That Tie, Though

28 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

Boilerplate Trump, usual OCGE.

That tie, though.  I want one.  It’s the most powerful blue tie I’ve ever seen.  I never knew any blue tie could scream power.

His shout-out to Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin during the ObamaDontCare missive, was a preemptive strike against Bevin’s predecessor in that office, Steve Beshear, who gave the Democrat response.


Queen Bee Syndrome

27 02 2017

O’Fallon Park

That’s why Jennifer Joyce endorsed Antonio French.  Or, to put it in a better way, it’s why she didn’t endorse Lyda Krewson.

Speaking of Lyda Krewson, we’re all supposed to be shocked that she has so far spent a megabuck on her campaign.  Well, why not?  Slay handed her the keys to his fund raising machine weeks ago, well before formally endorsing her, and she’s got her own strong fund raising base out of her own CWE ward.


27 02 2017

Hawthorne, California

SpaceX is going to send two lucky paying customers on a trip toward and around the moon and back some time next current year.

Why do I have my doubts?

No human being has been beyond low Earth orbit since December 1972 using the economies of scale and the financial leverage and revenue collection power of the world’s most prosperous governments.  So what makes us think that Elon Musk, who’s a nickel-and-dimer by comparison, can pull it off?

Only In St. Louis

27 02 2017


She leaves behind two sons, one of whom is one Gentry Trotter, who was Channel 11’s all-purpose thespian for a long time.  Start at 0:40.


27 02 2017



Three people were taken into custody by St. Louis Police on Saturday during a show of support for LGBTQ issues in downtown St. Louis.

Edward Pingleton, 19, of the 2500 block of Kyle Court in Columbia, Mo., and Aideen O’Brien, 21, transgender female of the 130 block of Hammel Ave. were arrested and charged with fourth-degree assault and resisting/interfering with arrest

Amelia Maxwell, 22, a transgender female of the 10 block of Jones Way, Wood River, Ill. was arrested and received city summonses for interfering with a police officer and resisting arrest and was released.

Well, okay, then.  Current year.

House Moving Party

27 02 2017

St. Louis Place

The preservationist mindset is a good thing.

Too bad we weren’t so strident about preservationism many decades ago when we were allowing these neighborhoods’ demographics to transition from first world to third world.

It is written about the house’s new real estate that it’s close to residential edifices that rival Lafayette Square.  Problem is, its houses might, but its population demographics don’t.

Cutting Off Your New Nose to Spite Your Old Face

27 02 2017


Mockups and drawings of the new major additions to SLU Hospital, to go on the mostly cleared out space in the rectangle of Grand, Chouteau, Spring and Rutger.   P-D, and NextSTL.

Here’s my WTF moment.

They’re going to demolish the 1988 annex to Desloge, the Bordley Tower, but not Desloge itself.  I can definitely understand why any talk about demolishing Desloge was shut down, because of its historical nature and unique and iconic appearance.  But what’s the matter with Bordley?  By the time all these new buildings open, Bordley will only be 32 years old, and as I can attest, because most of my health care happens at SLU, it’s a very nice and functional edifice.  I also don’t think that Bordley has to be demolished to make either the construction of the operation of the new buildings feasible.  It could just as easily continue to stand.  If anything, since Desloge is a 15-story masonry structure in a high risk seismic zone, and Bordley was designed and built with quakes in mind, Bordley could be renovated, and all the crucial operations in Desloge could be moved over to Bordley.  Because the about-to-be built structures will be used for, among other things, admitted patients, which is what Bordley hosts now.

If this winds up happening as-is, it’s just going to seem so weird seeing Bordley, which I saw being built, (my mother went to SLU for as long as I can remember, and as a boy, I went to next-door Glennon), all of a sudden being wrecked.

And in spite of all this, SLU’s ER, which will also be moved into the new edifices, will still be the preferred destination for Federally incarcerated pimps and local dindus.


As it so happened, my mother was supposed to have a medical test at SLU today.  Her assisted living transportation took her there, and when she got there, she found out that someone mixed up the scheduling, so she wasn’t actually on the docket for the test in question today.  She would have needed to wait awhile for the return trip, so instead, she called me, and as luck had it, I was very close when she did.  So, I made a little side diversion.

First off, Bordley is also a masonry structure.  Second, before fetching mom, I went to someone in administration and asked her about Bordley being demolished, and she, as someone who said she knows about the plans, heard nothing about it.  She shifted me around to three other very similar people, none of them had the foggiest either.  So this gonna-demolish-Bordley thing turns out to have been a rumor.


Refusing Presents

27 02 2017


I feel for him.

Let me back up for a moment.

I felt for him, until I read who “he” is.

Irony Alert.

It’s the same Jeffrey Tucker who just had to bash and trash and virtue signal against Richard Spencer last week.

Spencer is perhaps accidentally trying to solve the problem Tucker complains about.

Because, ask yourself why airports are dictatorships.  Hint:  The answer has something to do with maybe, just maybe, that our diversity is not our strength.

Otherwise, Santa Claus should skip the houses with people that don’t believe in Santa Claus.

Sunday Wrap-Up

26 02 2017


* The ATF has concluded that the cause of the fire which burned down the Bogey Hills clubhouse wasn’t arson.  Now I think that’s why they were called in, because someone both local and in a position of authority suspected that there was an insurance scam afoot.  And when the insurance industry says jump, Federal law enforcement asks how high.  As it is, Bogey Hills has seen better days.

* This kind of thing should be left for the professionals in Rodney Dangerfield movies.

* Really now, the only way this will actually happen, even if all the institutional ducks can get in a row, is to make college so easy that it’s doubly ubiquitous and meaningless.

* The secret is that they’d be okay with a hotel, as long as it’s not one of these proposed “express” low cost hotels.  Because those almost always become flop houses, havens for sex traffickers, including child sex traffickers, dope deals, dope parties.

* When he was in his playing days, Mike Piazza was a Cardinal killer, and now in retirement, he remains a St. Louis basher.

* Yeahbut…16-year olds aren’t automatically considered adults for any criminal offense, even as it stands now.  Every 16-year old arrestee is initially taken to the juvenile holding facility, and his case starts out in juvenile court.

But let’s overlook that little mistake for a moment.  His rationale is that they can’t vote and can’t buy cigarettes, so it’s unreasonable to charge them as adults.  And he’s right — 16-year olds can’t vote and can’t buy cigarettes.  But his solution is to raise the age to 17 (and, as I just wrote above, it’s already there), and 17-year olds can’t vote or buy cigarettes either.  Another layer of irony is that more and more jurisdictions, including St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and a few states, like California, are raising the cigarette age to 21, and expect that train to start rolling out of the station really fast.  And let’s not even talk about alcohol.

The maddeningly contradictory comparison and contrast of legal adulthood, moral adulthood, biological adulthood, political adulthood and ethical adulthood, which Schroer is begging, is a Pandora’s Box he probably doesn’t want to open.


* The city’s Hispanic gangs are upgrading their small arms power.


* I’ll make this really easy.

It’s because he’s mainstreaming the concept of constructing public policy around making assessments of ethnically identifiable groups of people.

The Jews are worried that if we get used to naming the Mexican or naming the Muslim, that it won’t be long before we name the Jew.

* The question here contains its own answer, an answer that both Mark Steyn and I independently forecasted.  That a Trump Presidency would mean that we would have four political parties:  The Trump popnats, the doctrinaire normieconservatives, the Republican establishment, and the Democrats.


* Good job cribbing Murray and Herrnstein, Megan.

* The protest to save the environment left a big mess and a whole lot of fire and smoke.  Hmmm.

Of course, if you’re cynical like me, you’ll retort that the protest really wasn’t environmental, but it was Soros/Buffett astroturf relating to their personal business interests.

* Makes me think of the trend not so long ago of affirmative action bake sales on college campuses, those were usually a production of the school’s Republican or conservative clubs.

* Dirty little secret:  Chris Cuomo doesn’t actually believe this, and he would move a mountain to make sure this doesn’t happen.  It’s just that he’s so ideologically thrown in to left-egalitarianism-LGBTQBLTBBQLOL that he’s not going to let his paternal instincts get in the way of his ideological cult mentality.

Another hint is that he won’t actually ever have to worry about his daughters being in this situation, because school showers are almost totally passe now, except for some team sport athletes.  It’s because baby boomers did the school shower thing almost universally and that boomers are currently at the peak of their political and institutional power and control, that the worry about trannies and the wrong locker room even exists.  To the mentality that World War T will affect school locker rooms and showers, about half of my generation and just about every Millennial and Homelander are scratching their heads trying to figure out what the hell they’re talking about.

* More World War T, and in fact, Rod Dreher uses that phrase and links to its inventor.  Also, note that Dreher quotes Chatsworth Osborne Jr, who, like Megan McArdle earlier in this section, cribs Murray and Herrnstein.

* First off, why is the source for this the Jerusalem Post?

Second, I now think that the definition of “hate crime” is any crime that victimizes either a Jew or someone that Jews like or support, unless the perpetrator is also either a Jew or something that the Jews like or support.

Which is why this Andrew Cuomo (speaking of Cuomo) announced effort will go nowhere, when almost all of these hate crimes are either Whatchya-Doin-Rabbi hoaxes, or Muslim-perpetrated.

* Something I’ve kinda suspected for some time.  What it means is that the homely are generally doing well financially.  It’s just that homely women aren’t very prized in the dating market, so this is why they invent feminism, so they can insert themselves at crucial choke points of social and cultural power, to force rich and powerful men to redefine their norms of beauty toward homely women.  Trigglypuff wants someone like Donald Trump to think that Trigglypuff is gorgeous and that the former Melania Knauss is ugly.

* To wit, my previous point.

* Down memory lane:  In speculating on the similarities between Resist and the TPM, the writer, when pondering the question of whether the TPM was purely grassroots or purely astroturf, answers Yes.  It’s a theory I never thought of, but makes more sense the more I think about it.

* While reading this story, I recall the irony of many of the Black Autumn protests of two current years ago demanding more money for HBCUs and more affirmative action for mainstream schools.  They’re so interested in HBCUs, but they don’t want to go to one themselves.


* Yet, when I did it, it was voluntary and the result of a dare.

* Try as I might, I can’t draw a through line between transgender and professional basketball.

* Which is something I wish 14-year olds would understand.  That there was a past before and there will be a future after their incumbent fourteen years of life.

* Garth Brooks said it:  I could have missed the pain, but I’da hafta miss the dance.

* This is James Clerk Maxwell’s world, we’re only consuming resources from it.

Einstein called Maxwell “a genius.”  Which is saying a lot.  And for good reason — Proving that two separate forces were actually one and the same was insightful.  And it put us on the track to the unified particle theory.  Just as the science and math behind the unification of electricity and magnetism is still bearing fruit today, once we get a solid unified particle theory, a lot of things are going to fall into line, a lot of mysteries solved.

* The upshot?  When you let young people confront and experiment with danger in controlled circumstances and environments, they’ll respect it, learn to deal with it, internalize parameters, and most importantly, not be reckless with it it in uncontrolled circumstances. 

Maybe, just maybe, this self same newspaper can apply that reasoning to other things.

* I know why — It was those dangerous assault braces.

* She mentions Rachel Dolezal.  As in this Rachel Dolezal.  Turns out transracialism doesn’t actually make you any money.


26 02 2017




26 02 2017


Yes she could.

And the reason why she could is because her public relations campaign of dediabolization of the party is yielding fruit that will show up in the runoff round of the voting.

The consensus of political scientists is that in electoral systems like that in France, and also Louisiana, and recently, California, where it’s everyone in the pool for the initial round of voting, then the top two face each other the runoff, voters have an affirmative mindset in the opening round and a defensive mindset in the runoff.  Meaning that they vote for who they really want or who is most like them in the opening, then vote against who they fear more in the runoff.

That was the perhaps delusional hope behind California Proposition 14 in 2010.  The thought was that such a system would enforce the precepts of political moderation (which, practically applied, means centrist establishmentarian neoliberalism or neoconservatism), but it was fed into the modern day California electorate.  Everyone’s mileage always varies.

In previous election years, the problem for JMLP and then MLP, and the FN in general, is that there are always enough French voters who affirmatively want either person or the party to get them either first or second in the opening round, but the media-establishment-((())) jihad against them means that way many more voters fear J/MLP-FN than the “mainstream” left or right party, meaning we flame out in the runoff.  MLP’s PR effort has that in mind, to get people to fear the FN less to give it a puncher’s chance in the runoff, and at the same time, trying to get people to fear the “mainstream” parties more.

This was the permanent lead anchor around David Duke’s ankle.  (Remember, Louisiana.)  Enough affirmative support to make the runoff, but way more fear of him always to lose in the runoff.

A Big Heaping Pile of Social Injustice

25 02 2017


DNC uses paper ballots to pick the non-Muslim candidate for party chairman.

At the intersectionality of voter disenfranchisement and Islamophobia.

He Was In His Zone

25 02 2017

Clinton, Maryland

Mom murders son.

Reading and viewing material here, here and here.

Easy caper.  She interrupted him at a point when he was mentally intensely involved in his game, he retorted with some choice words, which offended her, and she took offense through hot lead.

I think it’s time for Uncle Blogmeister to sit the world down on his lap and explain a thing or three.

The evolutionary imperative of crucial sex differences in modern humans is a function of the fact that our ancestors of many hundreds of generations ago had a neat division of labor.  Women stayed behind at the camps and caves, tended to the children, gathered plants and berries, and kept an eye on things.  Men went out to hunt big game and fought other men from other tribes.  Because of the reproductive and population bottleneck of fertile women, it made a lot of sense to source the high danger high risk hunting and warfare duties to men.  The created evolutionary pressure on the brains of men and women in different ways — Women to multitasking, men to mission-obsessive single focus.  A woman who couldn’t juggle multiple balls and keep them in the air wouldn’t be a good woman, women who could were more sexually attractive to men, women who couldn’t weren’t, so the mental propensity to multitasking got passed on and enhanced in women.  Men needed to zone in on catching the big game or beating back the enemy, otherwise disaster.  Men whose brains zoned in were better at hunting and warfare, those whose brains didn’t weren’t any good at it, and project to the primitive sex and dating market of our distant ancestors.

Fast forward to the present day.

We have found out, through the miracle of modern science and medicine, that the brains of women fire synapses between hemispheres, while the brains of men fire synapses rapidly but mainly within one hemisphere or the other, owning to the multitask versus mission evolutionary pressure.  The difference is that we have our brains built on the evolutionary imperative of our hunter-gatherer days, but we’re far from that world.  So, what do we do?  We build modern edifices and institutions so that we can act out our sex-stereotypical brains to simulate our purposes of the distant past.  For women, we build shopping malls where she can do her modern day plant and berry gathering.  (Realize that every mall always has a plentiful selection of women’s shoes.)  For men, we build golf courses, sports complexes and video games, so we can simulate hunting and warfare.  The golfing foursome is the modern hunting expedition for middle aged men; note that hole scores refer to either birds in general (“birdie”) or specific bird species (eagle, condor, albatross).  Sports, both individual and team, are sublimated warfare.  Clausewitz once wrote that war is politics by any other means, and the converse is also true, that politics is bloodless warfare.  Which explains why capitals and halls of government are full of men.  Video games, depending on the game, can either be simulated hunting (Super Mario Brothers), simulated warfare (Call of Duty), or simulated sublimated warfare (sports games).  Don’t think SMB was a hunting simulator?  What do you think the King Koopa at the end of Level 8 was, other than the really big animal that you kill to feed the women and children back at the caves for a few days?

Furthermore, this relates to the psychological concept of flow, sometimes called “being in the zone.”  You can probably figure out by now that it’s almost entirely a man’s thing, and why it is.

Let’s circle this back around to our Clinton, Maryland murder victim.  The young late Mr. Perry was zoned out on his simulated hunting and/or warfare mission, and his mother barged in and busted his flow.  Of course he was going to react in anger, because she just cost him his mission success, meaning that the women and children either starve or become enslaved or worse, and she, being a coddled over-entitled strong black woman, a black queen, wasn’t going to take kindly to it.  Not “Annie get your gun,” but “L’Booshondraniqua get your gun.”

Ladies, here’s a wooden nickel’s worth of free advice — Even if what your son is locked in on doing seems trivial or childish, let him go.  All he’s doing is trying to make his great-great-great-……-great-great-great-……-great-great-grandfather proud.


Blind Squirrel, Meet Acorn

25 02 2017


In her typical crude, “comedic” way, Leslie Jones has accidentally stumbled upon a very good and profound point, one that I figured about awhile back.

BLM has become mostly about the virtue signaling of leftist white women.


They’re Really Gonna Do This To Me

25 02 2017


That optics are more powerful than abstract concepts is a concept I have understood for quite awhile.

For most of this past week, I was in Denver on business.  Two days ago, in the hotel room, while channel surfing, a local spot for the business organization of Ford dealers of Denver came on, and it lauded the fact that the Ford F-Series has been the best selling truck since 1977, that this is the 40th anniversary of the sales streak.  Part of the visual of the buy was a graphic that showed the numbers “1977” and “40.”

Like I said, optics are more powerful than abstract concepts.

You’re really gonna do this to me, world?

Sessio Volans Sighting

25 02 2017

The Bronx

Even more rare than the ivory-billed woodpecker.  So when you get good quality video of the species, you cherish it.

Do I Even?

24 02 2017

Norfolk, Virginia

The latest in SJW-engineered racial hoaxes.

We, the true blue genuine article of the Alt-Right, don’t use this kind of rhetoric as a rule, and we certainly don’t set it to crummy black rap.


Wicked Racial Profiling Trick

23 02 2017


2: Police pursuit after shots fired in Wentzville neighborhood

Because Wentzville has a mini-ghetto that’s a result of the GM plant, GM moving St. Louis manufacturing from north city to Wentzville all those years ago meant that many of its black workers transplanted then planted themselves there, my WRPT was triggered.

Just to be sure, I watched the video to confirm.

Fairness In Smoke

23 02 2017

Charleston, South Carolina

Remember when they told us that their only problem with the CBF was that it was being flown on public property or under public imprimatur?

So much for that.

The T in ATF

23 02 2017

Bristol, Virginia

Most people think of the F in ATF, not realizing that they have jurisdiction over T.  And, just like there are Operation Gunrunner (“Fast and Furious”) clusterfucks that grow out of F, there is now a similar T-related scandal.

And what set it all off?

The basics of cigarette smuggling are simple. Each state sets its tobacco taxes. Buying cigarettes in low-tax states, like Virginia, and secretly selling them in higher-tax states, like New York, generates large profits. More complicated schemes have shipped cigarettes to Indian reservations, where they are not taxed, then rerouted them for sale on the black market.

A.T.F. agents try to disrupt these networks. Often that means working with informants to buy and sell tobacco on the black market, much the way agents pose as drug dealers to investigate cartels.

This is why the NYPD was so interested in Eric Garner, and the very questionable accost of him in July 2014 caused his death.

Obvious solution?  Tobacco taxation should be an exclusively Federal power.  Just as I think income taxation should be an exclusively Federal power.

History Rhymes (Big Catfish Tales)

23 02 2017

Fairfield, Connecticut


She must be closely related to Jackie Coakley.

When pressed about inconsistencies in her original statement, Yovino admitted that she made up the rape allegations against the two football players in hopes of gaining sympathy from another man — a prospective boyfriend, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.

Police said Yovino told them on Oct. 15 at a hospital where they responded for a sexual assault complaint that she attended a Sacred Heart football club party the night before at a house on Lakeside Drive in Bridgeport.

Investigators said Yovino claimed two men pulled her into a bathroom in the basement of the house and held her down, taking turns sexually assaulting her, the Connecticut Post reports.

She forgot to include something about shattered glass all over the floor, that would have made her tall tale all the more believable.

The Sound of Exoplanet Music

22 02 2017

Pasadena, California

Seven terrestrials, including three in the Goldilocks Zone, around the star TRAPPIST-1.

The star itself is 39 ly away in Aquarius (“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…”), its mass is 0.08 x Sun, and its visual luminosity is 0.0004 x Sun.  Its apparent magnitude (18.8) is close to its absolute magnitude (18.4) because its 39 ly distance is close to the ten parsec (32.6 ly) standard for absolute magnitude.  Plain words, if you want to see TRAPPIST-1, you need a pretty big telescope, and then all you’ll see is a dot.


22 02 2017

New York

Remove it?


Remember, we’ve been instructed for years that that’s the raison d’etre of the Statue.

And also, if you’re going to remove the banner, then you might as well remove Emma Lazarus’s personal op-ed from the base.

Which would suit me just fine.

Otherwise, Holocaust, or something like that.

Hammers and Nails

21 02 2017

Northampton, Massachusetts

No cops giving out high fives at school, because students of color and illegal aliens.

This shows a school called Jackson Street.  Great Schools indicates it as being 62% white and 21% Hispanic, with only 4% black.  So I figure the big concern isn’t the “color” part in as much as it is the “illegal alien” part.  Though probably at least a majority of the Hispanics are Puerto Ricans, who are, thanks to our Navy’s continuing need for coal refueling stations, natural born citizens.

Nah, That Would Be Too Simple

21 02 2017

Waco and Austin, Texas

All the fancy new state laws the Texas state legislature is considering in the wake of the Baylor scandal.

A really simple idea would be for schools not to import violent dindus as ringers to win ballgames.

Problem is, that idea is too simple.  Aside from that, the idea suffers the problem of its advocates having to name the ook.

Horn of Plenty

21 02 2017

Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin

Capital Times:

Michael Johnson to announce $600 million plan to reduce Chicago violence

Boys and Girls Club of Dane County CEO Michael Johnson and other community leaders will introduce a $600 million 15-point plan to reduce violence while at the Chicago Police Department headquarters Thursday.


The framework includes:

Re-purposing $100 million over four years from the correctional system to employ thousands of inner city men
Training and developing peer support coaches for violence prevention
Training and developing peer support coaches for recidivism reduction
Engaging youth in providing solutions with Chicago Peace Project
Providing awards and protection for witnesses who report violent crimes
Employing thousands of youth during summer months
Lobbying for policies that address social justice issues
Providing mentoring and executive coaching for inner city men in the workplace
Providing alternative sentencing for nonviolent offenders
Providing mental health therapy for families
Providing court advocates for low-income individuals 25-years-old and younger
Building new community centers in targeted neighborhoods
Funding robust functional family therapy programs
Providing parent management training classes that includes financial literacy and wealth building
Creating a basic need fund for new emerging workers who struggle with housing and transportation issues.

Reads to me like the CEO of the county level organization of the Boys and Girls Clubs wants us to dump $600 million on the Boys and Girls Clubs so they can supposedly prevent violent crime, but in actuality increase Michael Johnson’s salary.

Walking Back Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

21 02 2017

New York

This whole Milo thing has been personally painful for me, because I’m watching an easily explainable comment ruin someone’s career.

Just as I had a front row seat to the same thing four and a half years ago.

But for it, or but for my hesitance to insist that we totally ignore it and that it’ll blow over by the end of the week, which was my gut instinct, there’s a good chance I’d be working in the White House right now.

Capital Beat

21 02 2017

Jefferson City


A sting operation, which means my brain treads lightly.  In spite of that, you’d have to figure that with a facial countenance like this, he’d be some sort of menace to society.

Though I have to snicker at the fact that four of his five online aliases involve some variant of Mohammed.

And also, that looks like the top part of the WSHH logo tatted on his upper chest.

I Wonder What “Gentle Giant” Is In Swedish

21 02 2017


I guess this means Rinkeby is the Ferguson of Stockholm.

It also means that the world is just a device which in very short order gets around to proving that OCGE is right even if he isn’t technically correct at the time of his statement.

Their Parents Are Lying

21 02 2017


My conclusion?

Their parents lied to the researchers.