The Nazis Are Coming!

21 02 2017


Vandalism at a Jewish cemetery.  The whole world has therefore reacted in outrage.  The ATF was recently deployed to figure out what burned down the clubhouse at Bogey Hills in St. Charles, and after they’re done there, I’m sure they’ll go to U-City to figure this out.  Governor Eric Greitens is also outraged.

When it happens to Catholic cemeteries, and it happens fairly often?  Crickets.

When Black Activists and Politicians Demanded the War on Drugs

20 02 2017


At Counter Currents, today.

This mentions the crack-meth-powder syllogism.

It is correct that Federally recommended sentences at one time for crack cocaine were ten times what they were for powder cocaine, controlling for weight. However, at the same time, Federally recommended sentences for crystal meth were one-half of what they were for crack cocaine, again, controlling for weight.

I know that, because while these recommended sentences were still legally extant, the Evening Whirl published a chart showing them in almost all of their issues.  In case you’re not a St. Louisan, the Whirl is St. Louis’s by blacks for blacks about blacks newspaper, which heavily centers on vernacular-sensationalism about urban (i.e. mostly black) violent crime and sundry bellcurvosity.

This means if you want to claim the ten times disparity between the black stereotype drug of crack and the white Wall Street stereotype drug of powder cocaine is racist, then you have to say that the five times disparity between the lower class white stereotype drug of crystal meth and the white Wall Street stereotype drug of powder cocaine is classist. Yet, the second part of that is something I never heard from quasi-official circles.

Two Other Possibilities

20 02 2017

Jefferson City

Applications for formal Missouri carry permits are down significantly.

The obvious culprit is SB 656.

But I think there are two other major explanations:

(1) Law of diminishing marginal returns.  The rate of permit applications and issuance over the past several years was so brisk that, eventually, we were going to reach a point where anyone who remotely entertained the idea of wanting a permit already has one.

(2) OCGE.  He replaced the World’s Greatest Firearms Salesman.  That has the firearms industry in the dumper, and that has probably also contributed to the slowdown in applications for carry permits.

One way to test these three theories is to check other states’ pace of permit applications.

Idle Hands are the SJW’s Workshop, Part 2

20 02 2017

Tacoma, Washington

Eleven current years ago, this was the word out of nearby Seattle.

Not to be outdone, Tacoma has now contributed its part to the SJWs’ War on Normal.

Idle Hands are the SJW’s Workshop

20 02 2017

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

You want proof?

Here’s your proof.

Crisis Quickly Averted

20 02 2017


There was an accidental temporary outbreak of freedom this morning at JFK.

Thankfully, the crisis was quickly averted.

No word on whether my biggest fan was able to take advantage of the situation, catch as catch can.

Social Justice League

20 02 2017

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

Milo once supposedly advocated legalized man-boy sex, huh?

If true, and if he still does, all this means is that he’s ahead of the SJW curve.  After World War T will come World War P.  And, as it is, a more than fringe percentage of organized LGBTQ-BLT-BBQ-LOL activists already so advocate, and have for awhile.  Remember, the organization NAMBLA is not a figment of our fanciful imaginations.

This would also get Milo into the good graces of Antifa.

French Connection

20 02 2017

O’Fallon Park

Antonio French, same age as your ever-lovin’ blogmeister, has been blogging for just about as long as I have.

And now, the P-D has endorsed him for Mayor.

Best I can figure, their reasoning is that among all the candidates, he gives the P-D Ed Board the feelz.

If not that, then they’re working an angle, that I can’t put rhyme or reason to right now.  I’ll kick myself when I figure it out.

Sunday Wrap-Up

19 02 2017

Did you know on Friday, they forecasted yesterday to be ideal golfing weather?

Stupid they.

Today turns out to be the great day for golf, but Sunday is my grown-up chores day.


* He’s right, you know.  Why is it that only Latino immigrants are the only ones that are allowed to dream?

* When it comes to being alone in the universe, if you’re in Fulton, Missouri, and you stray out of town in several directions, you’ll be pretty alone in your universe.

* C’Mia.

* It happened four years ago.  I only vaguely remember it off hand, and only briefly mentioned it in this space.

The dispensation of the case.

Since he didn’t get a life sentence, and the Miller case is probably the reason why he didn’t, five’ll-getya-ten that he only does half of the fifty bid.

* Problacktards, black militants, often gripe that talking head TV and local eyeball news only ever does stories about missing hot blonde girls, and never about missing black girls.  I’ve noticed a sharp increase in the latter, as if the media are responding to that criticism.

A few days ago, there was a volunteer search party that searched vacant homes on the north side looking for missing black girls.

“No one joined in.”


* How Steve Bannon became Steve Bannon.  His WTF moment was his time in the Navy during the 1980 Iran hostage crisis.  Quite the handful of people I’ve met in my life had similar WTF moments while in the military.

* Bad news, you say?  I take it as good news.  Because it means for the first time in nine years, during this time of year, we have a President who doesn’t know or care about college bouncyball.

* Read further down, and you find out sort of the same thing, even if it was not as boisterous, happened to Arne Duncan.  The similarity is that Betsy Wetsy’s neoconservatism and Basketball Arne’s neoliberalism on education policy converged a long time ago, and is a threat to the teachers’ unions.  The difference is that because the unions and the neolibs are in the same political party, that by itself will mute the unions’ angst.  But since that’s not a problem now, it’s full freakoutrage ahead.

It’s precisely why I think she is Trump’s worst pick, because of the Machiavellian politics of the matter.

* If you’re going to equate current American events with Ancient Roman history, don’t think of the Third Century A.D., think of late in the First Century B.C. and early in the First Century A.D. — This strikes me as the transition from late republican to early imperial Rome.

* Not only is it Grade A Bullshit, but to the extent that Obama even cares about this kind of thing at all, and I don’t think he much does, OFA in his post-Presidency is to him what the red Corvette is to fortysomething guys.  A way to relive the good times of their younger years.

* Straining my brain trying to figure out the real difference between Keith Ellison and Tom Perez.  And also, what’s this bit about “I am not interested in anarchy?”  From what I’ve seen in the past month, that party is very interested in anarchy, or at least the people who embrace the label.


* Why do they love their diversity, especially their Latino diversity, so much?  Remember, it’s Stone Mountain, Georgia.  Think of what the alternative is.

* Yeah, so?  They only want in on the same action that Dindus have been the masters of for decades.

* I’m through.  I mean, we have to read about all these “Mexican-Muslims,” when I distinctly remember a time in history when El Paso was an American city full of Americans.


* Apple, tree, roll, not far.

* Remember Occam’s Razor Reloaded:  Among competing hypotheses, the one with the most cynicism should be selected.

It’s to save the district money on food procurement, not saving the environment.

* Clayton, New York, where the volunteer firemen are also on the high school basketball team.

It’s probably a charming place to live, meaning they better keep their traps shut, before someone gets the bright idea to diversify the place.

* I don’t read anything here that would substantively solve the problem, so I’m going with cheap political stunt.

Considering Hawaii, and its high property values, nobody with any real political clout is actually going to want to solve the problem, because solving the problem would hurt property values.  If this problem is solved at all, it will involve shipping the state’s homeless back to the mainland.

* Quotable:

The campus branch of Students for a Democratic Society was already organizing activities as part of national day of action against Trump administration policies on immigration when it was approached by faculty members interested in speaking out on similar issues, according to information from the group.

Sounds like my 54th axiom:

Whenever a mass group of young people do something, there is always an old person behind it.  If a mass of young men bearing arms take a hill, there is an old man with stars on his helmet behind it.  Likewise, when you see masses of young “anarchists,” there is an old man with tenure behind it.


* Generation Z in Britain.  Though this generation is starting to be called Homelanders, because almost all of them were born after 9/11, that would have no special context outside the United States.  And I’m also thinking that, since this refers to current college students, and if you use 2000 as the cutoff year between Millennials and Homelanders, the oldest Zs are just turning 17 this year, the author of this piece must have an earlier crossover year in mid.


* He’s good for something.  Not quite the best NFL running back, but still, something.

* The upshot:  Now that we know what to look for before they happen, we’ll be able to do forecasting.

* That time when AI met the Seven Deadlies.

* Now, you see, Draymond, that’s not how slavery worked.  Slavery was all about the owners of capital exploiting free labor to make their products more lucrative and therefore to make them more wealthy.  James Dolan, OTOH, has an above average payroll this season and a below average record.  That’s the total opposite of slavery.

Dare to Claire

17 02 2017


She’s worried about being primaried?

I don’t think she really has anything to worry about, because I don’t think any other Democrat in this state could beat her.

I’m also wondering why she thinks she has to worry about her left flank, when at least in terms of voting record, she rarely goes off res.   Unlike the analogue of the TPM versus establishment/moderate/party-line Republican primaries of eight years ago, in those instances, the challengers were able to point to the incumbents’ or quasi-incumbents’ actions and record.

Though if she’s worried about being primaried, it could be because it wasn’t so long ago that she did the primarying and won.

Starting Before It Can Even Start

16 02 2017


When I found out the SLPOA endorsed Lyda, when trying to pump one of their well-placed people that happens to be in my Dex to figure out WTF, I warned him that when she becomes Mayor, the first time there’s a questionable cop-ook conflagration, she’ll throw the cops under the bus.

She’s not Mayor yet, and this isn’t off an accost, but she’s already throwing the SLPOA under the bus:

Lyda Krewson calls on police union to fire representative

Mayoral candidate Lyda Krewson has called on the St. Louis Police Officers’ Association to fire Jeff Roorda, the police union’s business agent, citing “vile and disgusting” comments he has made toward city Treasurer and fellow mayoral hopeful, Tishaura Jones.

Earlier this week, Roorda blasted Jones on Facebook calling her lazy, a “cop-hater” and a “race-baiter.”

“Tishaura and I are both candidates for mayor and are competing hard against each other but I absolutely reject his despicable characterization of her,” Krewson said in a statement. “She is a respected government official and does not deserve this abuse.”

“When I am mayor, he will not be welcome in my office,” Krewson added.

But Black Lives Matter (“Pigs in a Blanket”) will, right?

Ferguson Man Acts Ferguson-y in Dellwood

16 02 2017



His name is Tre’von to boot.

Hole In My Heart

16 02 2017


Many Mexican oriented businesses on Cherokee Street were closed today for the “Day Without Immigrants.”

I know, it was a yuge inconvenience to all of us.

I wonder if Bruce Franks and the nearby anarchists participated.

Look Who Was Spying Then

16 02 2017


Which is why it takes a lot of nerve for any of us to complain about other countries’ supposed interference in our elections.

It wasn’t just the CIA, either.  The American embassy in Paris and a bunch of American-led democracy project style soft power organizations also interfered, mainly to cock block FN/MLP.

This is why Trump’s victory was so important, because the upcoming French elections will now be held with the colossus of American soft and implied hard power being wielded by someone who is at least somewhat sympathetic with FN/MLP, instead of hostile toward it.

Wisconsin Was a Slave State (?)

16 02 2017

Madison, Wisconsin


Black students should be offered free tuition and housing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison because blacks were legally barred from education during slavery… (snip)

What it’s always about, gibs.

The Public’s Right Not to Know

15 02 2017


I only broached this story in this space on Sunday, and that that, it was in a snarky way. You know, Edmonton Man is the new Minnesota Man.

Nevertheless, sexual assault is really not a big deal, in fact, it’s borderline not even a crime, unless the suspect looks like a non-existent white man written about in Strolling Bone. No, the real crime is noticing patterns. And the real victims are the rapists, the girls they raped probably brought it on themselves by having the audacity to be white.

Four Nays

15 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

Four solid Republican nays on Puzder.

Four is more than three, and three is all that’s necessary to make Puzder’s nomination toast, browner than a Hardees breakfast.

I’ve been saying that Betsy Wetsy is the Trump cabinet pick I dislike the most.  And I’m still holding to that.  But the more I see of Puzder, the less I like, and if you want to argue for Puzder being the worst, I won’t retort.  Plain words, four Republican Senators are saving Trump from a decidedly less than stellar pick.

I Wonder How That Happened

15 02 2017

Weston, Florida


Have We Forgotten ‘Never Forget’?

Yes, it’s been a whole minute.

By Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Why not her porn name, DWStweets?

This past weekend, my twins were accepted to their top choice for college.

I wonder how that happened. I’d like to speculate, but at the same time, I don’t want to be anti-Semitic. So I’ll chicken out and say that her powerful position had something to do with it.  I also wonder if her twins’ “top choice” was a quaint little institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts, or another quaint little institution in New Haven, Connecticut.

Masel Tov anyway, Deb.


15 02 2017

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

A massive political Woodstock with OCGE as the keynote speaker, attended by as many people as possible that both support him to some extent (or people that are neutral about him yet dislike the deep state’s machinations), and are part of the country’s formal and informal, official and unofficial, armed forces, everyone from the highest ranking military generals down to your grandpa with his thirty-aught-six.  They all could be armed, or most of them could be real-looking fake arms.

Trump could just babble on in his usual stream-of-consciousness that he perfected on the campaign trail, and he could really talk about nothing.  It really doesn’t matter — The critical element here isn’t what Trump would say, it’s who he would be saying it to.  The purpose is to send a message to the deep state that they’re out of line and to cut the crap, or else.

Unless they want November 3, 2020 to be just another day.

The Ambulance Chaser’s Dilemma

15 02 2017


About this business of Brown & Crouppen wanting to leave Downtown.

The irony-o-meter just hit 11 on a ten-point scale.

B&C’s nest is Downtown, and as you can read, they want to stay there, because they’re an ambulance chaser firm that wants to be in close walking distance to the northeast bank of Tucker and Market, because that building is where ambulance chaser firms like B&C bring home the bacon, off the backs of the stick-it-to-da-man juries that are assembled in that building.

But at the same time, they are entertaining leaving, because of dindu crime.

Do you see the through line?  If you do, then you’ll also grok the irony.

Elderly black women = The jurors.  Their grandsons = The dindu criminals.

So, What Do We Think?

14 02 2017

Jefferson City

Appearing on the front and back bumpers of cars all around the Show-Me starting January 1 of the current year after next.

There’s talk about changing state law to require them only for the back, but that hasn’t happened yet.


Bill Kristol: For the Follow-Up Win

14 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

In case you missed what he did last week.

I know, he’s his own hardest act to follow, but I think he nailed it.

Todd Richardson Groveled to the NAACP Today

14 02 2017

Jefferson City

Because of this.

Personally, I wouldn’t let the opponents submit their testimony until Milo can speak at Berkeley.

And Also

14 02 2017


More Fergaza Strip news.

DARE artwork painted on a Humvee.

Which obviously means:


That is, of course, another nuanced issue that has been drowned out and bastardized by the politics of absolutism.

DARE is also a failure for the most part.

Sacred Ground

14 02 2017


Channel 2 and Channel 4 have it.

It ended on Canfield Drive in Ferguson.

You know what that is.

I’m just crazy enough to think that the dindus were deliberately trolling the cops by deliberately driving to that spot.

I wonder if there’s still a trash heap at the hallowed point.

Twenty-Four Days

14 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

My whitey sense tells me that the real reason Trump gave Michael Flynn the heave-ho is because of some blatant lie.

To think, Flynn was on Trump’s VP short list.

Irony So Noted

13 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

While I won’t be a drama queen and equate his actions to Soviet occupiers and the Taliban, I still can’t shake the slight irony of it all.


13 02 2017

Beaverton, Oregon

First off, we don’t need a lecture about equality from a corporation whose profit margins are built on the temple of this close to slave labor.

Now, to the point of the matter.  They say there’s equality inside the lines.  If you can do it, nothing else matters.

That’s right.

Except…basketball, especially the highest professional levels, doesn’t seem to be a pursuit that lends itself well to egalitarianism.

The NBA at the players’ level seems to be comprised of tall to very tall, fast to very fast, black men, as players, and not any slow elderly short white women.  If we apply the same reasoning that the Federal judiciary uses for urban fire departments to the NBA, then it’ll have to have an actual or effective quota for slow elderly short white women.

Which means I also don’t need a lecture about equality from the best basketball player of our times and maybe the best women’s tennis player ever.

It Was Bound to Happen, One Night Again

13 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

My first real schisms with the OCGE.

Asset forfeiture.


To add to one I already had, Eminent Domain.

He might be able to make an argument that Ex-Im isn’t that bad.  But he won’t be able to talk his way out of asset forfeiture in my mind.  And also, whenever he tries to defend EmDom, he winds up engaging in generic apologetics.  Nobody is claiming that EmDom shouldn’t exist at all.  What we grind over is its use for non-public projects.

Hard Luck Electorate

13 02 2017


You can tally the contradictions for yourself.

And this is the odds on favorite to be the next mayor.

The other ones are even loopier.  For instance, Tishaura Jones is banking on the Millennial vote.  Which means she’s already writing her concession speech.