S. Attorney’s office said.


Prosecutors said that the charges are the product of an ongoing collaboration with St. Louis police and prosecutors to try and address the rising murder rate in the city.

“Address the rising murder rate in the city?”  I thought that was the result of the lack of basketballs, or not enough seats in finger painting classes for 8-year olds, or too many speeding tickets, or something like that.  Now we hear that the evil white KKKops in the city and even Obama’s U.S. Attorneys for St. Louis want to feed yet another black body to the prison-industrial complex.

Howdy Neighbor

27 08 2015


P-D on Jennings changing its dastardly ways when it comes to municipal courts.


The cities of Jennings and Ferguson were sued earlier this year by the nonprofit law group ArchCity Defenders, the St. Louis University School of Law Legal Clinics and the Washington-based group Equal Justice Under Law.

And then:

Jennings mayor Yolanda F. Henderson could not immediately be reached for comment. City Clerk Cheryl Balke referred a reporter to attorney D. Keith Henson, who also could immediately be reached.

There’s the thing. Jennings has been heavily black for a long time, so its city leadership has been black for quite awhile. However, that didn’t preclude Jennings from being the same kind of overglorified ticket mill that Ferguson was. All we hear about is how white the Ferguson city government and police department are.

Remember from my post that showed a pic of the Fergaza Strip just after the November riots, the Fergaza Strip being the part of Ferguson where all the action took place, that part of the Fergaza Strip is actually in Jennings, not Ferguson. That has to be the maddening part about everything that has happened in the past year and change for Ferguson, that it was only a matter of maybe a few hundred yards and the name “Jennings” would have become internationally (in)famous, not “Ferguson.”

Arrest Made in Jamyla Bolden Murder

27 08 2015



But but but, the Ferguson PD is full of bloodthirsty Darren Wilsons.  He was just probably out on a stroll to buy cigarillos.

It says that he currently lives in O’Fallon, more specifically, 92xx O’Fallon Lakes Drive.  That happens to be an apartment complex (of course) whose entrance is on the south outer road of 70 (“Veterans Memorial Parkway”) between Bryan Road and the Lake St. Louis exit.  This is just another glimpse into your AFFH future, St. Charles County.

It also says that he was on probation for armed robbery.  Which means convicted felon, which means no guns allowed.  With the victim in this case being such a tragic circumstance, I think this is one case where a whole lot of cops and agents will try to figure out how this one particular gun got from the legal to the illicit market.

I’m just wondering why a jurisdiction like St. Charles County would bounce him out the door with only probation for armed robbery, as you can read here.  The City of St. Louis, yeah, I could figure.  But not St. Charles County.  I do know from working around state legislators, a number of them are on the joint House-Senate committee dealing with prison issues and the DOC, that there is a constant struggle between DOC and circuit courts all over the state when it comes to prison sentences, that the DOC is leaning on the circuits not to send them prisoners like candy, as rural circuits tend to do.  So I can easily see that every circuit across the state, not just the lenient 22nd Circuit in St. Louis City, (which has had a slap on the hand policy for first time young armed robbers for a long time), is ceding to that pressure and sentencing young first time armed robbers, like Mr. De’Eris Brown, to a long probation instead of any prison time.

Still, the point remains, he should be in prison now and not out running around “randomly” shooting guns through windows and killing little girls.

And lastly, this “random” business.  Who really believes that?  Who is really buying the official notion that he directly and hit the girl, killing her, shot the mother in the leg, but did it all randomly and for no reason?  He had some sort of business with someone in that house.


Unforced Error

26 08 2015

Dubuque, Iowa

For once, he’s substantively wrong.

St. Louis is not a metropolitan area that is conducive to the kind of immigration that is associated with immigrant-heavy gangs.  In fact, it’s not much conducive to much immigration to begin with.

Therefore, St. Louis’s gangs are almost entirely black thangs, you better understand.

An unforced error which he could have avoided if he only read this space.

“We Must Stop”

25 08 2015

Hanley Hills

So when are you going to start?

A Peek Into Your AFFH Future

24 08 2015


This is a story that keeps on giving.

Here are the angles that really stand out at me:

Hunter-Butler said the neighbors are trumping up charges against her because she is black and in an interracial lesbian relationship.


Hunter-Butler said the move to St. Charles County from north St. Louis was to provide a dream home for her boys, 15, 18 and 21. But in the three months she has lived on the cul-de-sac of Brook Manor Court, the relationship with her new neighbors has continued to sour.

First off, why do a lot of black lesbian women have children?  (Tommy Sotomayor bait).  Second, “a dream home for her” … 21-year old “boy?”  Third, here we go with yet another hyphenated black surname.  That trend started among blacks in England, because English upper classes had them, so I guess the blacks figured that they’d be rich and sophisticated and urbane if they merely hyphenated their last names.  In very recent years, the trend has jumped the Atlantic.

In 2005, Hunter-Butler was charged in a murder-for-hire scheme. She tried to hire a cousin to kill her ex-husband, Abdul Butler. She was upset that he was behind in child support. Court records show that she offered a share of her ex-husband’s life insurance and a car as payment for the killing. The cousin went to police and the ex-husband was unharmed. Hunter-Butler was sentenced to six years for attempted murder, serving about half that time.

“I’ve made mistakes in the past,” Hunter-Butler said. “But I’m not a bad person.”

More Tommy Sotomayor bait.  That might give the neighbors some pause, but as far as that goes, they probably don’t have anything to worry about, because if history is any gauge, she won’t hire a hitman to kill someone unless it has something to do with her money.

Chamblee stressed that the tension between neighbors and Hunter-Butler has nothing to do with her race or her sexual orientation.

And she’s right, it’s their behavior.  But that doesn’t preclude them from having the built in double excuse.  That household would really be on victimology cloud nine if one of the “boys” would start transitioning to a woman.

Sunday marked a 16th police visit after Hunter-Butler’s oldest son, Christopher Winston, invited a Ferguson protester to the house to put together a video outlining what Hunter-Butler says is the ongoing racial tension in the neighborhood.

And you wonder why the neighbors are mad; they live all the way out there because they won’t want to live in Ferguson.  They have bad visions of riot sugarplums dancing in their heads.

The long and the short of it is that we can keep running, but eventually we will run out of running space, and we’ll have to tackle race head-on and openly.




Escape From Ferguson

23 08 2015


The takeaway:

During the 2014-15 school year, 81 teachers resigned and 34 retired from schools in the Ferguson-Florissant district, putting its turnover rate at 14 percent, one of the highest in the area. To compare, the Mehlville School District also had high turnover this year, at 11 percent when it typically is about 6 percent.

Don’t want to live there, don’t want to teach there.

All because a white cop had the temerity to defend himself.

Though even if that didn’t happen, F-F wouldn’t exactly be killing it.  It has been in slow decline for a long time, and still would be, but for Darren Wilson defending himself.

Turf Wars

23 08 2015


SLPD Internal Affairs is investigating the Ook-Ook matter.

Joyce has already started a parallel investigation.

SLPOA has a fit, mainly because they’re jealous over turf, and they perceive Joyce’s too-soon investigation as political showboating.

Dotson comes out today and says that he’s cool with Joyce. Who really expected him not to say this, even if he privately thinks Joyce is showboating?

Has anyone heard from Slay on this matter?  He might still be steaming over my tweet.  Unless he’s not.

Here’s what all of them are forgetting:  #BLM won’t be impressed, because they’re going to presume that an investigation on the part of either SLPD Internal or the CA’s Office that exonerates the cop(s) is a result of a backscratching whitewarsh.  The motive for Internal to look the other way is obvious, but Joyce and Co. most heavily rely on evidence that the SLPD provides them.  It is rare that prosecutors go after law enforcement that are at governmental eye level.  If the cops here did anything wrong, it will most likely be the Feds that will prosecute.  But, U.S. Attorneys almost never prosecute Federal LEAs for criminal misconduct.


Murder Suspects

23 08 2015

City Hall

Sam Moore, 4th: Slay and Dotson ought to quit because of all the murders.

Not a bad idea, because Francis Slay and Sam Dotson are suspects in the 130+ city homicides so far this year.

A Peek Into Bell Curve City

22 08 2015


If you still don’t know what I mean by “Bell Curve City,” then here ya be.  If, after this, you can’t figure it out, then I don’t know what to do for you.  Pay close enough attention and you’ll have your HBD lesson for the day.  This was the same apartment farm where Brandon Claxton lived at the time of his death, and the P-D probably wanted to return to the scene more than a month later to get the lay of the land.

Thumbing through the photo gallery, I see why they call him “Whyte Boi,” because he’s probably the lightest skinned black “ex” thug around.


AFT Does the Look Squirrel Thing

22 08 2015



The American Federation of Teachers — one of the nation’s largest unions — has broadened its agenda beyond teacher pay and standardized testing, to racial justice issues affecting students and communities across the country.

About 40 members of AFT’s Racial Equity Task Force gathered in conference rooms at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Friday to dissect how racism is institutionalized in the nation’s public schools.

For black children, it results in lower achievement, disproportionately high suspension rates and lower graduation rates. This makes it harder to find a job. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that the unemployment rate for black men — 10 percent — is double that of white men.

“Our job, as important as it is, is not to simply to put together a set of policy solutions,” Randi Weingarten, AFT president, said before the group embarked on its work. “That is important. But we have to figure out how to elevate it, move it and make it real. That’s going to be really hard.”

With about 1.6 million members, the AFT is the second largest teachers union in the country. In Missouri, its members include teachers and other employees in St. Louis Public Schools.

And I’m still anticipating a Randi Weingarten vs Davis Guggenheim lead pipe fight on the DNC convention floor in Philadelphia next July.

As for this current news, I think I know what’s going on here.  It’s the AFT’s (and soon also, the NEA’s) propaganda pushback against the Waiting for Superman style (speaking of Davis Guggenheim) neoliberal education “reformer” propaganda of blaming “bad” teachers and their “bad” unions for NAM academic dysfunction.  The more noise the AFT and NEA make about hating racism, this that and the third, the more they hope that the neolibs will back off from their anti-teacherunion jihad.

Get Your Zs

22 08 2015

Lewis Place

Wow, that’ll show ’em.

Shutting down a drag that decent people go nowhere near during that time of night.

Defecate Thee Not

21 08 2015


Word out of Ferguson through the day is that the denizens are getting antsy pantsy and anxious about the matter of the Ferguson PD both being unresponsive and taking a long time to bag the suspect(s) in the murder of the 9-yo girl.

“Shot in the Back”

21 08 2015

Lewis Place

Ook-Ook was.

Now it all comes down to Tennessee v Garner.

Bey State

20 08 2015

Lewis Place

More info on Ook-Ook.

Two big takeaways:

(1) He lived in Spanish Lake, which I can assure you is not walking distance from Page and Walton.  Therefore, he had to be going there deliberately to be there, and I highly doubt that he was at a known crack house just to visit “cousins.”  Rising college man and someone worried about his Fed-Ex job wouldn’t be hanging out at a known crack house.

(2) Down at the bottom, you’ll read “Moorish Science Temple,” and I kinda thought his hyphenated surname with “Bey” at the end seemed familiar for some reason.  Keep a close eye on the news if you happen to live in a city with a MST presence, and every once in awhile, you’ll see the local eyeball news about a local MST being busted for being a dope house of some sort, either slinging or distributing.

You’ll also read here that Slay is trying to grease down the Revs.  Remember, black preachers are the big chiefs in Bell Curve City; they almost have the at-will ability to stir shit up or calm shit down.  I wonder what Slay is promising them in exchange for getting them to keep a lid on shit.

Common Sensical

20 08 2015

City Hall

Yesterday, Explained

20 08 2015

Lewis Place

SLPD knocks back a crack house, finds guns stolen from rural Missouri, and lots of crack.

Two suspects run out the back, cops chase them.  One of the suspects, who is nicknamed “Man-Man,” (“Ook-Ook”), points a gun at a cop chasing him, (maybe also firing and missing, but that hasn’t been validated yet), cop fires back, kills Ook-Ook.

The neighbors go nuts, assemble and show off.

The showing off lasts through the rest of the morning, the afternoon, and evening, and threatens to become a full blown riot.

The cops show up with an intimidating force, and force the proto-rioters to disperse.  Then the they come back.

Then the cops and the proto-rioters play a game of cat and mouse for the next few hours.  Finally, the latter give up and go home.

But not before an abandoned house, two cars and a mattress were set on fire, nine arrests, and not before Miss Jupiter 1957 got lots of opportunities to pontificate on Ustream.

Overnight, a few businesses in the area were burglarized, but that’s just any night in that neighborhood, not indicative of anything out of the ordinary.

And because the cops are wearing body cameras:

UKDM’s photo set.  Turns out Ook-Ook is a 2015 graduate of McCluer South Berkeley High in the Ferguson-Florissant district, “Ferguson” I guess was the hook that interests everyone.

Top Seven

19 08 2015


P-D on the seven best area high schools on the MAP test.  All three high schools in the Fort Zumwalt district, included.

A blogger slightly more cynical than yours truly might think the P-D is trying to get us to think that black students are part of the reason why two of these schools did so well.

The Burner Is Back On

19 08 2015

Lewis Place

Page and Walton.

And the #BLM undertow is starting to churn.

Right on time, because they were Downtown to show off on the year anniversary of Kajieme Powell assuming room temperature.

Incidentally, back in Ferguson, today…

This could get really interesting really quickly.


She’s On Fire

18 08 2015



Uh huh, that’s right, you lookin’ at me?

SCOMO’s Red Light

18 08 2015

Jefferson City

More SCOMO news:  They wound local red light camera ordinances almost to the point of, but not quite to, absolute death.

The court’s rationale is pretty easy.  Burden of proof issues and question of offending party issues.  In that the ticket is mailed to the registered owner of the car without knowing for sure that the owner of the car ran the red light, and even if that was the case, the ordinances shift the burden of proof from the city attorney to the traffic court defendant.

Ma Senseless

18 08 2015

North County

Remember the murder at the QT on Halls Ferry and 270 a few days ago?  I remarked here that it was the remodeled next generation large footprint QT that meant lead the QT home office not to rebuild and reopen the QT on the Fergaza Strip, that burned down in the snitches get stitches hysteria last August.

New news:

A St. Louis mom grieves the loss of her third son to gun violence.

They were shot and killed in three separate incidents and none of them lived to be 30 years old. The third son was gunned down in broad daylight Sunday morning inside a north St. Louis county QuikTrip.

David Woodson, 21, was shot to death in 2004 and Robert “Rainy” Woodson, 19, was shot to death in 2005.

Now Ithiwa is preparing to lay Donte Woodson, 26, to rest. A vigil was held for him tonight in the parking lot of the Quick Trip at 270 and New Halls Ferry.


Woodson’s loved ones hope the investigation leads to answers soon. Ithiwa says she wants to move out of Missouri because she’s tired of the senseless violence.

No, not “senseless” violence, it’s TNB.

With this happening to three of her sons, you’ve got to start thinking that something is wrong with this mother.  And you have to be worried if you happen to live wherever she will move to in order to escape all this “senseless” violence, because you get the feeling that far from escaping violence, she’ll be bringing it with her.


Past Last Week

18 08 2015

Gravois Park

We keep on proposing the same old ideas that have already been tried but failed because hardly anyone has the ability to remember anything past last week.

Did you know that the blue ribbon panel established after the 1965 Watts riots in Los Angeles and the Ferguson Commission proposed mostly exactly the same things?

Bad Mood

17 08 2015


Moody’s docks the city’s credit rating, because…

The agency attributed the St. Louis downgrade to the “city’s weak socioeconomic profile; reliance on earnings taxes which are due for voter reauthorization in 2016; a relatively narrow financial position; and a high debt burden.”

The reason why the city earnings tax is up for voter reauthorization next year is because of 2010’s Proposition A.  I think Moody’s is worried for nothing if they think city voters will vote to do away with the earnings tax.  It’s just that I think that there was an ulterior motive behind Prop A.  (And while you’re there, you’ll find what turned out to be a spot on prediction about someone who used to be in Congress from CD-2).

Bright Idea

17 08 2015


The all (“black”) girl CSIT-STEM charter school in St. Louis City that started classes today?

The brain child of one of John Danforth’s daughters.

Why am I not surprised.

Ferguson’s Death Sentence

17 08 2015

