19 05 2014


H/T John Lott.


Before you take a victory lap, dope legalizers, this doesn’t mean that 47% of those in Federal prison are there for having just a little bit of weed.

Those 47% are almost entirely those engaged in large scale interstate or cross-border dope trafficking.

Rest of the World

19 05 2014

New York

The Krispy One takes another opportunity to kiss Sheldon Adelson’s ring:

Courting powerful Jewish donors for the second time in two months, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Sunday for a more aggressive foreign policy that defends Ashkenazi values abroad — even in “in some very messy, difficult places.”

“The rest of the world watches in desperation and hope that America will realize and act upon once again its indispensable place in the world,” Christie, a prospective Republican presidential contender, said in a keynote address Sunday at the Champions of Jewish Values International awards gala in New York. “We must lead.”

Actually, Chris, what most of the world is watching and hoping for desperately is for Amurrika to take its blacks and go home, and quit fucking up with the world with its egalitarian bullshit.


See B.S.

19 05 2014


Did you know that Switzerland has a median hourly wage of $37 an hour, and a top ten GDP per capita?

All that and no minimum wage…and the voters kept it that way.

Not long after they turned down limits on executive pay.

And that wasn’t long after they approved restricting immigration even from EU member states.

The Swiss can see through BS.

Then again, “income inequality” is how the left wing gets to pawn the blame on something other than the left wing for the negative consequences of the left wing.

Long Skank of the Law

18 05 2014


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Sunday Wrap-Up

18 05 2014


*  Frank Lloyd Wright and St. Louis are two proper nouns that aren’t known to go together.  But sometimes, you do find a hen with teeth.

Whoever did this survey must have come to town on a very good day.

Dooley wants a quarter million to fight sex trafficking, i.e. slavery.  If I was on the County Council, I wouldn’t appropriate one dime until he admits who’s doing it.

*  “Michael Sam goes to work amidst hoopla,” hoopla the media itself have created.

ESL wants to be the end of the line for the “high” speed rail link between St. Louis and Chicago.

Of course, the last time ESL got a major train station, this helped change its demographics from first world to third world.

*  Nelly and Chingy are yesterday’s news.  (BTW, who’s Chingy?)  Now it’s time for a whole new crop of St. Louis crappers.

Homeless ook stabs another homeless ook to death in an argument over some woman.  Who must really be a prize herself, considering that she gravitates toward homeless men.

Now they tell the truth about Cairo.  When this shit was actually happening Cairo, from the late ’60s through the ’70s, they covered it up.  And by “this,” I mean a campaign of anti-white ethnic cleansing.  Now Cairo is just another ESL.


Jesse Jackson Junior is now doing the job he would have been doing all along but for him picking the right father.  Fate has a way of winning in the end.


Boehner press secretary hired away by and will work under Karen Ignagni, who is the single handed reason why ObamaDontCare has the individual mandate.  Still think that, on January 21, 2017, we have President Jeb Bush, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner, that ObamaDontCare is going to be repealed?

*  It’s been a long time since we’ve had a good WaPo-NYT pie fight.  I’m game.

Hispanic-on-Asian hate crime in San Jose.

So far, he’s not giving in.  Eat it, cultural Marxists.

Duke LAXers get a settlement from the City of Durham and the Durham PD.

*  “His ex-g/f’s son

The kid was white and the ex-g/f is also white.


Peruvians notice things.

What happens when people conclude that it takes more than a hash tag to combat evil.

*  Club Gitmo…where you get paid for a tropical vacation.

So why does it take an Asian to say what real Britons should be saying to the last individual of them?


One of the Sun’s litter mates has been found.

*  The more interesting question is this — What was Jack Nicholson, Mr. Lakers, doing at a Clippers game?

Bunch of front running phonies.

Sing a Worried Song

17 05 2014

San Antonio

Julian Castro office

He just landed a public job that actually pays something and actually has power, unlike his current one.

MSM consensus is that Obama and Democrats are worried men (and women) looking at the Republicans having Hispanics like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Susana Martinez and Brian Sandoval, so they’re getting Julian Castro up the pipeline really quickly as a way of singing a worried song, as a counter.  Cabinet Secretary is one of the five political jobs, the other four being Vice-President, Senator, Governor, and Five-Star General, from whence every President has been drawn going back a very long time.

But they won’t be worried long.  White Democrat will totally wipe the floor with Hispanic Republican among Hispanic voters in a Presidential race.  Always.


60th Anniversary of Black Monday

17 05 2014


Today gives me the opportunity to point all you noobs back to my post of July 31 of last year.

Good Bye, I Must Be Staying

16 05 2014


I’ve been saying that Obama’s not going to do any massive EO amnesty, because he doesn’t want to hurt his own party in an election year.

Frankly, I’m surprised he has gone even this far with the saber rattling.

Interesting, though:

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, tasked by Obama with reviewing the nation’s deportation policy to see whether it can be made more humane, said Thursday that the so-called Secure Communities program needs “a fresh start.”

The program allows Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to ask local police and sheriffs to detain people who have been booked and whose fingerprints match up in a federal database for immigration violations. ICE can then decide whether to deport them.

That’s led to complaints that people are being deported for immigration violations without being convicted of any crime, or with only minor offenses. Police and sheriff’s officials also complain people are afraid to interact with law enforcement because they worry they’ll be deported. Following recent court rulings that raised questions about the program, local governments increasingly have announced plans to refuse to honor the detention requests.

In comments Thursday on PBS’ “NewsHour” program, Johnson indicated he might aim to revamp the program to focus on people who actually have been convicted, not just those arrested or booked.

The irony is that once an illegal alien gets convicted of a serious crime, the harder it becomes to deport him.  That’s because their home countries often don’t want them back, and duh, who would actually want a violent felon?

Sixteen Is the New Thirty-Four

15 05 2014

Longview, Texas


Of course she passed for a teenager.  Not because this 34-year old looked 16, but because the 16-year old overweight black girls look 34.

She wanted to go back, and do it all over.  Assuming she did it at all the first time.


15 05 2014

New Orleans


Final score:  Civilization 1, Professional Thief 0.


15 05 2014

New York

Factor out the New York Times Company, and America’s gender pay gap virtually disappears.

Point and Sputter Spring

15 05 2014

Washington, D.C.

I feel for you.  I really do.  And I’m not being glib, which, considering the nature of the author of almost all of the posts in this space, is something I do have to make perfectly clear.

Yes, Mr. Obama, I said perfectly clear.

So consider this very friendly fire.

For what?  Let’s say you get what you want, the rally convinces all the people in the highest levels in American elected government to resign.  The people who replace them may well be worse, simply because getting rid of questionable people leading a bad system doesn’t do anything to solve the bad system.

Then what?  This reminds me of the massive D.C. rally the Tea Party Movement had in D.C. on Labor Day 2009.  And what became of all that energy?  The RINOs benefited from it, rode the wave to a red wave election the next year, then drove all that energy into the ground so that the Stupid Party donor class could have the run of the joint.  That’s the assessment you have to make right now if you’re being honest, notwithstanding how the present and future low level civil war within the Republican Party turns out.

This gives me the opportunity to get something off the tip of my tongue that’s been brewing there for a few weeks.  This protest has as its main motivation the Cliven Bundy question, and about that, there’s been something that’s been bothering me, something I haven’t been able to translate into readable English until this morning.

There is next to nobody outside of whack job leftists who approves of what the Feds are trying to do to Bundy, or the Feds’ actions in our low level 2.0 version of the Sagebrush Rebellion.  Among us racialists, those of us who don’t consider the Bundy affair a big deal aren’t fretting about it not because we approve of what the Feds are doing, but because it’s not one of our core concerns.

Also consider that the Bundy question is just the most recent proxy in the long standing chronic scandal of the abuse of public power, and the anarcho-tyrannical application of power.  Something which again nobody approves of or wants, and most everyone wants to stop.

On one side of the fence, you have an abused public that doesn’t approve of being abused and wants it to stop.  On the other side of the fence, you have increasingly abusive governments that get worse and more outrageous by the year.

Why the disconnect?  Why haven’t the the people on the first side of the fence been able to impose its will on people on the second side of the fence?  With public opinion firmly on our side, we should be much further along in the practical politics of the matter.  But the better it gets for us on the ground, the worse it gets on the other side of the fence.  The more we recognize the problem of the abuse of public power and the more angry we get about it, the less able are we to solve it and stop it.

I have what I think is a really good theory to explain the disconnect, or to explain our pointing and sputtering.  Before I tell you what it is, which I will in this post, I want to solicit some of your opinions and theories.


Okay, you’ve had ten days.  Some of the theories you submitted in the comment section are valid and I think are part of the explanation.  But I think there’s a better explanation:

It’s the libertarian cult, which is a subset of the cult of ideological rectitude.  It’s getting worse because the people that want to make it better can’t break out of their shell of cult ideology.  If someone who presents him or her self for public office is going to say or imply that we have to get rid of Medicare in order for the BLM not to abuse Cliven Bundy, then of course you know how most voters will react.  There should have already been a million riots and revolutions before now for all the shit that’s being done to us, but let the SSA propose that next year’s Social Security checks be $1 a month less than this year’s, and the old people will riot, mark me.

Things will start to get a lot better for Cliven Bundy and everyone like him the first time a politician says to the voting public that government should do Medicare but not do BLM abuse of Cliven Bundy, that one has nothing to do with the other.  We’ll start moving the ball forward once we break free of the liberTARDian cult and the other ideological cults.



We’re On the Hamster Wheel

15 05 2014

Grand Center

Cochran now plays into the VA scandal du jour.

That scandal?  No, that scandal.  Yeah, I know, you need a scorecard to keep up.

No matter though, they’re all the same. They all happen for the same reason.

Take the hint: Stand on the corner of Grand and Enright around shift change, and look at what waddles in and out of the joint.

And once again notice that the Congressman whose district includes Cochran can’t be bothered for shit.

Easy Leap

15 05 2014

Washington, D.C.

I know you’ve been paying attention, so you already know that #BringBackOurGirls is nothing more than the left’s attempt to get you outraged at what Boko Haram is doing without pointing out that Boko Haram is black and Muslim.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise that Andrea Mitchell NBC News was able to work in the phrase “war on women.”

500 Days

14 05 2014

Washington, D.C.

Okay, so on September 27, 2015, when the world has not been destroyed, at least not by some ecological disaster, will someone be held accountable?


Barefoot and Something Else

14 05 2014

Dahlonega, Georgia

Pardon me?

Does anyone remember Andrew Martinez?  He too liked to go about campus barefoot, and then some.

Yet another example of Who-Whom.

Pudding Proof

14 05 2014


I’ve said in this space fairly often that white people who are convicted of first degree murder are twice as likely as black people convicted of first degree murder actually to be executed.

Here’s empirical proof of that, and other things.

Rich Democrats

14 05 2014

New York

They’re right, but this misses the point.

This isn’t designed to help Democrats in House elections.  It’s designed to help them in Senate elections.  Sure, the kind of low information undertow dweebs who are dumb enough to think that income inequality is a cutting edge political issue are most likely already to live in deep blue Congressional districts, and that their turning out or not turning out will make no difference to the Democrats running in those districts.  But those people also live in states, and many of those states have competitive Senate races this year.  And, if given the choice between their not turning out to vote and their going to the polls to vote Democrat, the only two possible election day actions these people realistically have, the Democrat Party much prefers the latter.

White Privilege

14 05 2014


“Check your privilege” class in order to attend the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.


Black Enterprise

14 05 2014



An attorney refused to comment after his client  was arrested on federal prostitution charges last week. But in 2011, the suspect spoke with FOX2/News 11 after she was arrested in a prostitution and drug sting in Bel-Ridge.

According to our partners at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis County Police raided the house on Warfield Avenue near January Avenue in Ferguson last month. Investigators said they found a dancing pole, condoms, and cash. They also reported finding a VIP room and full bar that may have been run by a teenaged boy.


In August of 2011, St. Louis County Police raided Fluker’s home on Snowhilll Court in Bel-Ridge. Police believed that home housed prostitution, along with drug sales.


She also said the home held the offices for the non-profit “Yes We Can Social Club”. Incorporation papers with the State of Missouri show Fluker registered the club as an entertainment charity that would donate profits to needy families. But, she had made no donations at the time of her 2011 arrest.

“Yes We Can.”  As in the great mulatto hopeychanger?

Just think, if all these reincarnations of Jack Kemp running around these days get what they want with inner city tax-free enterprise zones, there will be a whole lot more where this came from.

Same Difference

14 05 2014

Earth City

Christian Coalition calls it a double standard.

What it really is is Who-Whom.

Raheem Still Can’t Read

13 05 2014

Newark, New Jersey


Was Zuck’s hundred megabucks a waste?

Well, yeah, if you thought its purpose was to teach Raheem how to read.  That, anyone with a brain could have predicted.

But if you view life through a cynical lens, then you’ll realize it was a resounding success.

Zuck’s “charity” was a PR counterweight to The Social Network exposing him for the fink and rat and backstabber that he is.  Now he’s worth $25 billion.

Cory Booker is now in the United States Senate, and is perhaps the next great mulatto Hopeychanger, Obama 2.0.

At least until Bridgegate came along, Krispy Christie was the front runner to be the Republican nominee for President in 2016.

And Oprah?  She’ll soon own the Clippers.


If you read the New Yorker story linked to from the shorter MSN Money story, you’ll read about one Ras Baraka, a Newark man who is both a city councilman and a principal of one of the public high schools in the Newark district.  More specifically, you’ll read that he’s running as a teachers’ union sock puppet for mayor on a platform of dismantling the Zuckerberg-Christie-Booker reform plan.

The election was today, and Baraka won, beating the man that replaced Cory Booker as mayor when he left for the Senate.  So things have come full circle.

But, hey, no sweat.  Like I said above, everyone got what they wanted out of the deal.  Never mind the (lack of) results, the feel-good orgy of pathological altruism is what counts.

Mrs. Michael Sam’s Pedigree

13 05 2014


Well, well.  The NFL’s Great Gay Hope’s bed mate has some interesting pedigree.

The league better hope that this apple has rolled far from the tree.

Then again, organized crime in Kansas City did launch Harry Truman.

Five Spot

13 05 2014

Crime Lawn

The way this is written bothers me.

As if we’re supposed to be most offended by the fact that the assailants was only able to get $5 and a pack of cigarettes from the victim.

I don’t know about you, but the worst part about the story is the brutality of the attack and the victim being shot in the back.  The assailants didn’t know how little they’d get from him until they were actually done attacking him, and from this, it’s not even clear that they actually took the $5 and the pack of cigs from him.


Video of the victim and suspects.

Wicked Racial Profiling Trick

13 05 2014

Portland, Maine

L.A. Times headline:

Gun used by suspected Boston Marathon bomber traced to Maine gang

That’s all I read.  I bet somewhere in the article you’ll read the word “Somali(a)(n).”

Fix It

13 05 2014

Washington, D.C.


The GOP shouldn’t even field a presidential candidate in 2016 unless Congress passes immigration reform this year, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue said Monday.

“If the Republicans don’t do it, they shouldn’t bother to run a candidate in 2016,” Donohue joked at an event on infrastructure investment in D.C.

If the Republicans do it, they shouldn’t bother to run a candidate in 2016.

There, I fixed it for you.

“Think about that. Think about who the voters are. I just did that to get everybody’s attention.”

Think about who the non-voters are, and ask yourself why they don’t.

Speaking of, here goes Boner again, running his yap to some interested lobby about how he’s going to “get immigration done.”  He only does this in front of those interested lobbies, everywhere else and mum’s the word.  It’s as if he’s huffing and puffing and blustering to keep money spigots open.

Knockout Martin Luther King in Manhattan

13 05 2014



Eric Holder Crashes a Party

13 05 2014


Coincidentally, Douglas County contains Omaha, which has some black and Hispanic undertow ghettos and barrios, and Colfax County’s largest town, Schuyler, is 63% Hispanic.

But who expects blacks and Hispanics to vote in Republican primaries?

Speaking of, I know V-Dare is upset that Ben Sasse won’t sign FAIR’s pledge, while Shane Osborn has.  But I still trust Sasse more than Osborn on the issue, mainly because the donor class loves Osborn.  That and candidate pledges aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

Arne Duncan’s Troublesome Question

13 05 2014

Washington, D.C.

Probe?  Why?

Just read Nicholas Wade’s new book.

Then again, you might forgive Duncan for not having heard about his book.

Eighth to the Last

13 05 2014

Earth City


Don’t you know that every eighth to the last pick of every year’s NFL draft is the most important player in football?

In my day, last round picks were a relative long shot even to make the team that drafted them.  Then again, in my day, err…you know, twenty miles, one way, a foot of snow, tattered boots, carnivorous dinosaurs.  So what do I know?