He’s Right.

9 10 2019

Guest post by Puggg

Jimmie Edwards, the public safety director in the city:

I think it is important that our children do not engage in risky behaviors. I’ve been very careful not to talk a lot about the children this summer. Many of the kids that unfortunately were violently killed were teenagers engaging in criminal behaviors themselves. And so out of the 13, about eight were engaged in criminal behaviors that resulted in their deaths. Our youngsters, our children that were killed this summer were placed in situations by adults that they should not have been placed in.

He’s getting roasted over the coals for telling the truth, as you can imagine.

Spent Capital

9 10 2019

Downtown St. Louis

I saw in the American national news through the day yesterday that the big three non-HIV/AIDS STDs are at an all-time high infection rate.

So I knew it would only be a matter of time before the St. Louis media would focus on the St. Louis angle, most notably, St. Louis City’s rank in those infections.

Next day.

And we get the usual long time excuse:

The rates in St. Louis are among the highest because St. Louis and Baltimore are the only cities reporting numbers as independent cities rather than as a county, explained Dr. Hilary Reno, assistant professor at Washington University School of Medicine and medical director of the St. Louis County Sexual Health Clinic.

It’s the same old ZOMG WE CAN’T ANNEX LOL~!!!!1 line.  Or the, “city limits signs cause x, y or z social pathology” line.

But here’s the problem with trotting out that line now:

That capital has already been spent, that well has run dry.

Because the political “solution” to that “problem” was the Louschaltung, and that officially, in terms of a serious public proposal, lasted about as long as a shooting star, (Remember earlier this year?  I know, nobody can remember five to eight months ago because we’re all supposed to be outraged about insults leveled against black women’s hair in 1829), even though it had been in brewing within the confines of St. Louis’s domestic dog patch deep state since the fall of 2006.

Take Your Pick

9 10 2019


I predict that will be one of three things:

(1) Religion of Peace

(2) Known wolf 1488er

(3) Halle is close to Leipzig, which is something of an Antifa haven, so this has a remote chance of being Antifa. That would sound strange to American ears, that Antifa would go after a synagogue and a Jewish cemetery, but in Europe, the left in general and the hard left in particular is overtly anti-Israel. Just about a year ago, Antifa threatened the Frankfurt venue where the kickoff meeting of the Jews for AfD organization was going to be held, so they had to move it to the city where I’m at right now, Wiesbaden. However, what would make this unlikely to be Antifa is that what happened in Halle today involved guns and bombs; Antifa seems to make it their business to commit their violence without firearms or explosives, mainly for the image-optics-PR angle.

And now I’m keeping up on two breaking stories at the same time.

7 PM

The only thing solidly confirmed as of the late afternoon and early evening hours is that it was only a single actual culprit (that is, until the investigators unpack this and find people to charge with various inchoate or conspiracy or material support raps), and that he is a “German citizen.”

10 PM

“Stephan E.” is the officially released identity of the suspect.  So that probably crosses out ROP, and since, like I said, Antifa types don’t do weapons or explosives, this is probably going to be a 1488er.

We also found out this evening that he lived streamed the deed on Twitch.

10/10 @ 2 PM

Definitely a 1488er.

Which means from here, we’ll find out one of two things:

(1)  Like the suspect in the murder of Walter Lübcke, he was a known wolf, well known to the alphabet gang that is supposed to present these kinds of things.  Everyone will scream and cry, and the failure will be rewarded with a bigger budget.


(2)  He wasn’t known to anybody, and did this for the usual nutbar reasons, the same reasons I have in not naming them.

Needless to say, this is pushing the Limburg news out of sight, even though it’s at the point to where new developments, ones that really matter, will be sparse.

3 PM

Aside from the other tactical and strategic advantages, this is why the AfD has a Jews for AfD parallel organization, and why the party itself stakes out a strong pro-Israel position.  I’ve already had people kinda sorta dog whistle this to me, but not in these exact terms.  But things like Halle yesterday and Lübcke back in the summer are making the exact terms clear:

It’s not for the fact that Jews for AfD will ever be that big, and it won’t change the fact that 99% of Germany’s organized activist Jewish interests are clear on the other side. And most party members and voters and even the top level key people don’t care that much about Israel either way.

It’s the fact that a Jews for AfD public organization exists at all, and it’s the fact that an apparent pro-Israel position is being publicly promulgated.

They act as what I like to call “88 Repellent.”

“Stephan E.” goes up and shoots up Jews and throws grenades into a Jewish cemetery.  The Stephan E.s of Germany would never join or show sympathy with or for the AfD, because they’re “traitors.”  So when the Stephan E.s inevitably act all Stephan E.-y, and when the investigators and media start unpacking, the Stephan E.s aren’t the AfD’s problem or cross to bear.

9:30 PM

This afternoon’s and evening developments:

* Stephan B. had no associations with any groups or parties. Which means he wasn’t even a known wolf.  And not on the Alphabet Gang’s radar at all.  Which in turn means he was more like an American nutbar mass shooter, an unknown loner looking to make a name for himself in the worst way.  Which points to Door #2 instead of Door #1 in my speculation in the 2 PM update earlier today.

* He used 3D printing to make his firearms.  The investigators seriously speculate that design and manufacturing flaws prevented them from being really good guns, and therefore, inadvertently wound up keeping the body count down and saving more lives.

Still don’t know how he got the grenades.

Note:  Subsequent updates on Halle, and there will probably be a lot of them, or Limburg, if there are any, or even Ffm-Hbf, and there haven’t been any of those for awhile, will be updated on my respective posts here on a catch-as-catch-can basis;  Tomorrow morning is my last day of rehab, and just about as soon as I’m done, I’m in a car headed to Erfurt.


* Promulgated in credible sources, but not substantiated enough for me yet to believe them: (A) Stephan E. was unable to pry a door at the synagogue open, thereby preventing more deaths, and (B) Neither of his two fatal victims are actually Jewish. I have a hard time believing (B) because he set out to kill Jews at a Synagogue.

* In more bankable news, there are over 150 different divisions of law enforcement agencies on the case. Would be nice if, after this, they all went to Bremen to try to figure out who tried to murder Frank Magnitz.


The two items of speculation back on Friday turned out to be true.

The two victims are both non-Jewish, native born Germans, blue collar workers.

So this is like that nutbar who lived in southwest Missouri who went up to Kansas City to shoot up a synagogue, killing three people, none of them Jews.  Or the El Paso nutbar a few months ago who supposedly had it out for immigration but went to the “white” by reputation Wal-Mart.


* Unconfirmed but discussed in mainstream sources: Stephan E. was in the Bundeswehr. Which means that’s where he probably got most of his training, provided it’s true.

* Horst Seehofer lets loose of the ZOMG VIDEO GAMES LOL~!!!!1 excuse, which tells me that there’s almost nothing new that can be found, if they’re starting to lean on old worn out tired tropes.


No real Halle developments today, but it continues to amaze me that, in spite of everything staring everyone in the face, Official Germany can’t utter the words “lone wolf,” or the relevant German translation. Because that’s what Stephan E. was. Didn’t belong to any groups or parties.

American authorities on terrorism are farther along in this regard, simply because lone wolf terrorism has longer been a problem in the United States, while it’s only now starting to be a German problem also.

Part of the problem is that official investigators want neat paper trails and money trails and provable associations, because that’s the kind of evidence that stands up in court, not counting the fact that it’s the MO of the older and increasingly obsolete organized group terrorism of the past.


Now that I remember, Stephan E. actually did belong to a group, one that taught him just about everything he knows about firearms and explosives:

The Bundeswehr.

In that, I now see there are some similarities between Stephan E. and Timothy McVeigh. Both military vets, for starters. Neither were associated with any groups after their military service and in their civilian lives. And both set out to do revenge killings (for much different reasons) and wound up killing people who had zero to do with their vengeance.


Stephan E. had self-built 45 explosive devices.  They’re trying to figure out how he got the money and materiel, but anyone with good enough training (remember, he was in the Bundeswehr) can do it with nickels and dimes.

We already knew he had no associations with any groups, other than the Bundeswehr, and we also found out today that (surprise surprise) he was a loner and very non-social.

The German word for “lone wolf terrorism,” because I was wondering:


The parts literally translate to “single mover terrorism.”  Einzelgänger itself translates to “loner.”

You’ll recognize “gänger” from “doppelgänger” (lit: double mover).


First news on this front in a few weeks, even though it really isn’t news.

The interior minister for the state of NRW is blaming gamers.  ISYN.

Also, this happened in Saxony-Anhalt, so you wonder why he’s sticking his nose into this business.

I wrote above that German media, law enforcement and anti-terrorism experts haven’t been able to wrap their minds around lone wolf.  Which Stephan E. was.  But here in the past two days, they are starting to figure it out.  In fact, the term they’re using is Einsamen-Wölfen (lit:  “Lonely Wolves”).  Like I wrote earlier, Einzelgängerterrorismus is the proper term, but it looks like the Germans are rhetorically backhauling the concept from the American phrase “lone wolf.”


Truck of Peace

8 10 2019


It’s the first city of significant size as you go almost due north of Wiesbaden about 23 miles through the Hessian backwoods, and it’s about that far due east of Koblenz.

Yesterday evening…you read the title.  Suspect is described as a 30-year old Syrian, who stole the truck that was used, and throughout the day, authorities are settling on terrorism as motive.

I don’t think I’m going to have to keep my nose to the grindstone about this case like I have and still am Ffm-Hbf, but if there are any new big developments, I’ll have ’em right here.


A few other related things:

(1)  Horst Seehofer, fresh off a trip to Greece and Ankara, is worried about a new Hegira assembling in Greece, and Germany having another 2015 on its hands.  He has already gotten in touch with his former German government cabinet colleague, Ursula von der Leyen, who is now EU Commission President, replacing Clunker Juncker, about ways to stop it.  All I can say to both of them is to hid this news from Ang, and hide it well.  If she finds out, she’ll pull rank and let ’em all in.

(2)  One argument for open borders we keep hearing is that it’s just and rightful revenge for colonialism.  To put it another way, since we were once over there, this gives over there’s people the right to come over here.  Okay, but this means that Syrians should only be going to France, because what is now Syria was once French Mandatory Palestine.  (Note to dummies:  I know what you’re thinking now:  Mandatory Palestine?  What, you got an Optional Palestine?  All I can say is that any given decent internet search engine is your friend.)

(3)  “Limburg.”  You’re thinking?  Well, the answer is no.  The one you want, you have to follow the road that meanders along the north bank of the meandering Neckar River east of Heidelberg for about an hour, then turn left to head up a hill for just a little bit, and you’re at the town of Limbach.  (Which we did during the vacation).  Wikipedia lists five towns named Limbach in Germany, while the Michelin road atlas index has twelve of them.  But it’s that one in particular.  Rush himself mentioned it quite a few years ago during a Christmas season, because his ancestral German village is close to Mannheim, and of course Mannheim is half the name of his favorite Christmas music.  And by now you can guess that “Limbaugh” is just Anglicized “Limbach.”


10 PM

Now they’re saying he’s 32, but he’s definitely Syrian, and part of Merkel’s Boner of 2015.  They’re also looking for at least one other co-conspirator, much older in age, nothing else is yet stated publicly.

The reason the truck driver of peace was so quickly apprehended is because he ran into parked cars close to where a dozen recruits for the Bundespolizei (“Federal Police”) were just getting through with a training exercise in the nearby woods and came into town to unwind.

10/9 @ 2 PM

One theory being floated this morning and afternoon, ISYN, is that he was just drag racing against a car.

First off, who drag races a tractor trailer against a car?  Bobby Bare had that novelty song in 1983, “The Jogger,” but that was just a song.

Second, lots of witnesses in Limburg heard him yapping his gums about Allah u Akbar.

But what this tells me is that since they’re now floating stupid theories, the Einzelfall Brigade can’t be far behind.  That, and because of what happened today in Halle, since that resulted in dead bodies, this will soon be forgotten.


No real Limburg news in more than a week, because it’s been drowned out by Halle and other things at least domestically.

However, there have been some op-eds today that mention Limburg in either major or minor relevance, and reading between the lines, or not needing to do so in one case, the German narrativemongers are now totally thrown in to this “zomg it was just a drag race lol” boo sheet.


Another outbreak of vibrancy in the same town.  Yesterday, a Tunisian ran over his wife with a car, and then got out and finished her off with an axe.

Ball Rolling

7 10 2019


Big things tend to happen gradually, then suddenly.

Thirty years ago today, gradually shifted to suddenly.

I’ve already gone over the history.



Healthy Lifestyle.

5 10 2019

Guest post by Puggg

I picked up a few things from Schnucks earlier today, and as I was walking down the aisle with the hard liquor, I thought to myself that Schnucks is doing the right thing in ending cigarette sales due to Schnucks being all about healthy lifestyles.

International Translation Day

1 10 2019


That was yesterday.

What I learned on International Translation Day is something I’ve known for a very long time, which is, not to trust machine translation.

One of the many news articles I read yesterday, was about several teenagers from Duisburg (hint) busting into a computer store in Cologne to steal some stuff, and then when the cops made them, they hit the gas and it was off to the races.  I first read it in German, translating it in my own mind, as well as my steadily improving German will allow me.  Then I fed it into Google Translate to see if there is anything I missed.

Turns out it was Google Translate that missed.

Here’s how it translated one of the paragraphs:

After that, at a speed of up to 200 kilometers per hour, the teenagers had fled across several highways from the police until they were put into food.

“Until they were put into food.”

So as the cops were chasing them, some person or entity grabbed them and threw them into a real big super giant strawberry shortcake.

Let’s see if anyone else can get it, because even if I had not read the original article, I would have gotten the problem right away, just based on an unstated context clue.

Quite a few weeks ago, I encountered the same thing.  That story was about a young man of Arab or Middle Eastern appearance who got into a big group fistfight at the central train station in Dortmund, involving vibrant youths.  I encountered a mystery word that GT translated to “black driver” to describe him.  But he wasn’t black, and he didn’t drive to Dortmund, he took the train, as the article stated.  So I texted my German tutor slash girlfriend, and she explained that the mystery word, “Schwarzefahrer,” whose parts literally translate to black (“Schwarz…”) and then either driver, rider, traveler, (“Fahrer”), actually contextually translates to “fare dodger,” as in public transit.  (Which slyly plays into the “disparate impact” matter of not enforcing fare dodging laws in the United States because zomg blacks and Latinos).  Which also means the young vibrant man dodged the fare on top of going there to participate in a mass brawl.

It’s why human beings will always be better at some jobs.


They Arrested Jesus For A Public Order Offense.

29 09 2019

Guest post by Puggg

This story sounds familiar, like I’ve read it before.  The punishment was really harsh.

And Not in a Good Way

27 09 2019


Netflix dropped it today.

It’s about the intersection of rap and the mafia in Frankfurt.

From the previews and trailers, it just might be the most Frankfurt-y thing in existence.

One Degree of Separation

26 09 2019


In his young years, he not only lived in St. Louis for a short time, but during that time, briefly worked at A-B as a forklift driver.

The Brewery, in the same zip code where I lived for most of my childhood and growing up years, and five relatives of mine on the grandparents on down, both blood and marriage, and siblings of grandparents, also made a living there.

Photo Caption Contest

23 09 2019

New York

Winner gets a gold star.

Class Act

23 09 2019


We’ve heard for a long time the American left of center dialectic that downscale whites who don’t vote for the blue team are betraying their class interests and actually betraying themselves, because in voting red team, they’re throwing themselves into the arms of their economic oppressors.  That dialectic was presented in book form in the above.

I’m not going to spend the occasion of this post to argue about the merits or demerits of that reasoning, and I think there are legitimately several on both fronts.  I’m also not going to say any more than the fact that there’s a What’s the Matter With Seattle line of reasoning vis-a-vis the left as much as there is the Kansas problem with the right, that being, the power establishment is cynically using social justice warriorism to keep the left from being economically populist.

No, the reason for this post is to show you how the people preaching that downscale whites should be on the blue team don’t actually believe that.  Or, they might want downscale whites to be on the blue team just to help the blue team win more elections, but they have no desire to help downscale whites.

Several years ago, I thought of the idea that the way to eliminate almost all substantive opposition to affirmative action would be to make downscale white people an affirmative action beneficiary category.  At that point, the only opposition to AA would be academic and theoretical.

See where this is headed?

The next time someone preaches this Kansas mentality to you, ask them this:

Okay, then, make downscale white people eligible for affirmative action.

I predict that, at that point, their brains will:

If not that, then they’ll try to meely mouth some half baked bullshit rationale to why that would be a bad idea, maybe involving the words “white privilege,” right after they told you that red team white elites are economically oppressing downscale whites.  But what they really would be doing rhetorically is throwing downscale whites back on the other side of the fence where they say they shouldn’t be.

I don’t even think we need to play my hunch to know that this would be their reaction.

How do I know?

Because none of them have ever thought of the idea of making downscale whites AA-eligible themselves.  I consider myself an ace strategist and powerologist, but I’m not uniquely so.  You’d think with the desire the blue team has to get downscale whites back on its side, and with all the think tanks out there, RAND Corporations, and what not, that someone on that side of the aisle would have thought up this idea before now.  Since the power establishment tenaciously supports AA, you’d think they would want to eliminate the remaining substantive grassroots opposition to it, and I just told you how to do that.

That they have not indicates to me that they adamantly oppose my idea;  I’m cynical enough to think that someone in a think tank actually has thought of the idea, but then either the originator or a supervisor threw it right into File 13.

That’s Real Nice.

23 09 2019

Guest post by Puggg

I want to be happy for her, but none of this would have needed to happen if we only cared about immigration laws.

This could have ended in a real bad way.  If he didn’t hang himself in his cell, then some judge would have dismissed the whole case, because of some technicality of the Mexican embassy not being called on soon enough or in the right way, after his arrest.

Carry On

19 09 2019


I see back in the Good Ole and back in St. Louis, that a lot of box stores have enacted “No Open Carry” policies.

You do realize that they’re cheap theatrics that mash up pandering to the Brady types slash the media on one hand to make them think they’re doing something, but not pissing off actual carriers on the other hand, don’t you?

The hint that gave it away is that I figure that the carry paradigm in practical usage in the United States is about 95% concealed and 5% open.

Whichever consulting or PR munchkin came up with that way to thread the needle deserves a yuge bigly raise and promotion.

How You Can Hype the Oil Prices Up Using This One Weird Trick

18 09 2019

Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia

Hey everyone.  Did you see that neat trick that Riyadh played last week?  You know, the one where some Yemeni ne’er-do-wells used some drones to cause some damage to a few Saudi refineries, and Riyadh tried to pawn it off on Tehran, knowing that Iran-obsessed Foggy Bottom would poodle along with that theory, and then from there, Riyadh could use it to manufacture a lot lot of fear and hype to jack the world market for crude oil sky high.

It almost worked, too!

Next time…

Two Dummies Throw Themselves Into a Dummy Load

18 09 2019

Tonopah, Nevada

Me, November 14, 2017:

I figured out the time of day a long time ago, in fact, long before YouTube was even twinkles in the eyes of Messrs. Karim, Chen and Hurley.

As I heard one quack after another after another parade on and off the Art Bell and then George Noory show, proclaiming that everything they were telling us about space goobers kidnapping people, beaming them up into their flying saucers, shoving probes up their asses, and then darting off to Fezelinigiblauten-9, were things the government doesn’t want us to know, I was like: On 500+ radio stations, every one of them has an FCC license? How does that work? Meanwhile, at the same time I thought of that, I realized that if Jared Taylor could be seen or heard on FCC-licensed terrestrial broadcast media more times per year than he could count on one of his hands, we were all lucky.

Therefore, it was absolutely no surprise to me when I saw, during my involuntary sojourn, that one of the very first videos that the Googitburo/Goolag quarantined as part of its new video-cum-crazy-aunt-in-the-basement scheme (“Limited State” aka quarantining) wasn’t a 45-minute pseudoscientific marathon about how the Earth is flat, but a Jared Taylor video.

Most of the time, self-proclaimed anti-establishmentarians, especially the ones that get a suspiciously high level of non-negative official publicity, are nothing more than useful idiot dummy loads for TPTB. Just for his unperson status, it’s easy to see that Jared Taylor really is telling us what they don’t want us to know.

CNN, today:

A Dutch YouTuber and his friend were arrested and jailed when they tried getting near Area 51

Two Dutch friends said they just wanted a good look at the mysterious Area 51 before leaving the US, but they ended up in a Nevada jail, instead.

Ties Granzier, 20, and Govert Charles Wilhelmus Jacob Sweep, 21, were arrested about three miles deep into the Nevada National Security Site, the Nye County Sheriff’s Office said.

The site is near Area 51, which has been the focus of conspiracy theories for decades alleging the US government keeps evidence about aliens and UFOs there. Someone recently created a Facebook event page seeking people to storm the site this Friday.

But the two men say never planned to participate in that.


Granzier told authorities he is a YouTuber. Deputies found cameras, a phone, a laptop and a drone in the men’s vehicle.

They should be worried about, and using their cameras to show, racial aliens in Amsterdam rather than extraterrestrial aliens in Area 51.

But it goes back to the older blockquote from myself. TPTB are creating these safe, or in this case, semi-safe, diversions, to feed what would ordinarily be (“white”) nationalist energy into dead ends and dummy loads. Sure, they got into a little bit of trouble in the county where Art Bell once lived, but if they actually advocate for their own people in their own country, they would be totally unpersoned, and if they do it slightly off center, they’ll be legally persecuted, more than just a night in an American desert county can.

More proof:  Notice that this “Storm Area 51” bullshit has a Faceberg page, but Jared Taylor couldn’t keep a Faceberg page for more than five minutes to save his life.


The Full Employment Bill For Snarky Alt-Right Bloggers

15 09 2019


It would take me months of time and tens of thousands of words to unpack this, just from this headline alone.

The Sally Hazelgrove who did this looks to be one and the same as the “Sally” who was featured in the 2013 CNN multi-part documentary, “Chicagoland.”  She ran a southside boxing club at the time.

The Keith Whitley Doctrine

15 09 2019

Frankfurt;  St. Louis

This is why I get paid the big bucks, and why you read this space, the few of you remaining who do.

It’s because I can draw a through line between what’s going on close to where I’m currently and temporarily residing and where I come from.

I was originally planning on making this a long drawn out post full of profundities and epiphanies, but I think I can net it out quite a bit.

The Keith Whitley Doctrine:  You say it best when you say nothing at all.  AKA The Alison Krauss Doctrine, AKA The Overstreet-Schlitz Doctrine.

The common denominator between Frankfurt and St. Louis at the present time is the fact that the individuals who aren’t at important and newsworthy events in both cities, either by choice or deliberate non-invitation, speak volumes.

I went to the Frankfurt Auto Show yesterday to have a peek around, ironically, after my driving lesson in the morning.  Frankfurt, of course, being a mere 19 miles to the east of Wiesbaden.  The noteworthy absent individual is one Peter Feldmann, the Mayor of Frankfurt, a Social Democrat.  He made it clear he wasn’t going at all, because climate change.  If you want to know why his absence for his stated reason speaks volumes about his own political party’s future, or lack thereof, then read this.

I’ll also note the irony that close to half of the cars on display are electrics.  Though, I have to back up and remember that the demented cat lady running the country shut down all the nuclear power plants, based on what was actually the German media’s favorite word, an Einzelfall, so all those electric cars are overglorified fossil fuel burners.

Now, let’s deal with the native berg.

Back on Tuesday, there was a big crime summit powwow at City Hall, which had as its two big headliners the most important person who works in that building, and the most important person who works in about the middle of the state.  But there were two big deliberate snubs:  One of them is the most important person who works in the edifice caddy-corner to City Hall, and the other is her Clayton counterpart.

You don’t have to be someone like me who was once plugged in well enough to St. Louis’s civic establishment to know what message is being sent here.  It’s that, for all the city and state media and political bluster about zomg gun laws and zomg police staffing and zomg dem programs, the important people in St. Louis know that the real big problems are Kim Gardner and Wesley Bell, and their policies of “thou shalt not prosecute black crime if thoust can help it.”  The former being a Soros whore, the only reason the latter isn’t is because nobody expected him to pull off the upset that he did, so the Open Sores Foundation never thought to write him a check.

Concomitant to that, it hit the news late last week that Mary Pat Carl, who was Jennifer Joyce’s Chief ACA for Homicide, and was considered the odds on favorite to replace her as Circuit Attorney, until Soros’s shekels pushed Kim Gardner to victory, is going to make another run at it next year.  As you can read here, Carl’s “official” reasoning for the second try is something-something Gardner’s corruption blah blah, but I think we all know the real reason.  A reason that it takes me, a whole other hemisphere away and a whole major ocean separating, to state publicly.

I’ll leave you with this.  One of my secret squirrel sources back in the native berg sent me this.  Whoever compiled this front page for this issue was trolling me, I can just feel it.  Full resolution link here.

Wow, Fifty Clams

11 09 2019


This is the kind of story I would not discuss beyond a quick mention on my social sites (Minds, Gab, and for now, Twitter), but this has a St. Louis angle:

Boston is giving every public school kindergartner $50 to promote saving for college or career training

That $50 will come very much in handy when they’re trying to fund whatever Harvard tuition will be in 2032.

I’ll skip ahead to the St. Louis angle:

The city-wide program aims to provide broader access to college and careers for Boston families and to create a culture where students begin preparing earlier for life beyond high school. City officials cited a 2013 Washington University in St. Louis study that found that a child from a low-to-moderate-income home with at least $499 in their account before reaching college age “is more than four times more likely to enroll in college than a child with no savings account.”

And nobody on Hilltop yelled “correlation causation problems” before putting the school seal on that research? They’re selling you on the notion that the bank account is the cause and going to college is the effect. I’m here to break it to you that the parents of children in “low to moderate income” households who would take the initiative to do at least a little bit of saving for college, even if $499 is a pittance, are probably intelligent enough to have produced children intelligent enough either to be accepted into a college with admissions standards, or at least want to start out at an open admissions institution like a junior or community college.

Alas, no. Hilltop peddles this stupid research, and this begs the equally brainless politicians into enacting boondoggles like these.

And in 25 years, when the program turns out to be a failure, and the original WU research will be shown to have “methodological problems,” nobody will be held accountable, because democracy.


We’re Being Set Up

10 09 2019

Norman, Oklahoma

I don’t have time in the current moment to expound to way that I want to about this matter.

So, for now, I’ll just put it this way:

I think American culture and society is being set up to accept pharmaceutical malfeasance as the proximate causation of the opiate crisis, all to distract from what I think is the real, official and institutional anti-white hatred.

To put it in a bon mot, I consider this rather than this to be far more responsible for all the opiate and heroin deaths and lives destroyed.

781 Days

7 09 2019


Today, for the first time in that many days, I drove an automobile.

Even though it was supervised and in an empty lot, it was still a big psychological hurdle for me and my long recovery.  You can probably figure that 781 days ago was that day.

I’ve been expecting and anticipating this day coming ever since late May when I was able to stay upright on two feet consistently, and therefore knew I would soon be able to start in on physical rehab.  But over this past week, and last night, and this morning, the closer I got to that moment of getting behind the wheel, the more nervous and anxious I got.

Needless to say, it took me awhile to get things actually started after I actually did sit down in the drivers’ seat with the therapist in tow with me in the passenger.  Of course he knew the wherefore of my delay and anxiety, and was duly the patient the whole time.

What was running through my head in that indeterminate amount of time that I was just sitting there is that this was it, and that how much has happened relating to me in those 781 days and how much has changed in my life, all that I lost and gave up, all that I gained.  While that seems like a long time, it really isn’t, just two years one month and change.  I don’t think I can come up with another continuous 781-day period in my life before then that has anywhere close to the same kind of critical impact and action and ground shifting under my feet.  And it all happened without me doing as much as driving a car.

But then I snapped back into reality and realized that I was going to have to hit that start engine button and get it in gear if I wanted to continue making more progress in my recovery and actually getting to what I think could be some even better and interesting days in the near future.

And just judging from this morning, and the empty lot, I don’t think it’s going to take that much to get me back into a normal sort of driving shape.  Of course, since I won’t ever have the coordination to play golf ever again, I can also forget about Gran Prix.  But getting back to normal day to day driving ability probably won’t take but a few sessions of this.  Ironically, since I mentioned golf, the car itself we used was a late model WV Golf, my girlfriend owns one.  But none of that is surprising, because the Golf is by far the best selling car in Germany, even though over the last four years, its total sales numbers and multiple times edge over the second best selling car are declining, the second place car all those years has been VW’s own small SUV/CUV, the Tiguan.

This coming week, I’m going to cram for the German written drivers test, so I can officially become a licensed driver in this country, so we can soon take these lessons off the empty lot and out on the real roads.  Like I wrote here earlier this summer, because Germany and the United States have a reciprocity agreement for driver licensure that allows Germany to examine each American state and regulate accordingly, I legally only need to take the written test, with the Germany-Missouri reciprocity.

I still have a little more than three months to go of needing no further setbacks before I get to Freiheitstag, Freedom Day, which will mean being able to drive a car on my own, and also not needing my wheelchair in relatively close proximity everywhere I go in case of a setback.


Some time last year, I noted that, since the soccer team Juventus is based in Torino, where Fiat is substantively based, and Fiat owns Chrysler, Fiat used its Juventus sponsorship rights to plaster Jeep on its soccer jerseys.  Which is why one of the most famous soccer players on the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, who joined Juventus before last season, is running around with “Jeep” on his shirt.  I noted at the time that, while I could understand Fiat using the opportunity to advertise the most single valuable marquee, it was strange because you really don’t see Jeeps in Europe.

Well, come to find out, the fastest growing automobile brand in Germany, 2018 over 2017, of all brands that had at least 10,000 unit sales in both years, is Jeep.  Surprising considering the high gas prices.  But just within the last week and a half, I’ve read two stories about bad wrecks involving Jeeps, so the numbers aren’t lying.  Yet and still, 17k sales of all Jeeps compared to 211k VW Golfs and 74k VW Tiguans, last year.

Four Years On

5 09 2019

Berlin;  Mainz

Merkel’s Boner started four years ago yesterday.

Until I was made aware of that, based on my recollection of the events of 2015, I would have guessed it was in October.

In accordance with the fourth anniversary, German public broadcaster ZDF, or 2DF, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, (“Second German Television”), dropped a documentary yesterday.  Which I watched tonight.

I’ll link to it, but it might have some sort of geographical restriction to where it cannot be viewed outside of Germany or the EU.  I’ll need someone back in The Good Ole to check to see if it plays.

Otherwise, don’t waste your time.  It’s just a ninety minute long infomercial for Merkel and the CDU.

The Devil You

5 09 2019

Wilmington, Delaware

Interesting paragraph far down in the latest ZOMG BIDEN SEVENTIES RACE GAFFE LOL~!!!!1 nontroversy:

Reviewing thousands of documents from the time, The Times reported that Biden preferred expanding affordable housing in suburbs as a tool of integration over busing…

Which is school deseg by any other means.  In fact, comparing the devil you know and the devil you don’t, the Hobson’s Choice, I’d rather have straight busing.  At least with busing, they (and by “they” here, I mean only K-12 students) would go back to their miles away ghetto every afternoon.  With “expanding affordable housing in suburbs,” i.e. programs like AFFH, they (and by “they” here, I mean their whole brood), are your neighbors.

What this also exposes is that AFFH-style programs didn’t start with Obama.  In fact, they didn’t even start with Bush 41.  They were a serious object of political and media consideration as long ago as the year I was born.

It’s also apparent that the NYT, and that’s the ultimate source of this, is leading the charge to lobby the Democrat Party not to nominate Biden.

But That’s Not What They Tell Me.

4 09 2019

Guest post by Puggg

But they keep saying that it’s only white people that get mixed up in fentanyl, heroin and ecstasy.

From Channel 2 and Channel 4.

Zukunft Is A Thing

2 09 2019


You’re wondering what the hell happened yesterday.

Early in the afternoon yesterday, we got credible media reports that turnout in both states, Brandenburg and Saxony, was rather much higher than this same election cycle five years ago, and that most of the increase was middle aged men.  Which happens to be the AfD’s strongest demographic, using 2017 Federals data and research.  And this was happening in the former East, the AfD’s strongest region.  So when you mash up the strongest demographic and strongest region, it was easy to figure out who was benefiting.  Note that I don’t say “white” or “real German,” because non-white/German voting participation rates in this country are so low that they’re below statistical noise level, even in heavily enriched areas, and realize that Brandenburg and Saxony have far less enrichment than, say, North Rhine-Westphalia.

So when we heard that, yours truly and the people I was around were smiling.

Then as the afternoon went on, we got eyeball reports that the turnout increase was just about equal parts old women and middle aged men.  The former (women 70+) being Union’s (i.e. CDU and CSU) strongest demographic, again, using 2017 Federals data.

At that point, our smiles suddenly straightened up.

About a half hour after the polls closed in both states, ARD, (“Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rundfunkanstalten Deutschland,” the German consortium of public broadcasters, and the source of exit polling and projections on election days), dropped its projections, which further turned our smiles downward.

In the end, after the actual count, we did a little better and the first place parties, the SPD in Bran., and the CDU in Sax., did a little worse, than the ARD projections.  But not enough to change the order.  A close second in both states.

At the same time, we did better in total percentage terms than the averages of the final pre-election day polling suggested in both states.  In the end, AfD doubled its Bran. percentage over five years ago, triple in Sax.

So, what the hell happened?

How could we finish in second when we did outperformed the polls and turned out our base very well, and otherwise did everything to finish in first place?

I just gave you half the answer:  Old women.  The SPD in Bran., and the CDU in Sax., big time bussed them in, figuratively speaking.

Why don’t advertisers target to upper middle aged and older people, even though they have money?  Why is it that, once you turn 55 in the United States, Madison Avenue barely acknowledges that you even exist?  It’s because once you get to a certain age, your brand loyalty in terms of fungible products and services is carved in stone.  Norma Mae, 75 years old, has been using Tide since she was 25, so she’s not going to stop now.  Same goes for political and partisan loyalties.

The morning and afternoon after, I’ve now come up with a theory to the other half of the answer, which the people around me either like or aren’t dismissing out of hand.  I came up with this theory looking at the twisted ribbon graphics for both states, which is, looking at the voter shifts between parties or non-voting in 2014 and the same yesterday.

I would not be at all surprised if there was a tacit agreement between the CDU and SPD that their voters in the two states voted for the stronger party in either state, just to make sure the incumbent first-place party from five years ago stayed in first place, and more importantly, to deny the AfD the psychological (even if not substantive, see below) win of finishing in first place.  Meaning that CDU regulars in Brandenburg voted SPD, and SPD regulars in Saxony voted CDU.  Now, this is the kind of thing that only a few percent would do, but politics are games of margins.

Combine the bussed in old women with what I believe was this tacit logrolling, and that’s what made the difference.

However, it really doesn’t matter in the short term, in terms of the assembly of governing coalitions in both states based on yesterday’s results.  Even if the AfD would have literally finished in first in either or both, it would have been a minority first-place finish, and the other parties have pledged to treat us like a case of the Bubonic plague.  Mid-summer, there was a very long shot outside chance that we could win an absolute majority in Saxony, our strongest state overall.  But German politics are such that it’s really rare that a party wins an absolute majority.  Even the Christian Social Union, the permanent CDU partner that only exists in Bavaria, rarely gets an absolute majority there.

But here’s why our frowns turned back into smiles:

I already gave you a hint in the title of this post.  German political culture fetishizes the concept of Zukunft, i.e. future.  Inexplicably so, IMHO, but hey, it is what it is.

From what I have already written here, you can figure out who has won the Zukunft just based on yesterday.  And why both the CDU and SPD issued public statements of “no gloating” and “no cheering” and “no spiking the football” yesterday evening.

The two established political parties, to save their first place finishes in these two states, had to rustle up the kind of people, who, by the time these same elections are held again, will be pushing up daisies.  That’s some way to invest in your Zukunft, huh?  It’s reminiscent of the way that Obama goosed up elderly black women to eke out re-election in 2012.

You may be wondering why there’s a lot of anti-boomer generationism (the BQ, Boomer Question) in the American Alt-Right.  It’s not because anyone really thinks Boomers caused all the world’s problems, and to the extent that anyone says that or thinks that, it’s because our sector has a bad propensity to blow simple contentions way out of proportion and piss people off along the way.  It’s because Boomers are keeping obsolete ideologies and parties of both the left and right alive way past their useful shelf lives, for the same reason Madison Avenue won’t try to convince 75-year old Norma Mae to switch from Tide to All.  Since the German baby boom started a few years after the American one, the start of the post-war economic miracle in 1949 instead of V-E/J Day in 1945, it will take a little longer for German boomers to cycle out of political involvement either through death or mental incapacitance.

One thing I saw out of the corner of my eye is how horribly the Greens did, compared to both pre-election polling, and compared to their very good result in the MEPs back in May, and that the German media screamed Grüne Grüne Grüne Grüne Grüne all summer long.  That points to my contention about the other end of the age spectrum, that being young people.  If you’re banking on young voters, you’re already writing your own concession speech.  Young voters (under 30) may be energized to turn out in big numbers every once in awhile, but that’s it.  They can sprint, but not marathon.  The Greens’ “sprint” in the current time and geography turned out to be this past spring’s MEPs.

The AfD has won the Zukunft because it’s neither old nor young.


For the first time in more than two and a half years, I DJed last night, for a word of mouth only party, WOM in order to give Antifa the slip.  That I had planned ever since I got here to Potsdam.  I had also game planned for two different circumstances, one for Earth-shaking news, and the other for good but less than totally enthusiastic news.  Two different playlists and progressions.  As the afternoon and early evening and mid-evening wore on, I figured out which option I’d have to use.

The last time I spun, again, more than two and a half years ago, it was for a Trump inauguration night party back in St. Louis.  That was before “that day,” and this was something I would not have been able to do as late as four months ago.  My DJ skills were never what you would call top shelf even back in my physical peak, but at least this gave me a means to compare myself to the last time I did this, January 20, 2017, and therefore assess my recovery in a consummate sense.  DJing takes some measure of physical and cognitive coordination, keeping a fair number of tennis balls in the air simultaneously.  And I certainly know I didn’t embarrass myself last night, so I must be back to some measure of satisfactory.

Had yesterday’s results been more favorable, this party would have been packed and gone all night, and of course I would have picked the hotter playlist.  But it was well-attended even if not jam-packed, and petered out around 2:30.  Realizing that most of the people who came had gotten up early the previous morning for election day business, so they themselves were tired.

I did find out that, if my eyes were any indication, a lot of middle aged Germans can sing German-translated lyrics to “Free Bird” in perfect sync.


Tomorrow, I’m on a train heading back to Cologne.  I’ll see the g/f, but just her.  I’m not ready for any more of the sister drama just yet.  Then back on a train Thursday, back down to Wiesbaden, so I can re-start rehab.  This the second phase will, along with the usual, involve something else I haven’t done in more than two years:  Driving a car.

Since it’s now early September and Labor Day in the United States, I realize that it has now been just about a year since I made this “permanent” move.  And it’s been a really good twelve months personally, and a very decent one professionally.



Here in the second day of the aftermath, the German and international media have spun Sunday’s results surprisingly pro-AfD. I was expecting them to run the “ZOMG YOU DIDN’T FINISH IN FIRST PLACE LIKE EVERYONE EXPECTED LOL~!!!!1” line into the ground.

Which means the media are working an angle. I suspect the angle they’re working is that this portends badly for Union and AKK in two years, and tangentially, for Merkel’s legacy.

I’ll Leave You With These Bones To Chew On During Labor Day Weekend.

30 08 2019

Guest post by Puggg

This will be a holiday weekend that won’t be either a holiday or a weekend for me, because I have to clear out my high piled inbox on my desk.

But when you look at this thing out of the city and then this thing out of Kansas City, which are basically the same thing, it makes me wonder:  What good will it do?  You pass these city based gun ordinances, and the B&Ws in both cities are supposed to give the files to:  Municipal court?

As far as St. Louis, they’re complaining about the state laws being weak, when they’re not.  The problem with “the state” in so far as the city goes is that “the state” means Kim Gardner, who doesn’t do prosecuting black people for crime if she can help it.

One more thing:  The Kansas City idea involves minors.  So nobody 18 or over ever commits gun violence?  It also mentions that the Feds rarely prosecute for minor-in-possession, but the reason for that is that the Feds never really want to prosecute juveniles for anything.

The only way I can think of that this would help is that having some sort of local ordinances are just a tool for the B&Ws to confiscate the guns and leave it at that.  This might help a little bit.

Alphabets and Arrows

26 08 2019

Portland, Oregon

portland soccer protest

Two things happened within four days that either made me come to a profound observation, or made me late to the game, or in this case, the match.

Back on Tuesday, Major League Soccer awarded St. Louis a franchise.  Back in May 2017, city voters turned down a proposition that would have helped fund a soccer stadium west of Union Station.  What must have happened in the meantime is that private money came together.   I see one of the sources is Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and Carolyn Kindle Betz in specific.  Remember, Jack Taylor, who I know died recently, was a really big sports nut.  He hired many a former Mizzou athlete who never made it to or in the pros at Enterprise.

But I digress.

To me, one of the things that happened in reaction to it was the really curious and interesting thing relating to it, rather than it itself.

It’s the fact that, the night after, the parties and celebrations happened in The Grove, St. Louis’s big concentration of gay bars and establishments.

Hold that thought.

Three days later, on Friday, there was an MLS game, Seattle at Portland.  During the game, there was a planned and deliberate silent protest by fans of both teams.  MLS prohibits overtly political signs and banners and displays, and this has made soccer fans in both cities upset, because they want to bring in what is called the Iron Front, which is, the southwesterly-pointing triple down arrows, associated with Antifa.  As you can see, and check out ESPN, SI and The Oregonian, especially the latter’s photo gallery, there were lots of rainbow flags being flown as part of this silent protest.

So, you have gay, soccer, St. Louis, and gay, soccer, Portland and Seattle.


It’s now becoming apparent that American high level and professional men’s soccer and especially its fandom is becoming a flash point for LGBTQ and Antifa, and probably also other associated sectors.  Of course, it has been obvious for a long time the significant crossover between high level and professional women’s soccer and lesbianism.


On this continent plus Cuck Island, if there are any political connotations to soccer, they are populist and nationalist, due to the fact that the organizational model is ground up, and club-centered, (e.g. most of the clubs in this year’s Bundesliga are way older than the Bundesliga itself, an alien concept to American sports fans), as opposed to the league and franchise centered nature of the MLS (note that St. Louis was awarded a franchise) and the American sports business model in general.  While I can understand, and in fact, have personally seen multiple times since living in Germany, how club-centered soccer is conducive to populism and nationalism, I don’t grok how a league-centered soccer business would necessarily contribute to the political opposite, American soccer fandom being heavily gay and Antifa.

Another theory I can come up with is that gay-Antifa-left in the United States are merely countersignaling against the other football, and how its territorial imperative potentially feeds a nationalist mindset.  Even though here in the real world, the photographic negative and ally of the soyboy left, the black undertow thug-excusing BLM/SJW milieu, are converging football.  That’s not counting the less recent events of the last three generations, where TPTB used football as an anti-nationalist weapon to wear down white Southern resistance to integration and the civil rights movement, and continues to do so today to dampen white reaction to the violent and stupid black underclass and undertow.

Maybe even more disconcerting than that is that LGBTQ-Antifa are latching onto soccer as a silent sort of elitist and hypocritical method to protest and separate themselves from the black undertow and its love of football.  That which makes Dontravious a great cornerback is that which also makes him a bad citizen — The ability to make quick impulsive reactionary decisions serves him well in the defensive secondary but horribly in the bars.

These last two theories I mention may well intertwine.  Antifa de la Soyboy in Portland loves soccer because xe hates football, and xe hates football because one group of people xe politically despises likes it, and another group of people xe personally fears plays it.

One more thing:  St. Louis now has a soccer team, big whoop.  The Region in which I live all by itself has six teams in this season’s Bundesliga.

Weekend Open Thread

24 08 2019

Guest post by Puggg

If anyone’s still home, here’s your open thread.

I’m sure you all saw the two different shootings at two different football jamborees last night, one was by Soldan on the north side, and the other at Parkway North.  Of course we know who was behind both.  If this is the way it’s going to be, then basketball season is going to be fun.

Then the Illinois trooper from Waterloo murdered in the line of duty yesterday serving a warrant in Washington Park.

I’ll close my part with this.  Our normal host says that the way to stop mass shooters is to cut off their publicity.  They just brought in one in Jefferson City who threatened one on the internet, and he told the detectives that he wanted to outdo the ones in Columbine 20 years ago because he thought they were wusses.

The Implications For Me

20 08 2019

Your Blogmeister’s German Desk

First off, the article dateline is Berlin, so they show a big picture of Frankfurt.


I don’t know when this pic was taken, but I know the camera was pointing west, and Wiesbaden is about 19 miles west of Frankfurt as the crow flies, and I know that it’s in the direction of a little bit to the left of the center of the vantage point.  Probably the pic wasn’t taken high enough to see the tops of Wiesbaden’s tallest buildings and the top of the tallest spire on the Marktkirche, even if you were able to blow it up to a very large size, and I don’t know when it was taken, if it was taken any time in the last few months and at a point when I was in Wiesbaden.  But for what I’m thinking, in theory, if you could blow it up, you just might see me waving way off on the horizon.

Hi mom.

But seriously.

More than any of this, the coming German recession has implications for me personally, and our sector.

Assuming the rest of my rehab is successful and timely, I’ll be in the market for a brand new car at the end of this year.  A one-two punch of clearing out the old model year and a recession will make it very much a buyer’s market, meaning I’ll be able to expand my range of legitimate options in an upward and upgraded direction.

For our sector, the German economy has been on a ten plus year winning streak, the longest feast stretch of any in the German economy since the Wirtschaftwunder post-WWII years.  That has served to blunt public anger over immigration and refugees enough to keep Union/Merkel from falling through the floor, barely so.  Also, it has served to mask growing inequality and working class anxiety, which in turn are partially caused by the mass immigration.

With an actual recession, all that masking and blunting is gone, and all bets are off.

Criminal Justice Reform.

19 08 2019

Guest post by Puggg

Four years for an act that’s legitimately Murder 2.

That’s that Circuit Attorney that the city has, sheesh.