13 02 2017


And “Caruthersville” is all I needed.

Speaking of the Bootheel, and of course this mentions next door Hayti, I wonder if Chubby’s is still there.


13 02 2017

Tower Grove South


New York man, 72, shot while visiting St. Louis for birth of grandchild

Police said Kenneth Spalter, 72, of Pound Ridge, New York, was shot when he and a 71-year-old woman were getting out of their parked car in the 3800 block of Juniata before 10:00 Friday night. Police believe two men approached them and demanded their car keys. During the incident, police say a struggle began between Spalter and one of the suspects and one shot was fired.  Spalter was rushed to a St. Louis hospital, where he died.

The two suspects ran from the scene and got into a black vehicle, which fled south of Gustine. No arrests have been made.


“We don’t see crimes of those magnitude here that often it’s been probably a year since we’ve had a homicide and so whenever something like that does happen it really shakes our community,” said Ward 15 Alderwoman Megan Green.

Maybe not, but South Grand from 44 south to Meramec, especially in the Gravois-to-Chippewa stretch, is a volatile mix of literal diversity.  LGBTQ-BLT-BBQ-LOL, domestic blacks, immigrant blacks, a few Hispanics, Bosnians, Indochinese, a smattering of Middle Easterns and South Asians, black bloc, and even some remnants of plain ole native born white St. Louisans, all converge around that area.  Even if you didn’t know better, or know anything about that area, you would get bad vibes by standing on the corner of Grand and Gravois.  Also remember that area was big on Knockout Martin Luther King for awhile; Matt Quain happened on Grand across from the Schnucks, and the trend metastasized at Fanning Middle School which is also right in that area.

And, yes, from this description, the doers in this matter are most likely Dindus.

Somebody Else’s Sequitur

13 02 2017

Frankfort, Kentucky, et al.

Am I supposed to be impressed or mystified?

Something that a lot of people don’t grasp is that national politics, provincial politics and local politics are significantly different games, with different political centers, different homeostatic equilibria, different issue bases.  I could like or dislike a given politician on one level and then have the opposite feeling about him or her on another level.  For instance, I think Scott Walker is a pretty good Wisconsin Governor, but I don’t think he would have made that good of a President, (and you’ll remember he was briefly the Republican front runner before OCGE rode down the escalator, in fact, fulfilling the prediction I made at the time of his announcement, Walker’s was a heretofore top tier candidacy that Trump’s rise wrecked early in the demolition derby), because Walker’s agenda and accomplishments, while credible provincially, don’t scale well up to a national level.  Likewise, I pretty much despised Rahm Emanuel as a Federal politician or quasi-politician, but I think he’s been an okay even if not perfect Chicago Mayor.  Rahm is a liberal by national standards, but by Chicago standards, he’s something of a conservative, and he, as Chicago Mayor, gets something of the same level of heat that national conservative politicians get, for almost the same reason.

Another reason for the difference is that as you step up from local to state to national, the budgets grow by orders of magnitude, and the issue base transitions on the pedantic-existential spectrum.

To bitch about how national Republicans are bickering yet state-level Republicans are cleaning up pedal to the metal is about as reasonable as complaining that the basketball game lasts so long and drags on in real time in contrast to its clock time in contrast to the soccer game which isn’t much longer in real time than clock time.


Intersectionality Laid Bare

13 02 2017

San Francisco

Public nudity.


* Statue of Liberty
* Nation of Immigrants
* Values
* That’s not who we are
* Pablo “They” Gomez
* Zomg Putin
* Black Lives Matter
* Dakota Access Pipeline
* Ecosustainability
* School-to-prison pipeline
* Haven Monahan
* Best and brightest
* Or something like that

Yay, Geraldo

13 02 2017

New Haven, Connecticut

I don’t think much of Geraldo Rivera otherwise, but when he does something good, he should be acknowledged for it.

White Lives Matter

13 02 2017


I know what I’m about to write will be misinterpreted fifty million ways to my next Sunday wrap-up.  If for no other reason alone, because Miss Khogali is so consumed by her own (part) blackness and the consequent contempt for white people (including her own white ancestry) that she royally flubs the science of the matter.

But she understands white people better than most white people do.

Much of what makes us us are genetically recessive traits.

If any people in the world need safe spaces, we do.  Safe spaces made us who we are.

Sunday Wrap-Up

12 02 2017


* What is up with Bob Romanik?  Or rather, what is up with the people who are knawing at him because he pottymouthed a tatted up rapper?  Are we supposed to think that a man in Romanik who has been to Federal prison and operates strip joints over on the East Side is going to speak of every one and thing he has an opinion about in Buckleyite terms?

* About the “Klan leader” down in St. Francois County whose dead body was found a few days ago.  My bet is that it had something to do with meth or heroin.

* A safe haven for LGBTQBLTBBQLOL in the city of St. Louis…is redundant.

A safe haven from what?  The violent homophobic city government, mayor, police departmentThat St. Louis is such a horrible place for gays?

* “We have to start being aware of who’s in the neighborhood…” — Except, by your own standards, good progressives and LGBTQBLTBBQLOL of Tower Grove South, that’s MUH RAYSHUL PWOFYLING.

* That’s very magnanimous of them.  Except, the UK Guardian, definitely a left-of-center publication, definitely disagrees with them about how safe is Natural Bridge Avenue through the city.

* He lives (or lived) along Natural Bridge in the city, but he didn’t do the crime there.  In this case, his bragging about catching a body meant his catching a case.

* Both MICDS and Burroughs have $27K tuition bills for the current school year, (note to self:  resist temptation to kick a current year joke here).  And, how do they reward the parents cutting these big tuition checks?  The daughter of Larry Hughes and the younger sister of Ezekiel “Crop Top” Elliott get into a big fight at a girls’ bouncyball game between the two.  Note:  Elliott is himself a Burroughs alum, while Larry Hughes went to CBC.


* More recognition for the real Rasputin.


* They said it never happened.

* American incarceration or Latin-American freedom?

I know, that would be a tough one, too.

* I love the smell of signed confessions in the evening.  He’s not just admitting to “half his family’s” immigration status, he’s also admitting to their document fraud, and maybe also to their illegal voting.


* Better that Richmond, Virginia compares itself to Chicago than to St. Louis.

* Anyone care to hazard a guess?

* Intersectionality crash alert.

* Turns out that the Dime Store Indian’s stunt was all to hawk her new book.  A book that probably won’t be as clever as her previous book, the one she co-authored with her daughter.

Speaking of which, I have to reiterate, the latter book, The Two-Income Trap, is being used to nail the Dime Store Indian on voucher hypocrisy.  The problem is that I don’t think her and her daughter’s advocacy of vouchers in Trap is really that genuine.  I think it was just a throwaway line to throw a “solution” to “bad schools” out there, because they previously in the narrative (rightly) described a source of middle class economic anxiety as more and more people bidding up housing values in “good school districts.”  Of course, they weren’t going to be so politically incorrect as to tell you that what makes a a good school district good and what makes a bad school district bad are the lack of or the massive presence of NAM students, respectively.

* Definitely a new day.  Next up:  Berkeley.

* I have written here several times on the politics of comparable worth, (and that’s what all this talk about the long-ago solved and non-existent gender pay gap is meant as a run-up to, implementing comparable worth), that it will be carried out by paying men less, not by paying women more.

Here’s a little bit of evidence.

* Every story above has been along Interstate 95.


* Sorry I had to dig down into muck of such stellar credible sources like Media Takeout, but this is the only source which cites him as BLM.  Other more credible sources will call him an “activist” in the generic, or they’ll say he leads anti-Trump resistance in Portland.


* Edmonton Man is the new Minnesota Man.

* More intersectionality problems, I see?

* Remember the Chinese-Canadian bus beheader from several years ago?  Here’s how his case turned out in the end.


* Yet another intersectionality crash alert.  That progressivetard stack fall down go boom.

* Yes, but will it be fully autonomous?

* And I thought I, at almost 40, was too old to be spinning even as semi-professionally as I do it, and “semi-professionally” is a big stretch.

* May be the darkest place in the contiguous country, but even as far as it is from anything, there’s just enough light pollution to cause it to be not at the darkest level of the Bortle Dark Sky Scale, because no place in the contiguous United States is.  When my eldest uncle was still living, his rural property was right on the edge of the best seeing and darkest skies in Missouri, in fact, so good that they don’t regularly present until you get to western Kansas.

* History retconning and resume padding for the sake of social justice?  Well shiver me timbers.

* Meryl Creep is going to stand up against brownshirt tactics.  Which means she’s going to go to Berkeley and get those anarchists told.  Right?

Bell Curve City Keeps Bellcurvin’ On

11 02 2017

Around the Metro

First, an overall assessment of the situation.

The Aldi in Jennings.  Look at the map, and you can see what it’s close to.  If you don’t know because you’re not a St. Louisan, it’s right next to the Fergaza Strip.

Several nights ago, someone shot into a car at 7th and Sidney in Soulard.  Because of the very late hour, I presumed both the perps and vics are black.  Turns out the young woman in the car shot in the back is white.  Stay tuned to this one.

Why Am I Thinking About Andrew Jackson Right Now?

9 02 2017

San Francisco


Beats me.

Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Officially

9 02 2017

Washington, D.C.


Not so long ago, I was thinking that Sessions would be the one standing behind the podium.  Back in 2013, when I predicted that the 2016 Republican nominee would be either (A) An outsider insurgent while running as a Republican and running as a long time elected Republican official, would portray the perception if not the reality that he was engaging in a hostile takeover of the party, or (B) Jeb Bush, I was thinking that Sessions would be the (A).  I was right, in all but the precise identity of the individual.

Curiously, he didn’t state his full legal name when taking the oath a few minutes ago.

Already, Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has named state AG Luther Strange as Sessions’s temporary replacement in the Senate; Strange had every intention to run himself for Senate in 2020 because everyone presumed that even if not for this, Sessions was on his last Senate term anyway.  Therefore, I presume Strange will run himself in the special election in 2018 and then in its normal cycle in 2020 if he wins.  Bentley appointed Strange to get him out of Montgomery because Strange wanted to see Bentley impeached for some reason.  Also, the first time I mentioned Strange in this medium was back in 2006 — Strange beat George Wallace, Jr. in the Republican primary for Lieutenant Governor, but then lost in November to the Democrat, an heir to the long time Folsom political dynasty in the state.  Four years later, Strange came back and won Alabama AG.

You Want a Hot Take?

9 02 2017

Washington, D.C.

Because everyone in our sector is talking about it.

You wanted hot takes, so you’re gonna get them.  Or, rather, you’ll get cuts-and-pastes of my hot takes on AR and OD.




Crack Babies

7 02 2017

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

I had a chance earlier today to think about TFR.  Yeah, I know, I really had a jazzed day.

Anyway, to my amazement, the black American TFR as of 2013 was only 1.88, well below replacement level.  Stories about L’Booshondraniqua having 16 kids by 15 men make for good sensationalist copy, but as it turns out, they’re far more the exception than the rule.

The graph, from a blog that seems to be friendly territory:

Between 1980 and 2013, the only time period in which black TFR was appreciably above RL was 1987 to 1995; otherwise, it hovered close to RL on either side, and since the start of the Great Recession, it fell noticeably below.

One other thing black Americans were infamous for in the 1987 to 1995 time frame was a very eerily similarly sharp bump and then decline in violent crime and homicide rates.

Coincidence?  Or correlated?  Because I can think of an argument for both sides.

If they are correlated, then the irony-o-meter would be busted, because in that case, whatever was causing a higher murder rate was also causing a higher birth rate.

Taking an Opportunity to Miss an Opportunity

7 02 2017

St. Paul, Minnesota

This is why I get paid the big bucks, to fish and ferret out angles that everyone misses to make profound points.

AR and Sailer have already linked to this essay in City Journal about equitypalooza in the St. Paul Public Schools, so many of you have already read it.

Here’s the part that really jumped out at me, but as far as I can tell, didn’t jump out at anyone else:

In November 2015, St. Paul voters vented their frustration with Silva’s policies in a dramatic way. They overwhelmingly elected a new school board with a strong anti-Silva majority. Caucus for Change, a teachers’-union-organized group, engineered the victory.

This is, of course, another example of the mostly unnoticed schism that has opened up in the liberal political universe between neoliberals/plutocrats/SJWs on one side, and the teachers’ unions (mostly NEA and AFT) on the other side.

Ironically and sadly, I’m writing this on the day that Betsy Wetsy was confirmed as and then sworn in as Education Secretary.

I have known for some time that most unionized public school teachers want no part of the neolib/rich/SJW psuedo-moral crusade against them, and they mostly don’t agree with the annual cavalcade of leftard political resolutions that officially emanate from the NEA and AFT.  This is why the union in St. Paul organized to swab the deck of the equity wackadoodles and replace them with relatively sane people, because teachers, union members, were constantly getting assaulted, and even beyond that, the discipline-exempt wild dindu students were making actual education all but impossible.

Teachers’ unions can be picked off and a permanent wedge between they and the Democrat/left can be driven into the ground.  In fact, it never had to be the case where they were ever that tight.

It is said way too often that social issues are the opiate of the right.  In reality, the opiate of the right for a long time, a drug habit not kicked until very recently, about the time the OCGE rode down the escalator, was libertarian economic ideology.  For the many reasons that its influence was a political success retardant, it started a doomsday machine which drove the right and teachers’ unions further and further apart, when by all rights, considering all the other factors, they should have been getting closer and closer together.  The right’s economic libertarianism and the resultant disdain for public education was the initial spark that drove public school teachers and their unions into the hands of the Democrats and the left.  Once they got there, this only gave the Republicans and the right the incentive to be all the more hostile to teachers’ unions.  As the blogger Education Realist has amply demonstrated, voucher mania, which started on the boilerplate Republican right, but later became a neoliberal obsession, really had nothing to do with conservative virtue signaling for the educational well being of black students, because the politics of vouchers were pushed in big cities but not in the black belt of the Deep South.  No, the real reason for vouchers was busting the NEA and AFT, so that it decouples the Democrat Party from its prime funding source.  EdReal’s hint is that the teachers in big black cities are almost entirely union, whilst teachers in the Deep South black belt are not.  The NEA and AFT figured out what was going on, and only ran further away from the right.  The vicious cycle continued:  The NEA and AFT co-signed the kook left’s agenda, which drove the right further way and made them more hostile, on and on it went.  However, the right is to blame for setting the doomsday machine in motion.

If the greater American right had ditched the milk jug of economic libertarian ideology on the expiration date printed on its carton, and not let it linger in its refrigerator, then it would have been able to open itself up to more creative political strategy about education policy and trying to make friends with the teachers’ unions.  Sure, the Jews are always a problem, and we all know that they will always use their influence to cock block genuinely nationalist politics.  But that doesn’t mean that the right couldn’t have nuanced the politics of the situation to something more fruitful than economic libertarianism but not to a point where the Jews would have dropped the hammer.  Like I said, the Republicans and the right have been trying to separate the unions from the Democrats for a long time, but they did it in such a way where the results were just the opposite.

A golden opportunity to stop the doomsday machine presented itself starting several years back, when the neolib/rich/SJW colossus overtook the teachers’ unions within the Democrat Party in terms of being able to swing the policy stick, a stick that winds up being beaten against the heads of unionized teachers.  As you can read in this City Journal article.

Enter Donald Trump.  He broke the blue wall of the Electoral College in no small part because he was the Republican nominee for President who in the post-Reagan era most openly broke with economic libertarianism.  So what does he do?  He falls right back into the same swamp he pulled his (adopted) political party out of with this dunderhead pick of Betsy Wetsy.  She’s personally no worse than any other vouchers-uber-alles advocate, and like most well to do conservatives or Republicans or their silver spoon wives who advocate vouchers, she outsources her thinking on education policy to the nearest libertarian/ish ideologue.  The reason I think it’s a bad pick was because she gives the left an excuse to paper over its internal civil war on education, which at least for now they have.  Remember, we want to drive Davis Guggenheim and Randi Weingarten further apart, not closer together.  At the very least, Trump should have picked someone who would not have made such kissing-and-making up possible, and ideally, he should have picked someone who would have exacerbated it, and the only way to do that would have been to pick a union sympathizer.  My recommendation was the aforementioned blogger Education Realist.  The weird part about that is that there is an identifiable conveyor belt from EdReal straight to Trump personally — Steve Sailer reads EdReal and EdReal often comments on Sailer, Ann Coulter reads Sailer, Steve Bannon reads Coulter and Breitbart runs her columns, and Bannon works directly for Trump and has his ear.

I think that this could well be the biggest wasted opportunity of the OCGE’s years in power in terms of practical politics, which in turn is a wasted opportunity to knock the social justice agenda flat on its ass.

School or Prison Pipeline

7 02 2017


Chanel the Dindu was problematic at the first high school he attended.

Yet, none of that ever showed up on his disciplinary records.

Why not?

That’s an easy one:  It’s this equity boo sheet, all the paranoia about the school-to-prison pipeline, SJW screeching about suspension gaps.

IOW, they took great pains not to throw him into the school-to-prison pipeline.

Yet, he wound up there anyway.

Room and Board?

7 02 2017

San Francisco

San Francisco Chronicle:

SF reaches deal for free tuition at City College

City College of San Francisco will be free of charge to all city residents under a deal announced Monday by Mayor Ed Lee and Supervisor Jane Kim that college trustees hope will lead to an enrollment jolt and more state funding for the school.

Under the agreement, which is expected to take effect in the fall, the city will pay $5.4 million a year to buy out the $46-a-credit fee usually paid by students.

The city’s contribution will also provide $250 a semester to full-time, low-income students who already receive a state-funded fee waiver. They will be able to use the money to pay for books, transportation, school supplies and health fees. Part-time students with fee waivers will get $100 a semester for the same purpose.

“Now we can say to California resident students that your City College is free,” Lee said at a City Hall news conference with Kim, City College trustees, faculty members, acting Chancellor Susan Lamb and others. “This is a good story.”

Cool.  They’ve got everything squared away.  Now all they need to do is figure out where they’re going to come up with the $6,000 a month to rent a place to live.

“Blogmeister, is this your snarky way of saying that it’s all moot and it’s all a PR/virtue signaling/political stunt because the people who could benefit from it can’t afford to live there anyway?”

You’re a quick study, peanut gallery.

Rahm’s Chill Pill

7 02 2017


His political coping strategy here in the Era of the OCGE:

Cozy up to John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

Lemme know how that works out for ya.

Personally, I think you’re siding with the wrong horses.

Hey Guys, She’s Available

7 02 2017

Bellingham, Washington


And I’m sure she’ll be a hot commodity on the dating market.

Here’s something that jumped out at me:  She’s a retired California prison guard, yet she’s living in Washington state, north of Seattle, in fact, the northernmost significant city along I-5 before you get to the Absurdistani border.  Why isn’t this progressive queen who ditched her 22-year husband and marriage because of politics living in the progressive paradise of California?

Oh, yeah, right, that cost of living thing.

And also, a prison guard?  As in prisons, as in those institutions full of WE WUZ KANGS who dindu nuffins, only they got caught up in the school-to-prison pipeline because some evil privileged white teacher threw them in.

“Mother of Ten”

7 02 2017

Miami Gardens, Florida


And quite the weave aficionado, too.

To the heart of the matter:

Smith told 7News she believes the person or people behind the drive-by shooting were targeting her 17-year-old son because of a fight he had gotten into more than a year ago. “Leave my child alone!” Smith said.

Now hold up.  It was just about five current years ago that we were assured that 17-year old guys from Miami Gardens were all pure saints, with their Skittles, bottled iced tea and cough syrup in tow.

She’s Gotta Get Away

7 02 2017

Palm Beach, Florida

The jokes write themselves.

Lorena Bobbitt wasn’t there?

Hard Work

7 02 2017

British Virgin Islands

Hey, Rush, look!  Here’s Obama vigorously defending his legacy, just as you predicted he would.

Though I remember someone making a counter-prediction that Obama would do no such thing because it’s too much like work, which he does as little of as necessary.

Meaningless Piece of Paper

7 02 2017

Jefferson City

About the piece of paper that Gov. Greitens put his John Hancock on yesterday:

It won’t result in the utopia he thinks it will, and it won’t be the disaster that those who wishes he wouldn’t have signed think it will.

Butterfly Effect

7 02 2017

Berkeley, California et al.

There haven’t been many “anarchists” (communists) and “antifas” (profas) arrested, tagged, bagged and mugged as a result of whatever color George Soros as chosen to name the revolution he’s fomenting.  But of the few that there have been, I’ve come to a disturbing conclusion:

Just about all of these left-wing troublemakers have virtually the same countenance as our side’s troublemakers.

Which means that a malcontent is a malcontent, and the factors which determine whether they’ll be hard left troublemakers or hard right troublemakers are very marginal and dime thin.

Just change a wee slight few circumstances, and it would have been the Charleston Nutbar throwing Molotov Cocktails around UC Berkeley, and it would have been a typical Oakland black bloc-er who shot up black church women in Charleston.

Sunday Wrap-Up (One Day Late)

6 02 2017


* What’s going on in Soulard?

This was just last night, but there have been a spate of them.

* Point of order:  This was in LaSalle Park, namely, the King Louis Square replacement for the Darst-Webbe, not Lafayette Square.  But it’s close enough, too close for comfort.

* Downtown, too.

* Now let’s head south to Dutchtown.

* Nothing ever became him in life like the leaving of it.  Do the subtraction, and he was all of 15 in that MODOC mugshot.

* Yeah, well, nobody ever took the “massage therapy” label literally anyway.

* Just like when this idea was floated in St. Peters, if the car dealers don’t want it, they’ll find a way to kill it.  They swing big sticks.  Furthermore, the problem is that this kind of thing can’t be piecemeal:  You can’t have one-way outers in St. Charles, two-way outers in St. Peters, and then one-way outers in part of O’Fallon, then two-way outers in LSL and Wentzville.  Really, they should be one-way through the entire developed part of 70 in St. Charles County, all the way from the Fifth Street exit just over the bridge to the future interchange with the future David Hoekel Parkway in Wentzville.


* All the talk is about Steve Bannon, when in reality, the real Rasputin is Stephen Miller.

In related news, look what my good blogging buddy Sab found.

* Norm Matloff gets some inches in HuffPo to praise the OCGE on H-xB reform.


* I thought travel bans were evil.

* Future fact.  Someone please tell me the plausible path of reality where this doesn’t need to happen.

* SPLC pesters the school not to punish black troublemakers.  School acquiesces.  Black troublemakers go even more wild.  SPLC warns the school not to punish them.  I’m getting dizzy.

* Pro-Choice.

* The White Death isn’t just a middle-aged thing.

* Affordable Family Formation.  It is, as the subjects of this article might say, a thing.  Likewise, as the author of this piece kinda-sorta states, I don’t buy into the manufactured hoopla that Millennials are cool with never really owning anything.  It’s not that they’re cool with it, it’s that they can’t afford to own the real big ticket items.  Because of that, corporate popular media are brainwashing them with a message that “rentership is cool” because they want them to be adapted to serfdom.

* If he thinks that hard work doesn’t really help blacks, then let’s see what his reaction would be if his black players skip every practice, every lifting session, every training session.

* FOIA requests on the FBI decoupling itself from the SPLC are finally being honored.  Turns out that Corkins/FRC was the catalyst.


* Space news, really no commentary to add, so I’ll just say one is pretty close to home, and the other is pretty far away.


6 02 2017


A state park.


Because, Smokey says, or something like that.

Microsoft. Amazon.

6 02 2017



Mr. Occam approves of the title.

Only Human After All

6 02 2017


Update on a story I briefly discussed back in December.

The punishment has been mostly reversed.

In the update, there is this curious paragraph:

“In addition to the specific allegations outlined in their complaint, the women’s soccer team also raised broader concerns about gender-related issues on our campus,” the university statement reads. It was sent out to the community Monday morning. “The university has efforts underway to address these issues. But there always is more we can – and should – do to deepen awareness and sensitivity.”

Which means there was mostly no there there when it came to initial allegations.  It’s just that the lesbians on the lesbian team wanted to make or score political points relating to some gripe they had about WU not caring enough about lesbians, so they wrapped it up in making up mostly unfounded allegations against their men counterparts.


In Alphabetical Order

6 02 2017

Your Blogmeister’s Desk

With the way 84 Lumber, Anheuser-Busch and Audi poured on the social justice warriorism in their Super Bowl ads, I guess they’re doing it in alphabetical order.

Audi’s ad was a curious case, because taken literally, they were confessing to illegal pay discrimination.  When someone pressed them, they responded with a very familiar retort.

Luke Bryan

5 02 2017


He got to do the National Anthem at the Super Bowl.

My favorite song of his.

Parkway, WTF?

5 02 2017


What was the victim suspended for?  

Was he the white kid they suspended for no good reason just to balance out the race stats?

The Old Man Is Rolling Over In His Grave

5 02 2017


A-B InBev’s xenophilic Super Bowl buy is going to have you think that A-B’s first generation founders were penniless refugees.

Believe me, they were no such thing.

In related news, a few years ago, A-B InBev moved its advertising division out of Soulard and to New York.